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Best/Cheapest Place for Skype Consult

Just wondering where the best/cheapest place to get a skype consultation?
No doctors locally or within a reasonable drive are willing to sign.
Personally I'm cat 1, but also have a few things from cat 2 as well.

The only one I know of is Green Leaf Medical Clinic for $350-$400.
Is this expensive or cheap? Anyone have any experience using them?

the med man

mcrci, 450 nanaimo @ hastings, 450.00. very cool doc, not cheapest though, mm
I'm looking to find a skype consultation as well, I suffer from severe nerve pain from a work accident in 2005 and I am sick of using these pharmaceutical meds! I started using marijuana over two years ago and I have completely dropped all of my doctor prescribed drugs, in that time I have looked for doctors with no such luck. All refuse to even speak to me about it. At the same time, I do not have the means to spend money on a consultation if it doesn't help me get my license. Is it a doctor who signs or for you license? Or is is a specialist who just recommends to HC that you deserve to use this medicine...which increases your chances only slightly?

Please help.