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What's the best way to fly with weed?


Active member
I wouldn't carry it on with u, but u can hide it in ur checked bag.. I put mine in a pack of ciggeretts rolled up.. didn't even have a problem.... even got some jamacian beans back... good luck brother

I tend to agree that there's no good reason to carry weed on your body. Strongly recommend sealing with foodsaver but even then do so in a way that a cop/inspector wouldn't know it's weed. In a checked bag I could see an envelope with a stash inside but on the outside of the envelope it says "your name" and "Living Will" underneath your name. Even if you get searched by Customs- I have been- they won't open that. It should never just be in a baggie, at least some kind of air tight container or sealed bag like foodsaver.

If you're returning from in international destination it's more dangerous because there is a real chance of being questioned, perhaps making a mistake(I was unemployed at the time and that's a huge red flag to Customs so they searched me. However, I shouldn't have said I'm unemployed when they ask "why were you there, what do you do for a living". From then on I tell them I went for medical treatment, dentist, tourist, vacation from work). Luckily on that trip I had no meds whatsoever as Customs searched every square inch. If you knew you would be searched by customs you might wish you had it on you just in case, but at the same time, I've seen dogs sniffing around people waiting on luggage in the international terminal. So for international travel, never return to the US with anything. If it's that important, take the time to mail it back to yourself. Much much less likely to get busted imo.

FYI, I've never been searched on the way into a Latin or South American country or Europe. But have been searched on way back as I mentioned above. When I travel on vacation and know I will need some medication I take a disposable pipe or cigarette bat and enough meds sealed and hidden discretely so that I'm good for the trip and bring nothing whatsoever back.

In my opinion and experience it's super easy to stash in checked bag for trips in and around the US. Just make sure there's zero smell in case dogs are roaming around behind the scenes, and pack it so the standard TSA check- which also occurs behind the scenes after you check your bag- doesn't uncover it easily. They are just looking for bomb material, wires, etc. So just stash it away from the stuff that's first uncovered when your suitcase is unzipped and not near anything that could possibly be inspected- cellphone chargers, electronics.

Want the very best way? Send it US Postal Service with tracking. You can get it there as fast as you need but best to send about a week in advance with tracking. It will be there when you arrive. If you have a hotel reservation you can have it held for you.

This is how I do it every time:

I usually send cross country small box inside a box. Meds are sealed in air tight med bottles or jars, then "foodsavered", then stored in small box taped completely shut. Then I put that "med-box" inside another bigger box with some clothes and nonsense and seal that box completely, but not suspiciously with box tape. It's smell proof and my understanding is court order required for USPS to search.... ain't gonna happen and when I arrive I have all my meds available with vapes/pipes/grinder and extra tape inside so I can rebox and send what I don't use back- that's for longer trips.

If you are just taking a few joints worth wrap it up and stash inside something that goes inside your suitcase but make sure your bag is always checked. There's really no reason to risk carrying it on you if you're checking bags or can send it via mail.

For flights in the US a small amount in suitcase is probably safe if it's sealed and stashed but it seems to me to be quite a risk to stash it on your person, especially a quantity approaching 1/8th or better. Just seal it and mail it.


Active member
Could have brought anything i wanted back from amsterdam. Hand luggage seems the best way. Obviously covering smell is important but the customs guys are looking at your body language more than anything else.

Are you allowed to take deoderant cans there? Over here we need to bin them before flying unless they fit in a sandwich bag. Those pesky terrorists and their deoderant/shower gel bombs!

Deodorant was a solid stick... not an aerosol can.. also threw in a steel bat/one hitter in the ladies personal makeup/curler/tweezer/scissor whatever the fuck bag.. it was new on departure and threw it away before return.. flying inside continental U.S isnt too bad but you dont wanna come through customs with ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!:tiphat:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Make some BHO, QWISO, QWET, etc. Then combine it with coconut oil, heat the mixture to carboxylate the hash oil, and then make 'vitamin suppliments'. You can buy empty gelatin capsules at places like GNC and many people use them to make their own vitamins. Well, you can too. Then you take a vitamin whenever you feel the need and there are no odors to mask or any need to stick things up your butt. (You can still stick things up your butt if you want to. I'm not here to stop your party. I'm just saying you won't have to.)


Active member
i know a guy who made a cockring out of a condom and stuffed it full of hash and other goodies..

