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Bonzo BoUnCeS back...:)


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good morning my friends!

fed the girls last night with the X...7.5/10...5ml cal mag....some X amino blast and drip clean...

im still findin' a few fuckin' fliers after the bomb....i see nothing else...no crawlers of any kind...maybe these are fungus gnats? they dont act like fungus gnats...i swear these fuckers see ya comin'! and try to hide!

i keep a spray bottle of IMID around and blast em when i see em...

its been a long time since ive had plants in flower but to me these seem to be developing kinda slow and small...but maybe im just overthinkin things...bein' impatient...

one of the OGRE moms started showing major deficiencies a couple weeks ago...figured root aphids...got pretty bad and then her main stem just broke...i cut her down a week ago...pulled her out of the pot and nothing in the roots...no bugs of any kind...she was in soil...

i dunno man...

so....the plants in veg look pretty good...im really excited about the Green Crack/Mango...she has prolific branching...very vigorous...and from my friends pics she is awesome! and done in 58 days! lookin forward to makin seeds with her...

im just kinda rambling....will try to get some pics...



Active member
Find it hard to believe anything survived the first wave of bombing, but maybe they just hadn't hatched yet. Set off another bomb bonz, if even one survives they will come back with a vengence. Remember this is war, take no prisoners :biggrin: Also the reason I recommended multiple IMID dunks ;). As for the slow development, might be all in your head, or it might be the imid slowing them down. It took about a week, but it has stunted my clones a bit. Sounds like the orge was experiencing root rot/damping off :moon:. Anyway here's hoping you are just overthinking your bud development, and a :woohoo: for some :kewlpics:


Active member
Hey there buddy long time no see.... glad to see you are still kicking ass bro!!!
Root aphids are the devil bro ive dealt with them lil fuckers and let me tell you they are not as easy as it seems brotha and getting rid of them is almost impossible during flower so if you can pull all the guns out now and cross your fingers that you can keep them at bay till harvest!!!! i was able to finish with an okay harvest during my fight with them but it wasnt easy and did take dedication!!!

here is what i used in my battle....

Mightey wash
mosquito dunks

i also would wash them fuckers off when transplanting...
spray azamax on the roots when transplanting and do dunks in the azamax mosquito dunks.....

remember they have three stages of life and are constantly multiplying.... so be consistant and just ride this one out start new cuts and move them away if possible and when all is done clean the shit outta your room and start over!!!

i fought aphids and powdery mildew on a grow that i depended alot on and it was work man but if you are on your shit it shouldnt be a problem....

best of luck and any help just let me know ive heard good things about a spore called met52 it kills aphids but is kinda pricey....



Active member
Find it hard to believe anything survived the first wave of bombing, but maybe they just hadn't hatched yet. Set off another bomb bonz, if even one survives they will come back with a vengence. Remember this is war, take no prisoners :biggrin: Also the reason I recommended multiple IMID dunks ;). As for the slow development, might be all in your head, or it might be the imid slowing them down. It took about a week, but it has stunted my clones a bit. Sounds like the orge was experiencing root rot/damping off . Anyway here's hoping you are just overthinking your bud development, and a for some

I found it hard to believe too D but...the lil' fuckers are still there however...i think they may be fungus gnats and i'll explain in a sec...

Hey there buddy long time no see.... glad to see you are still kicking ass bro!!!
Root aphids are the devil bro ive dealt with them lil fuckers and let me tell you they are not as easy as it seems brotha and getting rid of them is almost impossible during flower so if you can pull all the guns out now and cross your fingers that you can keep them at bay till harvest!!!! i was able to finish with an okay harvest during my fight with them but it wasnt easy and did take dedication!!!

here is what i used in my battle....

Mightey wash
mosquito dunks

i also would wash them fuckers off when transplanting...
spray azamax on the roots when transplanting and do dunks in the azamax mosquito dunks.....

remember they have three stages of life and are constantly multiplying.... so be consistant and just ride this one out start new cuts and move them away if possible and when all is done clean the shit outta your room and start over!!!

i fought aphids and powdery mildew on a grow that i depended alot on and it was work man but if you are on your shit it shouldnt be a problem....

best of luck and any help just let me know ive heard good things about a spore called met52 it kills aphids but is kinda pricey....


Good to see you again Dro! i really cant wait to start over...this run isnt lookin' good...

