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*WA Raids happening NOW*


Active member
I hate to be the stater of the obvious, and the insensitive one at that - but...

As much as how they expressed themselves was wrong, Tim and Ted weren't all wrong with their underlying messages. It just sucked that people had to lose their lives over it and shit STILL hasnt changed.


well my best to those who are fighting the good fight, keep on my brethren!!

lets see whats next. Be safe all. One love always!


Apparently, the DEA obtained warrants at least partly based on the fact that the patients "didn't look sick" as far as they were concerned.

According to one of the search warrants,

DEA Asshat said:
one DEA agent writes that he "became suspicious" because many customers were in their 20s and 30s, and didn't fit his preconceived idea of the way he felt medical marijuana patients "should look."

"I did not observe anyone that required a wheelchair, crutches or walker to enter The G.A.M.E. Collective," the deeply clueless agent wrote in the search warrant affidavit. "I know from personal experience, as well as observations of patients suffering from illnesses -- such as certain kinds of cancer, AIDs [sic], or Multiple Sclerosis -- the physical toll such illnesses take on a person's body as well as the side effects of their treatment,"


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Active member
ICMag Donor
Apparently, the DEA obtained warrants based on the fact that the patients "didn't look sick" as far as they were concerned.

According to one of the search warrants,

That is such bullshit. I don't look sick either when I have the right medicine. Without cannabis, I sleep between 0 and 2 hours each night. I look and feel like the walking dead. With cannabis, I look and feel mostly great. Some people think it's only a medicine for someone near death, not for people like me who can have a normal life if my condition is treated.


Kiss My Ring
MGD how did you fare?
did they get all your medibles (or any)?
haven't seen a response from you today, chanting mantras for your safety...


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
I suppose since the DEA decides what drugs are illegal, they should have the right to determine who doesn't look up to par. Give me a fucking break


3rd-Eye Jedi
the more the Feds push..... the more we will just return to where we came from..........
UnderGround.... the way it was, and probably the way it will be again....SAD

in another name i forecasted this happening, the amount of control the feds have over states is what is being contested

we are the fodder in the war between the state and federal government

notice gay marriage passed quietly while the war on marijuana continued

years earlier this was contested much the same. Seeing it passed so easily in some states its proof that the "religious" right aren't controlling the feds. The feds simply bullshit the religious right for their vote.

it does amaze me that things that were issues just a couple of decades ago are no problem (gay marriage for example) but cannabis is still demonized

obviosuly "someone" still perceives marijuana as a thream but who?

there is no doubt that a handful of people with nefarious motives are fueling this war on the fed side

people like anslinger who have destroyed generations of lives for purposes of greed

smells like big pharma doesn't want anyone in on its game

im patiently waiting for karma to make things right and im hoping i see ti in this lifetime


The cat that loves cannabis
Thanks again obama, I'm so glad I voted for you.
But, the same people that put you in the white house, will be taking you back out again soon.

All I can see is him laughing at the online question about legalization shortly after taking office, fuck him.
Lying ass scammer


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
obama sucks, but there isn't another candidate that can beat him... ^^^


ICMag Donor
Obama sucks and there really isn't anybody to vote for. They are all in bed with big business and I'm not sure at this point if we the people can change any of it.

Stay safe in WA.


Active member
hopefully they are just messing with the criminal organization ones....i was up in seattle earlier this year my friend up there runs a small grow and vends to this one club...i go with him to meet the club owner at some sketchy vietnamese cafe full of other gangsters and shit...this dude starts bragging about how his club moves 60 pounds every week and that he will never buy any cali outdoor even though it was better than the shitty unflushed indoor they were hawking...


To Have More ... Desire Less
there has been significant evidence presented to acknowledge... illegal activity being conducted by several of the clubs affected / RAIDED.....even simple schitt like checking Doc Req's and following the law.....those folks brought the bad mojo on them selves and now just make the whole Medical Cannabis program in WA ... look fishy to the mainstream.....
WE don't need the BAD ATTENTION....... good riddance too greedy club owners and profiteers.
[URLhe DEA obtained warrants at least partly based on the fact that the patients "didn't look sick" as far as they were concerned.


That's me... it sucks. I'm fine if I have my ganja. I look normal and great, and get around just fine. I don't start looking like I need it unless I'm without for a bit, which hasn't happened in a while fortunately ;)

MGD how did you fare?
did they get all your medibles (or any)?
haven't seen a response from you today, chanting mantras for your safety...

I managed to squeek by unscathed. I'm in full compliance and an individual, so I wasn't too worried about much more than having product confiscated. Luckily, all of my product besides one dispensary is donated for right away instead of the consignment stuff that I was worried about loosing. Was kind of waiting to see what the rest of the week had in store, but I think the current pig tide is ebbing now.

