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Convince me that a 75day strain is worth cash cropping...


Active member
weed is overpriced no mater where you go,

if you cant move your product you need to move yourself


shut the fuck up Donny
that the fault o the growers. wont happen out here.

east coast naivety..

first of all, it already has happened out there in many places. I come from new england and I know a few people who commonly move hundreds of packs of high grade at a time, breaking it down to single packs. Price has been steadily going down for the last year.

There are still pockets of areas where people with no connections and deep pockets pay $5500 or whatever (PA you can still get decent prices because of how hardcore LEO is about bud there) but in general that price point has gone wayyyyy down.

To say it is the fault of growers shows you don't know how supply and demand and simple business practices work. You should read a few business books then ull understand. Just cuz u can off a pound selectively to people dumb enough to pay 2010 prices doesn't mean the rest of the country works that way.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
that the fault o the growers. wont happen out here.


I DARE YOU to try pushing lb's for whatever you sell it for, here in Cali, you will get laughed at and probably robbed for trying to pull shit like that here....

it don't matter if your bud shits silver and pisses gold....

there are ten of thousands of people with tens of thousands of lb's that sell em for dirt cheap, just to get rid of them....

really good bud, don't fetch shit here, ITS THE MARKET, NOT THE GROWERS.....

it dont matter HOW GOOD YOUR WEED IS, because there is some kat down the way with the same quality that you have at a much lower price, just the way it is here.....


Kronically Ill
Debating over here...

I say that 70/75 days is TOO LONG.

They say it's not...
"most strains need at least a week or two of veg to yield well." "So the 2wks veg plus 8wks flower =10weeks... so just throw 10wk clones straight to flower and it's the same..."

What are your thoughts? Im interested in exp growers input, i can run the numbers on a calculator on my own...:ying:


IMHO it depends on the market. This is a big factor.

Out west with such competition & sheer volume, I can understand the need to produce quickly. Larger volume, lower cost. That said, IF you could pull something @ 8 weeks and get quality results, I could see how & why people do as such. Doing the same for a 10-11 week strain & getting similar $$ would be a waste of time. That said, you ***should*** be getting more for the better strain.

Personally, I haven't found anything "done" under 63-65 days that I would smoke or find to have good potency or quality.............but that's just me......

East coast, you can sell turds for $$$........honestly. I've seen people happily pay $1,300-1,800K for an elbow of shitty mids........seeded mexi-brick, dry, stemmy, the whole fucking 9. Shit blew my mind every time!

Something of mediocre quality fetching $3-4K+ all day.

REAL FIRE........potency, smell, looks, etc........I'll let you guess that one....

That fire quality, however, is nice strains WELL grown......Sour D, Chemdog, OG, Haze, Bubba, etc. All 10+ weeks and well dried/cured. A much more boutique market, but absolutely there.

As a smoker & a grower I'd rather choose strains for quality........then time, yield, etc. Grow the shit out of something quality. Might take another week or 2, but it'll be something better then the competition.

We as growers need to collectively focus on growing better quality. Running something simply for weight, time, etc doesn't help any of us out. It might make some $$ for some time, but it ultimately lowers the bar and floods the market with inferior goods.


Active member
there are always going to be people who drink bush light and those who drink fine wine

decide who you want your custo base to be or decide what custo base is in your neighborhood


ICMag Donor
east coast naivety..

first of all, it already has happened out there in many places. I come from new england and I know a few people who commonly move hundreds of packs of high grade at a time, breaking it down to single packs. Price has been steadily going down for the last year.

There are still pockets of areas where people with no connections and deep pockets pay $5500 or whatever (PA you can still get decent prices because of how hardcore LEO is about bud there) but in general that price point has gone wayyyyy down.

To say it is the fault of growers shows you don't know how supply and demand and simple business practices work. You should read a few business books then ull understand. Just cuz u can off a pound selectively to people dumb enough to pay 2010 prices doesn't mean the rest of the country works that way.

i've lived up and down the entire east coast. if you let lbs of anything nice go for under 4k then you cheated yourself. BTW i have a business degree. There is always way more demand in herb then there is supply. been that way for the 20 or so years i have been smoking and i dont see it changing any time soon. if the growers let it go for less then thats what people expect to pay. the grower is the first one to set price. if they screw up than that is on them. personally i dont see it happening out here.

