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....WAKE & BAKE....


Active member
LMAO - now it's Sunday ! yes I'm in North America, just typing when i was thinking about Sunday or something!

Happy Sunday Wake&Bakers gang!


Lover of Life
oh man, all the talk about 'shrooms and such has me curious...I might have to learn how to do that..lol ;)

anyways, just getting around this early afternoon...time to go wakey bakey and eat breakfast..

have a great day clean cut, boys, midwesthighs, budbasket, and the rest of the crew :)


puff puff everyone....my lungs have been a little sore so Im putting my ccg monster of a bong away for a while and just sticking to my inline pipe with 6 tree perc, little softer of a hit. Shit load of tests and what not this week...god I can't wait till schools over and all that's left is spending my day fishing. Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


morning crew! I'm up early as usual, today I got some super tasty dabs of jillybean sap in me and going to have a orange n strawberry smoothie. Feeling much better today, going to be consuming lots of fruits, veggies and water threw out my detox this week. Hopefully the weather clears up today, so I can get out side and ride my little kid bike. Any one else here ride bmx?

shrooms its whats for breakfast lol

stay classy crew


I used to have a haro backtrail x3 , pretty nice bike. I've recently found this bad ass dirt trail that goes for over 5 miles, 2 seperate paths, tons of jumps and random freestyle areas, really cool stuff. Really beautiful out there too, just through the middle of a forest along a giant river. Stay classy san diego


puff puff....morning crew. Not much to report, school sucks still lol. Thinking about knocking up some jars tonight, i only got like 4ml of b+ left so I'm thinking LC with 2 of em and maybe a popcorn jar with the rest. Eh I still got a syringe of PE6 and its not like syringes are expensive compared to a pack of seeds.

Really this hobby is insanely cheaper than growing ever was, hell of alot easier too. Watering everyday, checking pH, mixing nutes, cleaning leaves ect....vs shooting some spores in a jar and letting em sit for a few weeks. I haven't gotten that far but I bet harvest is a lot easier than plants too. Not that any of that was hard it just had to be done, this you literally do better not checking on it as little as possible.

Eh thats my wake n bake rant for the day.....stay safe/stay medicated everyone-basket
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morning budbasket! Sounds like your fungi is coming along, what kind of fruiting chamber are you constructing for these edible pieces of enlightenment.

Ya, I had haro blamo when I was 12ish, it was this ugly ass yellow/tan color that basically looked like stained teeth.lol. Bike riding in general is a great thing for any one to get into, great for your health and enviroment.

I suggest to any one if you don't ride a bike YOU SHOULD! So go dust of that ol bike of yours put some air in the tires, grease the chain and go enjoy the outdoors!

Today, I have take my girl to the doctor, then I'm going to stop by the local harbor freight cop me a 3cfm two stage vacuum pump and hopefully get tubing there and a desiccant chamber from a science surplus store. Also got a couple of head shops to stop by just to check out what they have for there 420 sales, doubt I'll buy anything no oil rigs round these parts.

for breakfast sunshine smoothie with a side of jilly bean dabs

bbbbbbbbAAAAAAAAAAAMmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!(uses best jacob collins impersonation)


*Stoned User*
Good morning bakers

Starting out my day with some nycd in the bubbler. :) Dont use the bubbler much. Mainly because its a bitch to clean but its nice every once and a while.

Hey bb... good luck with the shroom venture. sounds like its going well so far... as long as your cakes are white. :D Youre right about shroom growing being much easier and cheaper than growin herb. If I could use shrooms everyday like herb, Id probably grow again too but I found that I always produced way too many shrooms for me to consume. Its crazy the # of fruits you can get if you do it correctly. And after about 2 dunks of my cakes, I would throw them outside and let them colonize a small patch in the woods. Got a lot more shrooms this way and its a good way to get use out of spent cakes fwiw. Good luck.

adios. :ying:


puff puff...got a jar of this skunk, near roadkill, that I'm really excited to smoke on tomorrow. I took a little nug (.5g) of it out to a party last week and after about 20 min had people coming up to me asking what I had because it was smelling up the house. It gets you behind the eyes after the hit too, really rocks your world. Man Im gonna go break into a little more I think....

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..

Good day my friends! Hope your all doing well. Needless to say I have been deep into school and a home project lately. The home project just got wrapped up about 15 minutes ago. Got a few more things to do but major work is now done.

I am the proud new owner of a cat6 gigabit home network! This may not be that amazing to all of you but for me, its a feat! I designed it, deployed it, tested it, and have now turned it over for family use and it is perfect. This is one of the proudest moments of my IT career =)

Other than that ive been swamped with school and my senior demo. I finally got caught up to where I was supposed to be but now I have to figure out a bunch of logic that im not 100% sure I understand so the battle continues.

Hope you are all doing great today. Im gonna bounce out now and get cleaned up before going and playing a celebratory disc golf game this afternoon.


Active member
i'm having a super relaxed wake'n'bake session @ mi casa

Chocolate Chunk smoke is super smooth thru the bong with ice!:D


Lover of Life
afternoon crew...little late wakey bakey for me today...Bubba the bubbler will soon be packed with some Banana Kush and some Kandy Kush..stuff is super tasty, makes me cough and hits me hard right in the head after a toke and works its way all thru my body :)

been saving some money and starting to look at vehicles..just used though...haven't had a ride in 7 years...looking forward to it....can't wait to have some sort of transportation.


puff puff....happy 4/20 bakers. It has never really meant anything to me, I live everyday like its 420, but I guess there is something a little different about smoking today. Sadly I have school all morning then work all evening, but then its on to a serious blunt session. Bong hits until then.

2 gt and 1 b+ are colonized, giving em an extra week like everyone says to do before birthing.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Happy 4/20, my ICmag WnB friends.
cookie hits and passes the hash bowl....:smoke:
have a great day, yall.
stay safe, and kep em green


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Happy 4/20 everyone! Was up at 4am smoking and am now getting ready for school. See you all this afternoon


Happy 4/20 ICmag!!!
No wake and bake for me today though... but this afternoon's a different story!
Have a great day everyone!