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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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chief bigsmoke

Active member
I subscribe to Steiner and his metaphysical beliefs




Just to be clear - I have no issue with Steiner's writings or Demeter Group at all. There is a handful of farmers in Oregon that are certified organic by Demeter Group. Something like 96 - not many. In fact the USA national office for Demeter is located in the Willamette Valley. The state organization is active in the general area of organic food production with many members of Oregon Tilth as well as Demeter Group. They have a contribution to make and I always stop at their booths at the various trade shows and seminars.

Difficult way to produce organic food for retail - really difficult. And growing organic produce is a guaranteed profit in the PNW. Distribution is a typical issue but certainly not for lack of a demand.

Horizon Herbs is certified Biodynamic for example.



Gone but NOT forgotten...
The ol' burried horn filled with one of the BD concoctions is 'interesting' - but only if you bury it under a full moon. Don't want to forget that part or it could be a failure. Imagine that a single horn in the middle of 30 acres can pull that much 'lunar power' down to the soil.

And then there's the buried stag's heart - try ordering that at a meat counter sometime.

No no no...you fill it with salted cheese...and then spin in concentric circles on your head....get it right Mr.


aka "Doc"
Oh great...these two clowns....please take your fucking dumbass bullshit elsewhere. You guys argue over the stupidest shit...and then argue with eachother when there's no one feeding your troll holes....

Beat it....kick rocks...exit the thread...you fools are not a part a realistic recycled living organic soil trip...so get out. Seriously..get the fuck out. I'm not a cop caller so....I'll just say kick fucking rocks scrubs.

Your methods are bullshit...beat it~:thank you:
Some peoples kids......

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You gotta excuse me sometimes I forget that not everyone is from my tribe--we think out of the box, look for unconventional answers, challenge authority when possible, and verify our conclusions with others and facts.

I respect your opinion about my methods--that is your right (opinions are something that can not be debated). Now...if you got some meat behind those words (facts or observations), then lets share them and learn; it is always best to be opened minded, tolerant of others, and respect opposing views. But there is nothing wrong about holding peoples feet to the fire when they are wrong (and boy, my feet have been burned a few times!).


BTW...the linked pdf is about an interesting product, Thalassa Mix (Ocean Gold)--which is a fusion of Biodynamics and Sea Minerals (something I know nothing about--other than what I have read here on ICMAG and the pdf). https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-uKEpqiYt0MM2IwYWFjNmItNWQzYi00YWY0LWE3YWMtMTk4YTRjNGUwZDI0/edit?pli=1


Gone but NOT forgotten...
You gotta excuse me sometimes I forget that not everyone is from my tribe--we think out of the box, look for unconventional answers, challenge authority when possible, and verify our conclusions with others and facts.

I respect your opinion about my methods--that is your right (opinions are something that can not be debated). Now...if you got some meat behind those words (facts or observations), then lets share them and learn; it is always best to be opened minded, tolerant of others, and respect opposing views. But there is nothing wrong about holding peoples feet to the fire when they are wrong (and boy, my feet have been burned a few times!).


BTW...the linked pdf is about an interesting product, Thalassa Mix (Ocean Gold)--which is a fusion of Biodynamics and Sea Minerals (something I know nothing about--other than what I have read here on ICMAG and the pdf). https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-u...QzYi00YWY0LWE3YWMtMTk4YTRjNGUwZDI0/edit?pli=1

Shut 'er down...son.

I got yer meat ....



aka "Doc"
Shut 'er down...son.

I got yer meat ....

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Nice pics sir! Not too sure how they help in your argument about my methods being "bullshit". Put differently, your "excellence" does not equate to "failures" for everyone else.

I learned years ago, for advanced growers--there is no right or wrong, just different shades of perfection.


Gone but NOT forgotten...
Nice pics sir! Not too sure how they help in your argument about my methods being "bullshit". Put differently, your "excellence" does not equate to "failures" for everyone else.

I learned years ago, for advanced growers--there is no right or wrong, just different shades of perfection.


Beat it scrub...



I dunno know - some sea salt, 'kelp' from a Chinese chemical company and of course the airplane de-icer and you could be doing much better!

no guts - no glory


A Miracle Grow deficiency.

C'mon start another thread for different methods. You can probably get as many views and replies.
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