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Cannabutter In 7 Easy Steps!


Active member
that looks pretty black to me. never heard of using margarine for a cannabutter recipe. that isn't even good for your health. better use butter next time. :2cents:
It looks so black coz it was straight out of the pot then and still warm. It has lightened in colour now n tastes quite nice. The reason we used margarine coz we read it in one of the threads in this section, it was GlassPackedBowls thread called "a Few Recipes For You'll. He said you could use basically anything oily. But will give butter a go next time though:ying:

hey all... im brand new to the cooking with ganj world.

what is the process of making butter if one is using bubble hash?

is this a good idea?

I'd rather not use just trimmings because it seems a little inexact...don't want to waste anything. am i really getting all the trichomes of my trim this way?... i can't imagine its as effecient as bubble bags.


I just noticed this thread and forum allows posting from someone with the screen name kamikaze Nazi? What the fuck??

I have reported the post and I am writing to the administors.


long thread so i jut go ahead an ask if it okey/good to use steams and super fresh weed to make the cbutter with? i always have had it dried,any difference??

peace TY


Active member
I know this thread is huge already but I figured I'd throw in my $.02...been a long, long time since I made actual cannabutter, usually I'm lazy as hell and just use BHO/QWET/QWISO for my edibles. Had a ton of Blue Moon/A-11/Daywalker shake laying around (small popcorn and straight shake from where I slightly over-dried everything accidentally, everything was extremely frosty) and did a test run with a half lb of butter (2 sticks) and exactly 14g of finely broken buds and shake. Cooked as per the first post for almost 4 hours, then split into two. Used that $2 bag of Betty Crocker cookie mix since I was too lazy to actually make real cookies, calls for an egg and a stick of butter, made 12 approx. 4" cookies (baked at 325 for about 10 min).

One is too much for everyone who has sampled it. Me being the gangsta that I thought I was, I decided to eat two, going against the very same warning that I always give everybody else. That was at about 10pm last night. It is now 1:30pm the next day, and I just woke up an hour ago. I can't remember the last time I woke up after 9am, if that is any indication. Felt like I drank a fifth and got in a bar fight when I finally managed to pry my eyes open :laughing:

still going to make the rest of my shake into h/o and use that for the rest of the edibles I make with this, but still a fun reminder of the good ol days. little too strong for my tastes (probably because of the BM and headband), so I think I'm gonna make a batch for me with just Apollo 11 oil so that I can actually eat some for my back during the day and still kinda function.

either way, thanks for posting this thread, brought me back to the good ol days before I turned into an oil head :tiphat:

Midnite Toker

Active member
Gentlemen(I assume since the best chefs are men)(wink):)~
A quick question. Anyone have a good way to squeeze the last drop of butter from the cheesecloth w/o burning flesh? Just a pair of thick rubber gloves?
:tiphat:Thanks, mT


Gentlemen(I assume since the best chefs are men)(wink):)~
A quick question. Anyone have a good way to squeeze the last drop of butter from the cheesecloth w/o burning flesh? Just a pair of thick rubber gloves?
:tiphat:Thanks, mT

Try an inexpensive french coffee press.


Active member
Saw something earlier in this thread about turning males into cannabutter...I just got done taking cuts from my 3 males from a recent seed run but I don't have room to flower them out now so I'm keeping the clones in stasis. Since I don't have much use for the rest of the plant now, any point in making butter with it? I've never done anything with males other than pollen chuck or kill so I don't know if they're worth the trouble or not. These guys are all quite resinous for what they are, though. Worth a shot?


^You probably should have grinded that up beforehand or at least smash the shit out of the buds not while they're still in the butter.

I haven't made butter in a while but I had some trim and time on my hands so I decided to this recipe a shot today. Right now I have about a 50 gram mix of trim(fan leaves, frosty trim), popcorn buds, and a bit of some leftover buds from a bho run in 2 sticks of butter and a cup and a half of water. It's been simmering for 3 hours now and looks good. Going to strain it in a bit.


The filtering was by far the most difficult part of the whole process. Going to try cheesecloth next time because I used a metal stainer with a coffee filter layered on top and it took forever to strain out. I think there a good amount of butter still left in the strainer. Figure I'll just toss that in to the new batch I make next week.
I used all shake and trimmings last time, 17 grams into 1/2 lb of butter.

I went a little more potent this time... 60 grams trimmings into 1 1/2 lbs of butter....should be awesome... i update later about the potency.


Active member
^You probably should have grinded that up beforehand or at least smash the shit out of the buds not while they're still in the butter.

I haven't made butter in a while but I had some trim and time on my hands so I decided to this recipe a shot today. Right now I have about a 50 gram mix of trim(fan leaves, frosty trim), popcorn buds, and a bit of some leftover buds from a bho run in 2 sticks of butter and a cup and a half of water. It's been simmering for 3 hours now and looks good. Going to strain it in a bit.

I would tend to agree...maybe use a heavy duty immersion blender if you have one. However, if you cook it long enough I would surmise that you won't notice a big difference in yield/quality/potency from the whole buds versus finely ground.

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Hi great thread. Had a question. I'm lactose intolerant so very allergic to butter and similar products. Is there a similar method to make this product using a non butter substitute?


I will be attempting this for the first time. I have an ounce or so that has gotta go. I have one question, sorry if it's been asked. How long will cannabutter last frozen. TIA