10 years ago i was doing 30 to 100 packs and can get the same price for that shit today. people still pay 65 an 1/8th out here too. reason being... we dont change our prices to quickly dump shit. we dont have to quickly dump shit. there is plenty of demand and not enough inventory. period.


I DARE YOU to try pushing lb's for whatever you sell it for, here in Cali, you will get laughed at and probably robbed for trying to pull shit like that here....

it don't matter if your bud shits silver and pisses gold....

there are ten of thousands of people with tens of thousands of lb's that sell em for dirt cheap, just to get rid of them....

really good bud, don't fetch shit here, ITS THE MARKET, NOT THE GROWERS.....

it dont matter HOW GOOD YOUR WEED IS, because there is some kat down the way with the same quality that you have at a much lower price, just the way it is here.....

like i said if ya cant move the product move yourself

you said it yourself and i bolded it. the growers fucked themselves. why did they sell them dirt cheap. even the dispensaries need to get it somewhere. dont let them set the price because they HAVE to come to you to buy it. they have plenty of demand. you should have plenty of $$ accordingly.

demographics are everything so i wouldnt try to sell a lb out there anyway even if i did sell herb. thats like trying to pick up chicks at a WNBA game. not gonna happen. the market is fucked out there. if the growers dont do anything about it then it will stay fucked.

grower sets his price. middle man then sets his. end user pays what they are told or they dont get it. the only way around it is to find a grower who is silly enough to off his shit cheap. personally i wouldnt but then again i have always held a job to pay my bills. i never HAD to lower my price.

do i think med patients should be spending as much as a street buyer... no i dont. so if dispensaries are coming up on cheap weed.. good for them. the rest of the places without med cards arent so lucky.

the states that i have friends in doing the med thing arent much like cali except colorado. i believe thats because of an exodus of cali growers headed to colo. none of the med states out here have seen the market slow down or the demand lessen.

grower sets the price.


Active member
well colorado is sooooooo saturated w/ weed that i really am lucky pullin' 90 dollar quats when my dispensary ( that i hit about one time every 6 mnths)...sells top shelf for 50 quats and 25 eights ..across the board (good chemistery in denver)


shut the fuck up Donny
i've lived up and down the entire east coast. if you let lbs of anything nice go for under 4k then you cheated yourself. BTW i have a business degree. There is always way more demand in herb then there is supply. been that way for the 20 or so years i have been smoking and i dont see it changing any time soon. if the growers let it go for less then thats what people expect to pay. the grower is the first one to set price. if they screw up than that is on them. personally i dont see it happening out here.

10 years ago i was doing 30 to 100 packs and can get the same price for that shit today. people still pay 65 an 1/8th out here too. reason being... we dont change our prices to quickly dump shit. we dont have to quickly dump shit. there is plenty of demand and not enough inventory. period.

Well you get major props from me bro because that is amazing. It isn't however the norm, or even close to it. Judging by your implied age, you've been in the game waaaay longer than me, I got nothing but respect for people with more experience but I don't think I could find one other person in the world who could say they sell their bud in bulk for the same price as they did 2 years ago.

Maybe all the people I know don't care about margin because they wanna off it quick?

The $65/slice thing is crazy. Even back when prices were at their highest in new england, I couldn't find $65 if i wanted to.


Active member
Im guessing pack = pound? Never heard that one before. But I agree, not being in a hurry to sell is the key to getting your money out of anything, not just cannabis. It's growers who are putting themselves in this position of having to take whatever they can get, due to poor planning.

Appearance is everything. Going in with the *appearance* of not being in a hurry to sell is what it's all about, even if you really are. That's the reasoning behind tossing out a couple of ounces free for samples like it ain't no thang, and making sure you have enough cured and on hand to sell a bunch right then and there if needed, plus more soon behind it.

When people see you have your shit together, they're much more likely to want to develop a steady trade relationship with you, even if it costs them more per unit, because the smart ones recognize that lack of consistency (from other players) costs them too in other ways. And if they say no, you say oh well, and wait.....they will come calling when those jars run dry and other suppliers fuck them over. But the trick to long term success is you have to actually have your shit squared away, always, because all it takes is a couple screw-ups/delays for that trust to evaporate just as quickly as it accumulated.

