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inexpensive bud jars


get with the future. its all about the Violiv glass jars. cmon. even Oprah is hip 2 these....

"Since ancient times, mankind has tried to protect its most valuable products against the damaging effects of light. The early Egyptians, for instance, preserved their precious substances in gold or violet jars. Modern times have introduced many new forms of packaging. Glass, which has been known for ages, is still one of the most widely used materials. However, most of the traditional colours used in glass packaging (clear, amber, blue and green) allow visible light to pass through and therefore don’t offer enough protection against decomposition processes induced by visible light.
Developed by Swiss scientists, Miron glass, also known as Violiv™ Vitality Glassware in the United States, does not allow light from the visible spectrum to penetrate (with the exception of violet radiation) but is transparent in the infrared spectrum. Black glass doesn’t allow any visible light to go through and is also transparent in the IR spectrum. The most important difference between these two glass types is that black glass fully absorbs UVA and violet frequencies without allowing any transmission to occur, whilst Violiv™ Vitality Glassware is permeable for these frequencies. These wavelengths partially enter Violiv™ Vitality Glassware, giving it a unique quality: impermeable in the visible light spectrum from blue to red but open to penetration of UVA, violet and IR frequencies. Due to this special combination, sensitive materials stored in Violiv™ Vitality Glassware are highly protected against the processes of decomposition caused by light influences from the visible spectrum and gives it the added benefit of the positive effects that result from UVA, violet and IR frequencies."
chives after 15 months^^^^


Active member
Only stoners would debate whether it takes less effort to twist or pull, and the least work necessary concerning work to applicable weight ratios :laughing: But REALLY cheapest? A wide assortment of different sizes of used, washed pickle jars, salsa jars (my personal fav.), even washed baby food jars. Or even unwashed, but might smell bad, taste bad, and could give you headaches though.


the small jar is the walmart brand 100_3573.jpg you can get half sized jars, walmart makes there own brand of canning jars by far the cheapest but you really gotta look cause there in a plain box 12 jars 4 bucks


Enormous Member
I'm surprised that no one mentioned this; I've always found that the stopper-type glass jars will eventually dry out your cannabis. What you're looking for is a jar with a low MVTR, or moisture vapor transfer rate. Glass is great for this, but plastics will eventually let all of the moisture content out. The stopper-type jars are pretty though...

1/2 pint mason jars are ideal for holding up to 1/4 oz, and will not dry out your buds.

I have a vacuum atachment for my food saver that can vacuum seal standard mouth and wide mouth canning jars, if you're really parinoid about freshness.

These guys:




Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I use mason jars and have a collection of wide mouthed one gallon "cracker" jars that look like this.

I put an oxygen absorber in each one. Works great.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I too use mason jars and I don't worry about things like light because I don't leave them out in places where light gets to them. Once in the jars they go in the box the jars came in and that box goes into a cool dark place for long term storage. Although I could probably not even bother with that as I rarely keep something around so long that it's going to be degraded by light or warm temps.


Active member
Snoopster, is your sig necessary?

whoops, sorry about that

I was poking fun at the people that have obnoxious sigs, it is really annoying and I don't care about your quotes or gifs or what seedbank you represent.

Then I found out you could turn sigs off and forgot I still have my obnoxious sig that is better than most obnoxious sigs.

If your sig is longer than the above two paragraphs, it sucks.


Enormous Member
whoops, sorry about that

I was poking fun at the people that have obnoxious sigs, it is really annoying and I don't care about your quotes or gifs or what seedbank you represent.

Then I found out you could turn sigs off and forgot I still have my obnoxious sig that is better than most obnoxious sigs.

If your sig is longer than the above two paragraphs, it sucks.

The worst thing about the way that you had it is that I couldn't read it, easily. Much better now though, thanks!


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Yep .They work great, CannaBunkerMan. I was a little worried about their air-tightness so I put a few layers of wax paper inside the lid. That seals them up well when you crank the lid down.
They are available much cheaper than at the link you provided. Our local hardware store has them for about five bucks each and that price may be high compared to Wally world or somewhere like that. I scrounged mine out of the local landfill glass pile. We dont have any large dept. stores (or small ones for that matter) where I live. The closest one is three hours away so scrounging things is a way of life around here.


Active member
i'm a mason jar guy myself, they're cheap and readily available, the pump idea for them is great for long term storage!

i gotta' concur with snoopster on long sigs hehe


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I use the ball mason jars for long term storage. I recently bought 24 wide mouth pint jars for about $15 at walmart.

I also bought some cheap black posterboard and I make a 'sheath' for each jar that is simply a cylinder of black paper and tape.

That way I can leave a jar anywhere and the contents are only exposed to light when I open the jar. But if I need to see into the jar, it slides off and on again, easily.

For "daily use" I use a babyfood jar that has been similarly wrapped in construction paper and tape. Small enough to fit in my pocket but big enough to hold an 1/8th without damaging the buds.


Active member
Mason jars have to be available everywhere. They are called many things. Look and/or ask for jamming jars. They are usually found in any hardware store. Some supermarkets have them, you just have to ask. A box of jars costs about $12 here.