Max Yields

Active member
You can fit quite a few grams of hash in your shoes if you just wrap the hash correctly for no smell, then cut & sow or glue your shoes properly where you are stashing it. You can fit some in the tounges to.


Active member
interesting read, but folks..

no liquids in carry on luggage. you might want to check, i thought it was 4oz. or something.. i had a jar of honey taken off me at customs. my plan was to use it to lure air bears for a sneak pilot attack.


i got hooked a few years ago watching Border Security: Australia's Front Line, id think twice about the shampoo method.


Active member
"That's my penile pump. Wanna see it? it's really cool...Watch this."

"No? Well OK, but yer missing out."


What's the best way to fly with weed?

Reading all the responses honestly I think you all are nuts, only takes one time to get popped and off to jail.

You guys/gals have a real set of brass ones.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Is there any truth to the rumor, that patients leaving a med state, can fly with weed?

Sounds like bullshit.


Active member
dressing real nice (think uppermiddle class or around it)

and keeping a confident "i dont give a fuck, seen it all before, kinda bored" but friendly and polite attitude.

should probably be your best defense at airports.

so that they never ever look at you but in "positive" terms.


Active member
imagine you live in a world where weed is free and imagine everyone else is the same.

imagine the tollguards are really nice people that like you, if you have to :D lol

if you can manage only a stiff drink or 2 and need it for the courage, thats fine, many people are slightly drunk at airports.

but if you need more than 2 you should not do this.

and if you need 2, you should not bring alot lol.

its all about your attitude.


Is there any truth to the rumor, that patients leaving a med state, can fly with weed?

Sounds like bullshit.

How would that be possible at all man, if its illegal in another state then it is illegal...they dont give a fuck that you have a card in a med state. Here in Canada our program is federal and I know many paitents that have flown (domestically of course) with weed. They are supposed to call ahead and let it be known they are federally legal paitents and ofcourse bring their cards and the right documents with them. West Jet airlines even lets paitents vape in the airport and even on the plane (seriously) but theres no chance that paitents federally legal in Canda can fly out of the country with there meds because if its illegal in another country then they obviously wont recognize medical usage and wont give a fuck about your card

bench warmer

-Prison pocket

Here... Carry mine too. Would ya? ;)


i fly out of seatac all the time, and i simply place the 4 ounces or so in my carry on. i declare it to the tsa if they ask, and then they check my mmj rec and i get on the plane.
sfo and seatac are the only airports i have done this in....and i am assuming you dont have mmj where you live...or you wouldnt be posting this question.

when i have to fly out of DFW or HOU, i just bring hash oil (never go anywhere without my OMICRON). they have no idea wtf it is and i have disguised it as candy many times. just grab a bag of werthers and plop 2 or 3 grams into one of the foil wrappers. shattery oil works best for this, but once i had some runny golden stuff, that i put in a small jar and labeled "jam 2010"

crotching herbs seems like a bad idea nowadays w the full body scanners...they see EVERYTHING. better to hide it in plain sight.

some more details on the TSA and mmj. before my first flight (last year) I called seatac and asked the tsa rep what they will do when i show up with a qp of mmj. they said they deal with threats to public safety, so if they found ganja, they would turn me over to the port authority. i called the port authority, and they said they would call the sherrif dept (that is at the airport). called the sherrif...who told me that they uphold washington state law, and if i was within that law, they would leave me in peace.

lots of us fly out of seatac with no issues...one guy made the news actually, gonna look for the article
here ya go http://www.tokeofthetown.com/2011/11/man_flips_out_medical_marijuana_at_tsa_checkpoint.php

for the record, mike is a real shit starter...but we need those guys too dont we?

ninja bud

Just go score some weed in a bar dude. I would not fly with anything I shouldn't have. Jail or a joint? Thats a hard one.
Security staff get off on the bust, they couldnt give a fuck how much or how little you have.


passing the gas
For up to 5-6 grams of flowers I use the corner of an envelope cut to the dimensions of a credit card. carefully fill it evenly and tape well. Park a piece of heavy furniture on it the night before I fly. more tape in the morning, then fold it up into a sheet of paper with handwriting on it like a grocery list. put this in my wallet along with a bunch of other shit so my wallet is overstuffed. walk through security, no problem.

if you worry about dogs like me I always travel with dog biscuits in both front pockets and
a story ready about how I miss my dog when I travel. be ready to toss one to a pooch if one hits on you,