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pissing in hydro


ICMag Donor
Urine is an aqueous solution of greater than 95% water, with the remaining constituents, in order of decreasing concentration urea 9.3 g/L, chloride 1.87 g/L, sodium 1.17 g/L, potassium 0.750 g/L, creatinine 0.670 g/L and other dissolved ions, inorganic and organic compounds

Its an old nursery trick to promote a flush of fresh growth for cuttings or to perk up ageing stock to shift it , very fast acting in compost but soon wears off , still common practice.

Dry salts are so inexpensive i dont really see the point , we recycle almost everything here but there is a limit , if you use watered down bottles of wet nutes you are throwing money away bigtime and the industry is laugthing at you.

Pretty much every outdoor plant however has been watered in a few times , a definate boost in veg on crap soil and seems to keep some animals away , usually till the week before harvest.


female dog's urine is more acidic so causes brown spots in the lawn

this isn't for hydro but is a good how to. I like #6 that addresses how urine can keep varmints out of the garden.



Collect urine daily. Keep a tight-lidded plastic container in the bathroom and use instead of flushing urine down the toilet. Fresh urine does not smell and does not carry bacteria. In fact, it is almost sterile. Keep the urine lidded tightly and change out containers frequently.

Use urine daily. As urine ages (more than about 24 hours), it begins to break down and create higher ammonia levels which are not good for plants and which make the urine smell bad. Fresh urine generally does not smell. Any odors from strong foods like garlic or asparagus will not harm the plants. Take the collected urine out of the house at least once per day to fertilize plants.

Mix urine in the ratio of one part urine to ten parts water. This dilutes the urine's nitrogen content enough to use on tender plants. Using urine full strength will burn tender plant leaves. Use the diluted urine on plants immediately and do not store, either full strength or diluted.

Water around the roots of plants with the diluted urine fertilizer. Fertilizer in general may burn tender plant leaves so try not to splash on leaves or fruits. The dilution will allow you to water daily and it can be used in container plants and hanging baskets as well. Water until the soil surrounding the plants' roots is saturated but do not allow plant roots to sit in puddled water.

Check the growth of the fertilized plants regularly. If the leaves begin to take on a yellowish tinge and the plant looks like it is struggling, dilute the urine fertilizer further to prevent the plant from receiving more nitrogen than it needs. If fruiting plants grow lush vegetation but no fruit, cut back on the amount of urine fertilizer they are receiving.

Use any leftover urine to keep predators out of your garden. This works especially well with male urine, which contains hormones that other animals take as being a signal to stay away. Pour small amounts of undiluted urine around the perimeter of the area to be protected. This will have to be repeated after every rain shower as the rain will dilute the urin

Read more: How to Use Urine as Fertilizer | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4701584_use-urine-fertilizer.html#ixzz1exEj2WFU


female dog's urine is more acidic so causes brown spots in the lawn

this isn't for hydro but is a good how to. I like #6 that addresses how urine can keep varmints out of the garden.



Collect urine daily. Keep a tight-lidded plastic container in the bathroom and use instead of flushing urine down the toilet. Fresh urine does not smell and does not carry bacteria. In fact, it is almost sterile. Keep the urine lidded tightly and change out containers frequently.

Use urine daily. As urine ages (more than about 24 hours), it begins to break down and create higher ammonia levels which are not good for plants and which make the urine smell bad. Fresh urine generally does not smell. Any odors from strong foods like garlic or asparagus will not harm the plants. Take the collected urine out of the house at least once per day to fertilize plants.

Mix urine in the ratio of one part urine to ten parts water. This dilutes the urine's nitrogen content enough to use on tender plants. Using urine full strength will burn tender plant leaves. Use the diluted urine on plants immediately and do not store, either full strength or diluted.

Water around the roots of plants with the diluted urine fertilizer. Fertilizer in general may burn tender plant leaves so try not to splash on leaves or fruits. The dilution will allow you to water daily and it can be used in container plants and hanging baskets as well. Water until the soil surrounding the plants' roots is saturated but do not allow plant roots to sit in puddled water.

Check the growth of the fertilized plants regularly. If the leaves begin to take on a yellowish tinge and the plant looks like it is struggling, dilute the urine fertilizer further to prevent the plant from receiving more nitrogen than it needs. If fruiting plants grow lush vegetation but no fruit, cut back on the amount of urine fertilizer they are receiving.

Use any leftover urine to keep predators out of your garden. This works especially well with male urine, which contains hormones that other animals take as being a signal to stay away. Pour small amounts of undiluted urine around the perimeter of the area to be protected. This will have to be repeated after every rain shower as the rain will dilute the urin

Read more: How to Use Urine as Fertilizer | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4701584_use-urine-fertilizer.html#ixzz1exEj2WFU
As a note on female dog urine......(.you sick fuks get your minds out of the kennel)...Adding tomato sauce/pizza sauce to there food will ease the dead spots in your lawn IME


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
Ill stick with the nutes in hydro myself! no piss in my Res. I can say bottled nutes have no piss in them ;)

and crap, blood, guts, and bone is any better? ( fish hydrolysate / krill, bone meal, guano ... ), obviously depending on what nutes you use...

and yes people are getting pee in there bottles if they use fish or guano products.