So...lets get up to speed here...day ummm...couple weeks into flower or so...

plants look sick (bad sick :D)

air temps 70 to 78 (really stoked that temps are that stable):woohoo: been in the mid to upper 90's last couple days

humidity 50 to 60

last feed: X nutes base (D's mix :D)about 800 ppm base + 5 ml cal mag & sm90 per gal...drip clean

been mixin' H20 at about 2 pts RO to 1 pt tap....with strait RO PH drops to 5.5...im more comfy with 5.8 ish...

as far as the Amino Blast goes it mixes well at first but "seperates after a day and turns into particles in the rez so....any input there?

as far as the bugs go, i pulled 2 of the plants and checked the roots...not a bug to be seen...anywhere. I'm beginning to think that maybe the fliers are fungus gnats...the root aphids that i saw were the tiny white ones all over the rims of the pots...they dont go from tiny white fuckers to fliers do they? so no bugs in roots no bugs anywhere that i can see but still fliers...have to be gnats eh? gettin some dunks tomorrow..

like i said plants look sick...buds are forming but they look sparse...leaves are kinda cupped...and just plain shitty lookin'...they have had some chlorosis here and there and some deformed hooked leaves and i popped onto a thread about TMV...could it possibly be TMV?

some of the lower leave are yellowing

some pics...

best lookin' plant is the mom in Ocean Forrest soil...


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Mountain High

By the looks of those, I'd say you are winning the fight. Just keep at it!

Do you think the leaf damage is caused from the RA's or the imid drench? Did you see that happen before the imid treatment? Doesn't look like TMV to me. Is that happening to just the lower leaves? Large/ old leaves?


Active member
:thank you:Howdy MH! :)

the chlorosis has been here and there before the IMID not really specific to lower or odler leaves but at that point i was battling "MAG" def so...thought it was related...and at this point it might be...i just dont know...the yellowing is lower/older leaves...

the plant in the pics is on the upper shelf so her main top does not get direct light...tops on lower shelf look better....

i dunno Dude? on one hand i wanna just start over but thats not really happnin' at this point...if i had enough power i could run a bumper of Green Crack and friends under 2 600's but...under powered...

could this be just some gnarly nute def at this point or results of IMID treatments?

im open to all suggestions:whee:


Registered User
Check u'r run-off pH bonz... It's fuckin w the P and K... At least that was my issue w nuked the coir w a heavy imid drench... Might have damaged my roots too (dunno)... Some went a lighter tan color. But the pH took me better part of two weeks to correct.

And if u have fliers... Likely not the aphids... They rarely take flight, much prefer to crawl. Tiny mite sized crawlers (mostly white to off-white) could likely just be soil mites... In every coir run I'v seen in person. Some of them just aren't wiped out by imid... True survivors. Peace man


Active member
I think it looks like mite damage. Something is sucking on the veins of the leaves and messing up the growth. I can't really see much more from the pics, sorry bonz. I've had just about every bug though... Get some Forbid 4F... ;) You can find it on ebay in 7mL bottles for $20 shipped. Now when I take clones, I'll be dipping them in SM-90 and miticide... A clean start every time. You can also get Malathion at the HD for like $20... I've had good success with that as well. The forbid is the shit though.

I also get pH issues from Imid as MIway stated... I had a bunch of leaves die before growth return to normal. So maybe check the pH before spraying chems... seeing how you just dropped a bomb...


Active member
Check u'r run-off pH bonz... It's fuckin w the P and K... At least that was my issue w nuked the coir w a heavy imid drench... Might have damaged my roots too (dunno)... Some went a lighter tan color. But the pH took me better part of two weeks to correct.

And if u have fliers... Likely not the aphids... They rarely take flight, much prefer to crawl. Tiny mite sized crawlers (mostly white to off-white) could likely just be soil mites... In every coir run I'v seen in person. Some of them just aren't wiped out by imid... True survivors. Peace man

howdy Miway:)

i was gonna do that (check run=off) the other day and i ran outa time...looks like that might be it...im on it...do you remember if the IMID drench took your PH up or down?

yeah these were tiny crawlers...but fast lil fuckers...they are gone at this point (from what i van see) :D gonna get a Loop or something to identify the fliers positively..

I think it looks like mite damage. Something is sucking on the veins of the leaves and messing up the growth. I can't really see much more from the pics, sorry bonz. I've had just about every bug though... Get some Forbid 4F... You can find it on ebay in 7mL bottles for $20 shipped. Now when I take clones, I'll be dipping them in SM-90 and miticide... A clean start every time. You can also get Malathion at the HD for like $20... I've had good success with that as well. The forbid is the shit though.