The Bling

everything I run goes 10 weeks min usually 11-13

if you wonder why the quality of kush has gone down in the last 5 years its people who pick it at 56 days and flip it for 32

fuck this thread is pretty retarded, Im sorry...

you guys kinda sound stupid saying what your saying... to me anyways...

...cause since I can remember ( Im almost 30) weed has been $25-30 an 1/8 $150-$220 a Ounce in BC

so figure why its so much more in a quasi legal state like Cali? or anywhere?

$4000 a pound.... fantasy island for me.... lucky if you get $2200 here.

so maybe power is much more or the laws USED to be harsher... anyway you look at it it is or was simple supply and demand... so much weed up here you couldn't sell for much...

now that the states are growing ALMOST what they need to be self sufficient, Cali, the main state for producing it... has too much.

If you guys sold ur shit for 3000 a pound it would fly out the door, no?

well im back at my AAA small batch mom & pop show to pay the rent.... if i do real good maybe I can get 2450 instead of 2350....

ya you guys have it bad... real bad...


Kronically Ill
fuck this thread is pretty retarded, Im sorry...

you guys kinda sound stupid saying what your saying... to me anyways...

...cause since I can remember ( Im almost 30) weed has been $25-30 an 1/8 $150-$220 a Ounce in BC

so figure why its so much more in a quasi legal state like Cali? or anywhere?

$4000 a pound.... fantasy island for me.... lucky if you get $2200 here.

so maybe power is much more or the laws USED to be harsher... anyway you look at it it is or was simple supply and demand... so much weed up here you couldn't sell for much...

now that the states are growing ALMOST what they need to be self sufficient, Cali, the main state for producing it... has too much.

If you guys sold ur shit for 3000 a pound it would fly out the door, no?

well im back at my AAA small batch mom & pop show to pay the rent.... if i do real good maybe I can get 2450 instead of 2350....

ya you guys have it bad... real bad...

Retarded thread?? How so??????

The OP's question was regarding harvest times for cash cropping. Ultimately about profit, but that isn't the topic here. It's about producing herb on time scales.

Market is everything, like most have previously mentioned. Price is ALWAYS relative. Try buying a grade A steak in Denmark, now try that in Texas. You'll see A HUGE difference in $, same fucking thing. Try it buying cigarettes in NYC and cigarettes in Virginia, same thing......

Location, market saturation, competition's products, product demand, product availability, legal ramifications, product quality, market trends, etc

^^^Several of the MANY factors which effect the market.

Now, back to the OP's question.

Closet Grower, what kind of strains do you run & low long do you run them in B.C.?? Certainly not trying to hate, but ALL the Canadian gear I've EVER seen was lower grade then ANY Cali import. Not saying you guys can't/don't produce some serious real-deal fire, just not sure how much of that high grade we see over the boarder.

It'll never happen due to profit loss, but I would love to see "commercial" strains straight out stop being sold/ran. Fuck running something purely on weight, go for quality. If only everyone ran for quality......

one Q

I personally am a purist at heart. I have never ran a "high yielding strain," cause lines like PCK and Apollo11 and PDxC99 and a few others that are based SOLEY on QUALITY always intrigue me...

But damn it if a grower doesnt want a some weight to jar up, and in the case of the debate the other day which I dont do, sell.

Think about this, CindyHaze (which is THH SSH and C99) would more than likely KILL anything available, and even KILL ME and my light weight smoking ass... but some phenos at 10wks to 90 days. How is this wise?
Take DucksFoot for example, it is RARE AS FUCK damn near unheard of by anyone, that is going to be at LEAST 70days before you even check the trichomes. This would also make peoples heads SPIN OFF THEIR NECKS, but a bomb as 80day phenotype would make a grower very inconsistent with supply if not on a large scale.

I ran some Panama and gifted to a friend that is a BBOY and he went crazy in love w it. I flowered the mother cause she went 80-85days to get that "this is properly grown shit" feeling.


^^^ I'm at 85 days with a green pheno of the Panama, they are coming down this weekend. I don't mind this wait because it's good smoke and the pheno I have is a fairly heavy yielder. I've taken her at different points from 63 - 85 days. She was OK at the earlier trials but like you said much better at 80 +\-.

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