If anything, I look good to them since none of my product was in any of the places they saw as non-compliant. No school zones, no shady joints... and a little woman's intuition as to who I was going to supply and who not, has seemed to have served me well so far. THis is probably a shocker, but I even went a local chief of police who 'approved' of what I was doing, when a local dispensary was trying to get a food license for a commercial storefront kitchen, the guy in charge instantly said "oh yeah miss green dreams... she's up to code and works in a certified kitchen. yeah no prob. we'll let her do it" and the city council and chief appreciated the standardized dosing that I offer. For real! Yes I have gone before a city council with all of this. Not like I'm giving them my address or anything... I went with a local dispensary (who was not disturbed this week) to ask the city to bake there on site of a new proposed dispensary, which is probably not happening by the end of the year... but still possible. I think I'm clear with the pigs, but I feel like a lot of people are getting wrongfully f'd with. Most of my donating is now being handled patient-to-patient, which I prefer anyway. I'm sittin just fine here... Much thanks trich. :thank you:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
my heart goes out to you guys stay safe out there

i am convinced CO will see some of these sweeping raids eventually as well; the DOR MMED is set up like a fortress in their office with a direct feed to SO many warehouse grows; anyone not in full compliance with their new system is going to get fucked; MMED (medical marijuana enforcement division) office is full of current and former LEO they see the dollar signs if they can cooperate with the feds and throw them some big fishes here and there.

but im always one to be on the paranoid side of things; :ying:


Your not paranoid your spot on.....I think your comments are very prescient!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
hopefully they are just messing with the criminal organization ones....i was up in seattle earlier this year my friend up there runs a small grow and vends to this one club...i go with him to meet the club owner at some sketchy vietnamese cafe full of other gangsters and shit...this dude starts bragging about how his club moves 60 pounds every week and that he will never buy any cali outdoor even though it was better than the shitty unflushed indoor they were hawking...

hmm Yes...I was born in Seattle, and last time I went up to visit my mom...I think I visited that very club ( I checked out about 5-6 to see what the scene was like) it was so sketchy I just left as soon as I could w/o looking to "strange". It was NOT a place I ever wanted to go back to....


Many of the dispensaries here in WA are kind of sketchy, but that's what you get when dispensaries are at best in a grey area legally. You're not going to have the average dispensary be highly-polished, professional, and with top quality clean meds when state law doesn't explicitly allow dispensaries to operate. There's a lot of risk involved in starting up and operating a dispensary, and you have to be willing to risk being busted. That situation really incentivizes people who are more comfortable with legal ambiguity and possible incarceration.

Even so, it may be better for a lot of sick and disabled patients than meeting an even sketchier street dealer in an even less savory environment. It's all well and good for a lot of us here on icmag to say "I'd never shop there", but some people don't have a better choice.

Thanks a lot, Gregoire... Thank goodness she is moving on. Too bad she had to leave such a big shit sandwich for all of us on the way out, though.



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Many of the dispensaries here in WA are kind of sketchy, but that's what you get when dispensaries are at best in a grey area legally. You're not going to have the average dispensary be highly-polished, professional, and with top quality clean meds when state law doesn't explicitly allow dispensaries to operate. There's a lot of risk involved in starting up and operating a dispensary, and you have to be willing to risk being busted. That situation really incentivizes people who are more comfortable with legal ambiguity and possible incarceration.

Even so, it may be better for a lot of sick and disabled patients than meeting an even sketchier street dealer in an even less savory environment. It's all well and good for a lot of us here on icmag to say "I'd never shop there", but some people don't have a better choice.

Thanks a lot, Gregoire... Thank goodness she is moving on. Too bad she had to leave such a big shit sandwich for all of us on the way out, though.


I would take my old street dealer, who never dealt on the street btw.....over 75% of the clubs I've visited.


I would take my old street dealer, who never dealt on the street btw.....over 75% of the clubs I've visited.
How nice for you... Although I say that sarcastically, I actually do mean it. That's nice that you have the option, and I'm happy that you have an alternative and can make that choice. I too would never go to a dispensary, and thankfully I'll never need to. In fact I started growing my own specifically so that I would never have to rely on anyone else.

The elderly gentleman from church that my mom drove to a dispensary in Seattle last year, who was too sick to drive himself and had never even tried cannabis until he needed something to help with the nausea from chemo, wouldn't know the first thing about finding some stranger to sell him cannabis and be confident they wouldn't roll him in an alley.

What should that gentleman do, if not for a dispensary? Sometimes even the facade of respectability is better than nothing.

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