I also get pH issues from Imid as MIway stated... I had a bunch of leaves die before growth return to normal. So maybe check the pH before spraying chems... seeing how you just dropped a bomb...

howdy bobble:)

dude when you say mite damage what kind of mites? i have inspected plants pretty well...none on leaves anywhere...russet mites? those fuckers hang in the roots and are microscopic? i know pics suck ass! new cam soon as i can...i have allready treated some coco that i used for cuts and youngins and will be doin all coco from now on....lookin' into forbid...

checkin run-off soon as lights come on tonite...:)

:thank you:


Active member
Russet mites look like little white worms that hang out under the leaves... They will make the leaves twist and turn... And eat the pistils and trichomes off a flowering plant.

If your pH is off and P and K are out of whack, then the plants don't have what they need to grow right. I hope it's just pH cause that could account for everything. While the plants are infested, they can't eat like they should or would normally, and nutes can accumulate in the root zone if you don't have runoff.... So check the runoff.

Oh, and nobody is gonna send Forbid to you... My bad, i wasn't thinking...


Hey :)
I think they are looking good! The yellowing of leaves on the bottom, is in my experience, totally normal and happens on almost every plant. The more hungry strains I have tend to do it more noticeably than the strains that feed less.. since I only have one res and I tend to keep it on the lower end for the light feeders... the heavy feeders get a lot of yellow bottom leaves, and they die and fall off. As far as the leaf thing, sometimes clones have have some strange leaf things going on I've noticed. Like one of my clones which I Have a dozen others of, has crazy weird, twisted looking leaves - and it's the same clone as the rest! It's leaves have that shaved-off look in some of your pics even. I've also noticed, the plants that grow up past the light, sometimes their leaves react to that by doing weird things. The tallest of my plants that grow up past the light, the leaves all curl down. Makes it look like nitrogen overdose, but I know it's not that.. just the plants probably confused and wondering why they just over passed the sun! :) If they are all looking like the second set of pics there, I think you're looking at a good harvest.. look perfectly fine and healthy to me at least. I would just be patient.. don't over-do things, and let 'em do their thing for a while if it were me.


Active member
Last time I had leaves that only had parts turn yellow like that was when I had root damage. My root damage was from being root bound with some root rot at the bottoms and a huge fungus gnat problem. Looks like a root isue to me.


Active member
Last time I had leaves that only had parts turn yellow like that was when I had root damage. My root damage was from being root bound with some root rot at the bottoms and a huge fungus gnat problem. Looks like a root isue to me.

I agree i know for a fact that Root aphids will cause your plants to show all types of problems and that being said when you treat for the aphids it will take a day or so for your plants to bounce back and start performing again i just planned my grow like this....

Treat before flower with as much as you can...
wait till middle of 2nd week of flower and water with azamax
then every week i sprayed with mighty wash and watered with a light azamax soulution....

remember its going to be a full grow with them no matter what bro just hit em and start truckin cause the longer you wait the more damage them fuckers do!!!

i stalled 2 months and really kick myself in the ass for it because it set me 2 months behind but now im rid of them and hope to never have em again!!!

best of luck bro and if you have any questions HOlla!!!



Registered User
Hey bonz... If I recall properly, the imid dropped my pH into the reds... 5-4's... And that was a cple days after the app, as I usually pH my treatments anyway... So something changed in medium itself. Tho quite frankly, now ya got me second guessin myself as I did all sorts of treatments just to kill those soil mites, and think the neem and oils raised my pH, tho I did oil burn some roots then too... Lol. Pretty sure the imid dropped it. Check out oribitid mites... Like a thou+ varieties it could be. Won't harm u'r roots one bit tho... Actually my healthiest grows were back in coir, with the mites... My treatments did more harm. Lol. Peace man


Active member
Russet mites look like little white worms that hang out under the leaves... They will make the leaves twist and turn... And eat the pistils and trichomes off a flowering plant.

If your pH is off and P and K are out of whack, then the plants don't have what they need to grow right. I hope it's just pH cause that could account for everything. While the plants are infested, they can't eat like they should or would normally, and nutes can accumulate in the root zone if you don't have runoff.... So check the runoff.

Oh, and nobody is gonna send Forbid to you... My bad, i wasn't thinking...

those mites sound GNARLY bobble...i am 99.99999% sure that i am mite free at this point :woohoo: knock on wood!

so the forbid is forbidden? haaaaaaaaaa!!!

