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Is OGK still the most sought after cut(s) on the boards? ?

Tom Hill

Active member
DNA testing and genetic profiling of cannabis goes back further than that but it is damn near worthless in a court of law. That Joe happens to be growing the same clone as some guy in S. Africa proves nothing further. It is all just saber rattling that even the most pathetic of litigators would have laughed out of court and is why it is not used in that capacity, they all know this.

"DNA testing has almost unlimited potential in helping patients and breeders" was the only thing worth taking away from the post. And yes the rest is tinfoil hat territory.

As to subliminal spamming there is no money in DNA testing, it comes out of pocket in hopes of furthering our collective understanding. There is no percentage in stifling information gleaned from such endeavors.

AN OG thread drifting from the original topic,,,,, imagine that. -T


Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
there were only a few decent OG hybs at first with SOLs hyb and the MkUltra which most couldnt grow well enough to judge....then folks show lil green buds of a Kush hyb and call it top shelf?..no thanks....those strung out pics of OGK dont look like OGK...it yields and can be a beast of a plant..
The orig was very earthy and spicy...Then teh Lomons poped up and took over as it needed a more wide range to its effect profile which the Lemon added...I believe it was the lemon thai hybs that did best....From there folks just took that name sake and ran with it like mad...no idea way cause it was never that great anyway...

This is only my view and it really is moot...Im only sayin that this pic of OGKush which Im not sure who grew this but this is exactly what OGK looked like in early-mid 2k...and it wans;t called Tahoe, SFV, or anything special beside OG Kush which even back then it was a cloudy subject and no one was sure if it ment..Oger, OceanGrown or OriginalGansta...now a days its as good as lost thanks to the scene callin everything OG...bravo...


  • OGpic2.jpg
    42 KB · Views: 14


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I am a little confused. Which strain, OG, Bubba or PK is the one known to originally have no skunk smell? And, I have a hard time discerning the three, what are the differences in regards to smell, taste, growth structure, yield ect. And I am talking about the originals from early 2000 on. Thanks, I hope this made sense lol!



Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
TGT....it should't be that hard...a Kush tone itself is a floral mint tone thats very hard to describe really...Incense, Hashy, floral-mint-earthy Fig or caramel tones on some..
Spice tones for me come more from Paki ver of Kushes so its best to learn a bit on a few Kush types before standing on any Kush ground...
Hindu's IMO mainly carry this tone as do some Mazars and a few other Affi-Kush hybs..
as Kush itself is only a migrated mountain type Afghan...Some up the mountain some in the Maz valley and some over in the Paki region...
Pure Kush has a very nice pure Kush tone but its not as outstanding as Bubba for some reason although can be stronger than the Mazar Kush tone which can come off sweet fig-ish...
Bubba has a few tones which make her easy to locate..Coffee tones, floral-spicy and very pungent she is...
the older OG's Ive known were mainly flat earthy-musky kushes...Like being in the woods after a rain and you smell mushrooms and fungus with this nice flat kush spice tone or a fresh Ocean breeze tone..Also a bit hard to describe but the more you mess with the more you can differ between them..
As said tho allot of later OGs had a lemon influence so some carry that lemon or citrus tone as well...
Far as the Skunk goes thats a tricky topic...IME theres not much skunk tone at all in either Pure or Bubba....OG's tho do have some and Ive smelled it on a few of those types..But its a very subtle mixed skunk-kush tone and would need a good skunk wise nose to get it as the earthiness of OG is very up front in those lines..
I see it as OG = Ogers feet...ocean grown, musky, really earthy..grows more like a mixed Skunk-Kush line than a Affi-Kush line...
Pure = rather clean Kush tone with spice and everything nice in a base Kush...grows very similar to Bubba..
Bubba = coffee/hashy-spicy(mint?) and wicked all around..Bubba is a Kush dom hyb and a bit more complex in a great way..
hope that helps and again its only my view...


There's quite a few different Pure Kushes around Foe. I assume you're talking about the LA Pure Kush? There's a PK that's a lot like ghost OGK in structure as well as suge's cut that closely resembles bubba except stronger.



Tom 'Green' Thumb
Thanks Foe20, that is exactly what I was wanting to here. I have a Bubba cut that is from a reputable source, but even so with all the cuts around it makes it still impossible for anyone to really know what they have. I do believe mine to be an excellent representation of the Bubba cut. She is Floral, earthy and a slight coffee scent. The mint I am not sure about, although there is a noticeable mint taste immediately on exhale. She is extremely branchy and dense with not much stretch when triggered. The buds are rock hard and seem finished at eight weeks, although another week seems to be best. Mine was a fairly good producer when vegged for over two months. I think this is due to the density of the buds and the fact they don't shrink much when cured. The only thing I noticed was the smell was not as stinky as I thought it would be, although it did smell quite a bit. I only did one grow with her so far, so next time I will know how to grow her better. Does this seem like the traits of a bubba kush? I know it's impossible to tell from what I wrote, but I just want to know if my description sounds about right. Thanks again!



Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
hey funny to see you again so soon bro...heh...actually astartes IMO they grow very alike and from how Ive seen them grown by others it looks more like a nute method or regional differential rather than genetic difference...and yes I know if there is a diff its prob the s1 selection of the orig plants or a worked outcross ala Katsu or Suges...far as I see it their the same race and only grown by different folk..
if you get my meaning...Point is...a real Kush is a Kush no matter how you try to slice it up..and in reality OG is further from Kush than Bubba..Reefs PinkKush holds one of teh strongest pure Kush tones out there but to bad it lacks any power..
and the Katsu, LA Pure , or whatever anyone wants to call them dont matter...its only a plant...and not worth the hype it got back then or that gay vid someone put together..
But I dont even like the line so no skin off my back..
Far as Im concerned OG is a WhiteSkunk phenom more similar to UK-Cheese than Bubbas relation to Kush...and its not hard to give a few details to least help other work out the diff in all the OG types...how many are there now?...heh...yikes and good luck...
and the term OG was adopted on the West coast mainly and they called it that cause at the time they were calling everyfookinthing...Kush.......
now heres Tom with the weather...

Veg N Out

OG Kush & Cheese are Similar and OG is a Skunk#1 hybrid??? WOW...Foe20..Wow...


hey funny to see you again so soon bro...heh...actually astartes IMO they grow very alike and from how Ive seen them grown by others it looks more like a nute method or regional differential rather than genetic difference...and yes I know if there is a diff its prob the s1 selection of the orig plants or a worked outcross ala Katsu or Suges...far as I see it their the same race and only grown by different folk..
if you get my meaning...Point is...a real Kush is a Kush no matter how you try to slice it up..and in reality OG is further from Kush than Bubba..Reefs PinkKush holds one of teh strongest pure Kush tones out there but to bad it lacks any power..
and the Katsu, LA Pure , or whatever anyone wants to call them dont matter...its only a plant...and not worth the hype it got back then or that gay vid someone put together..
But I dont even like the line so no skin off my back..
Far as Im concerned OG is a WhiteSkunk phenom more similar to UK-Cheese than Bubbas relation to Kush...and its not hard to give a few details to least help other work out the diff in all the OG types...how many are there now?...heh...yikes and good luck...
and the term OG was adopted on the West coast mainly and they called it that cause at the time they were calling everyfookinthing...Kush.......
now heres Tom with the weather...

so you are claiming life is actually governed by The Codex Astartes?

well I happen to be a son of Russ


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