I could go on and on, but for the people who don't get it, better to just not say anything...

thanks to everyone who had something to contribute.

keep it going.


Active member
I get it perfectly well hab, i'm just not into pissing in me Res. the nutritional value of piss is old news, & may have its place but it aint in my hydro. amusing thread btw!


Ill stick with the nutes in hydro myself! no piss in my Res. I can say bottled nutes have no piss in them ;)

Well actually... If those bottled nutes have ammoniacal nitrogen and/or urea, then technically you can't. I mean, yeah, they're processed. From CAFO animal waste. But if that's what you prefer, then obviously nothing I say could change your mind, even if it's true and logical.

and crap, blood, guts, and bone is any better? ( fish hydrolysate / krill, bone meal, guano ... ), obviously depending on what nutes you use...

and yes people are getting pee in there bottles if they use fish or guano products.

I could go on and on, but for the people who don't get it, better to just not say anything...

thanks to everyone who had something to contribute.

keep it going.
Like I was sayin'..... Despite logic, reason or veracity.

For the folks who figure bottled processed animal waste is better, have you considered why we even have it in the first place? I mean, think about what has to happen in order to get the waste, to process it, how it's an adjunct to, in terms of sustainability and straight up mercy to the animals, the worst farming practices ever to be devised. Do you ever wonder, knowing that stuff like BC hormones end up in the water, what hormones, antibiotics, and growth enhancers might have come along for the ride in becoming those bottled nutes?

Probably not. I can't see someone thinking about it from that angle and ending up not giving a damn and using them anyway.

But then, I am the woman who stopped taking birth control pills because I give a damn about my sphere of influence and how it affects certain species.


i pissed in a dudes res several times. Dude owed me some money, he never figured it out. After about the fourth or fifth time over a two week period his stuff looked like crap. Ass wipe harvested the stuff, sold it at a loss and I got my money. Moral of the story, don't fuck with me bitches!


follow your heart
ICMag Donor

well, now were getting somewhere.

someone with some experience, even though it's out of spite...

interesting to hear. I would still love people with experience, or any papers or knowledge of urine. problem is anything I find is soil, not hydro, which I can see being a vey different system / solution / working..

thanks guys, good or bad, keep it coming

Señor Chang

You can use urine in some hydro situations. The reservoir becomes very biologically active with things such as urine. If you are using a drip or recirculating system then it gets a bit gummy and will require monitoring. If it is DWC, or similar, just keep your h20 temps in range and be familiar with a living reservoir.


OK, real life fish experience (I used to work the aquatic ornamental biz + public aquarium). At some places we would pee in the sumps of the filtration systems that were either new and had no biological load, or if we were expecting a large shipment of fish and needed to get the bacterial numbers up. Interestingly enough, it never got smelly.

¤ A sump is like a reservoir.
OK, real life fish experience (I used to work the aquatic ornamental biz + public aquarium). At some places we would pee in the sumps of the filtration systems that were either new and had no biological load, or if we were expecting a large shipment of fish and needed to get the bacterial numbers up. Interestingly enough, it never got smelly.

¤ A sump is like a reservoir.

Could you go a little further about what you mean the filtration system?

What do you think this did when you pissed in those sumps of the filtration system?

I would think that it might CLEAN or possibly activate the filter ???

just brainstorming here.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
In a closed aquatic system, there are typically mechanical filters and biological filters. It's much better to have a functioning biological filter (the bio bugs that convert fish waste (ammonia) to harmless nitrates) before you add new fish or additional fish to the system.

Many experienced fish keepers add plain household ammonia to their systems (aquariums/tanks/ponds) to "cycle" the system before the fish load is added so they can build up the bio bugs to handle the fish load.

This allows them to worry about the health of the fish and begin feeding rather than trying to do that and manage water quality as well.

This is a very basic "readers digest" explanation, if you're really into the details there are thousands of pages explaining the whole nitrification process out there on your interwebz, just google it and hold on to your brain.

Maybe the fair and lovely Sea Maiden can explain this in more concise terms than I can at this late hour.


Nope, you pretty much nailed it. The purpose is to begin a culture of nitrifying bacteria, and, as you know, that requires an initial source of NH3/4. The rest of the cycle goes NH3 --> NO2 --> NO3, it's an oxidation cycle that, once an anaerobic feature is introduced (perfectly natural feature in nature) allows for the resultant NO3 to be further broken down into O and N.

But, more salient to growing annuals, while I believe it's generally accepted that plants prefer ammoniacal nitrogen, annuals often, perhaps usually prefer nitrogen in an oxidized form, ie NO3.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Last post on this subject before we completely derail this thread, but I use water from my ponds to water my girls and as the basis for all my compost teas and feed mixes and the plants love it!

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming . . . .

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