Hey :)
I think they are looking good! The yellowing of leaves on the bottom, is in my experience, totally normal and happens on almost every plant. The more hungry strains I have tend to do it more noticeably than the strains that feed less.. since I only have one res and I tend to keep it on the lower end for the light feeders... the heavy feeders get a lot of yellow bottom leaves, and they die and fall off. As far as the leaf thing, sometimes clones have have some strange leaf things going on I've noticed. Like one of my clones which I Have a dozen others of, has crazy weird, twisted looking leaves - and it's the same clone as the rest! It's leaves have that shaved-off look in some of your pics even. I've also noticed, the plants that grow up past the light, sometimes their leaves react to that by doing weird things. The tallest of my plants that grow up past the light, the leaves all curl down. Makes it look like nitrogen overdose, but I know it's not that.. just the plants probably confused and wondering why they just over passed the sun! :) If they are all looking like the second set of pics there, I think you're looking at a good harvest.. look perfectly fine and healthy to me at least. I would just be patient.. don't over-do things, and let 'em do their thing for a while if it were me.

good stuff shorts and dude... lights just came on and they actually look pretty darn good! sometimes the best thing to do is nothing...but water/feed...let em grow...heal from the IMID..

hey in your stadium do you train em towards the light or remove rear growth? the GC looks like the perfect stadium plant...

Last time I had leaves that only had parts turn yellow like that was when I had root damage. My root damage was from being root bound with some root rot at the bottoms and a huge fungus gnat problem. Looks like a root isue to me.

thanks handy! good call...ya know i checked roots on a few of em and one had less root growth...and i think it was one of the ones with the yellowing leaves...i dunno...my first run with strait coco and im hand watering so i think my inconsistencies may have something to do with that...

I agree i know for a fact that Root aphids will cause your plants to show all types of problems and that being said when you treat for the aphids it will take a day or so for your plants to bounce back and start performing again i just planned my grow like this....

Treat before flower with as much as you can...
wait till middle of 2nd week of flower and water with azamax
then every week i sprayed with mighty wash and watered with a light azamax soulution....

remember its going to be a full grow with them no matter what bro just hit em and start truckin cause the longer you wait the more damage them fuckers do!!!

i stalled 2 months and really kick myself in the ass for it because it set me 2 months behind but now im rid of them and hope to never have em again!!!

best of luck bro and if you have any questions HOlla!!!


thanks Dro! i do have a bit of Azamax left and may give em a dose...and im glad you are apid free!!

Hey bonz... If I recall properly, the imid dropped my pH into the reds... 5-4's... And that was a cple days after the app, as I usually pH my treatments anyway... So something changed in medium itself. Tho quite frankly, now ya got me second guessin myself as I did all sorts of treatments just to kill those soil mites, and think the neem and oils raised my pH, tho I did oil burn some roots then too... Lol. Pretty sure the imid dropped it. Check out oribitid mites... Like a thou+ varieties it could be. Won't harm u'r roots one bit tho... Actually my healthiest grows were back in coir, with the mites... My treatments did more harm. Lol. Peace man

howdy MIway! your post brings me to my question of the day!

whats the best way to check and then adjust run-off?

i would imagine if i feed at 5.8 for example and the run-off comes in at 4.8 i would need to feed with a PH of?

should i do a runoff test on one plant...get a reading and then feed all at that adjusted PH? in other words assume that if one is off they all should be relatively the same?

does that make sense?

thanks again fellas for all the input!! if this crop comes out okay its because all the input from you! :woohoo:

gonna look up them mites too MIway

:thank you:


Active member
so i was thinkin' bout the run-off thing and decided to try it on one of the OGRE cuts i have in veg...shes about a foot tall...still in a 16 oz beer cup...i treated all of them with IMID...i watered with 5.66 PH it came out at (i origanally posted 3.39...oops) it was 5.39...:D

gonna do one of the big girls...


Registered User
It didn't want to move for me, not initially. I'd do em at 6.5+, but under 7... And heavy, multiple feeds w I did. Gotta let em dry a bit between, so it was like a full two weeks to correct... Would just keep comin out low, and want to stay low...??? Never really understood what was causing it tho... Just lots of P iSsues, the the K showed too. In my head tho, if I mixed at 6.5 and got out 5.3 at the runoff... I reasoned it was even lower in the medium itself... The ro was somehwere in between the source and the medium. Run a normal amount of pH'd feed and test, then do it a second time right aftwerward... If I recall, the second time might even show a lower pH... It just took time to correct for. Plants kinda stalled, and even got an off yellowing on the new shoots that looked iron issues... Dunno. Never understood w was really goin on in the medium chemistry.

It will correct tho bonz... ;-). Peace bro

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