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The Demons Double Blockbuster 2000 watt Grow!!



How long would it have taken you to do it by hand?

I'd be a bit nervous tossing my beautiful fresh-harvested buds into something resembling a lawnmower......but I don't have a pile of 16 huge plants waiting to be trimmed lol

Nice colas btw :)

Lol mate a lawnmower, nope the one I have is the trimpro which is the fan under a grid and you just gently run the buds over it back and forth then hoover the walls and floor well after as it makes a right fooking mess, even though most trim gets sucked into the bag below for ice hash :) When me and my wife did it manually apart from suffering terrible "bud eye" from staring at them while trimming, 3 plants of this size would take us 3 hours so that lot would have taken approx 15 hours almost 1 hour per plant :( The time saving + less eye strain + catches trim in bottom bag (no more separate bags for fan leaves and leaves for hash) = Greatest £1000 investment ever :) lol
Edited to add: If you do get one don't trim bud on it for loads of crops, then when the grid is caked in THC scrape it all off and roll into a single fat one.:abduct::puke::puppydoge
Thanks for compliments folks ;)


Active member
Yo speed can we get some shots of the buds after trimming? Do you clean up the buds after using the trimpro or do you find them good enough? Really hate trimming but picky about it at the same time! Interested to see if the machine is up to standard




trimming fucking sucks man! I get hayfever like symptoms after a few hours.... I seen that

I seen this 'spinpro' thing on here somewhere and the dude using it rated it highly, it comes in manual, electric and powermatic versions starting @ about £300 I think:

http://www.thespinpro.com/ might give the manual one a try as matey said it was really good.

Hey speed hows that harvest coming along mate? Any new shots of the nelly :)


Yo speed can we get some shots of the buds after trimming? Do you clean up the buds after using the trimpro or do you find them good enough? Really hate trimming but picky about it at the same time! Interested to see if the machine is up to standard



Sorry Bro cant do any pics now. Some people say they prefer hand trimmed as tighter to the bud, therapeutic,blah blah blah but its all bollox tbh mate, the Trimpro does a great job as long as you separate all the buds (As in if you have a main cola with side branching forming one massive looking cola then break off the side branching to access all around each bud) and strip off the larger fan leaves by hand as makes less mess and just apply light pressure on each bud as you roll it and pass it back and forth over the grid, there are great demo's on utube. For me it was the best grand I spent as I am not that picky either as long as it does its job and all the bud is white and sparkling with crystals I am happy :) The eye strain saving alone makes it worth it but also if you grow perpetual in large numbers its worth its weight in gold. But if like you say you are fussy then you might need to run the bud through until your happy with it, as it takes practice to get it spot on. Oh and nah mate I dont bother trimming them off after by hand as I now have it nailed.


trimming fucking sucks man! I get hayfever like symptoms after a few hours.... I seen that

I seen this 'spinpro' thing on here somewhere and the dude using it rated it highly, it comes in manual, electric and powermatic versions starting @ about £300 I think:

http://www.thespinpro.com/ might give the manual one a try as matey said it was really good.

Hey speed hows that harvest coming along mate? Any new shots of the nelly :)

Hey Shhh mate hope your well :) Harvest weighed in dry off 16 plants at 30 oz I would have better yeild if I had less plants with better spacing in bigger pots :) I got a bit greedy lol on all the nice strains, so I will be running a few packed rooms then reducing to 12 strains only which are clone only and sticking them in 11 litre pots 12 at a time allowing the light to penetrate the canopy causing the lower buds to fatten, as out of the 16 I just pulled the weight was all in the main colas. So a word of advice unless scrogging less numbers, bigger pots, better spacing is the key to more bud :) As for a nelly shot I have not done any since the one in nl x cheese thread :) but I am sure once they start to really fatten up I will take a pic :)
wow id expect more off 2k bro, your already thinking how best to run next time .....I run the 1k and get 27-32 oz, 2LB is standard and thats with 4-6 plants per mtr sq with 2-3wks veg/topped flower at 2ft...still a truck load of smoke tho m8 and killer buds/grow m8 ...happy toking!


wow id expect more off 2k bro, your already thinking how best to run next time .....I run the 1k and get 27-32 oz, 2LB is standard and thats with 4-6 plants per mtr sq with 2-3wks veg/topped flower at 2ft...still a truck load of smoke tho m8 and killer buds/grow m8 ...happy toking!

Alright mate, I already know the reason for this low yeild as I had been flowering the 16 under 1000 watts only for approx 4 weeks then moved back up to 2000 watts for only remaining 4 weeks as you can see in the first pics in the diary the buds had already formed well. I also only had the weight of the main colas. due to the plants being so tightly packed together and not in a SCROG style, but all at different heights, I had no light penetration to the lower buds or side buds :( But like you say I have still enough premo weed to see me a long time :) Also as above I know where I went wrong and will fix it next time as I have a better idea for the room to maximise space and allow better spacing to increase yeild I will be back to over a gram per watt plus the next time I update any diary's :) As I have a lot of strains at the mo, so going to stop updating any diaries until I have reduced numbers and set up new style room :tiphat::ying:


Ok after a lot of thinking about the way forward for my room, and thinking Gavita and LEP etc I have now decided I am happy with the results I am getting under my twin air cooled Blockbusters using autopots, but I was previously using maxibright 1000 watt magnetic ballasts and today thanks to my friends at progrow I have upgraded to 2 Adjusta watt 1000 watt digital ballasts :) meaning now I can dim bulbs to 600 watts each in the hot summer, then in winter months crank them both up to 2200 watts :) I also have a 400 watt setting but will not be using that unless we have a severe heat wave in the UK but chances are slim.
Here is the spec and info: http://www.progrow.co.uk/acatalog/info_05168.html
When all up and running again I will try and get a new diary on here and see if the super boost switch makes a difference.
I am still considering in the future sticking a LEP 300 in between the blockbusters, but not until Herbs has proved they are worth the ££ :)


Cheesey has one mate hes gunna be flipping 1100 very soon chiesel thread


Yeah mate seen it :) they are so light in comparison to my old magnetic ones and I will be dimming my 1000 watt bulb down to 600 to save changing the bulbs :) :ying:


A few pics of my empty room

A few pics of my empty room

Hey folks,
Here are some pics of my room before adding plants.
You can see the frame I built for the double blockbusters and the pulleys and winch to be able to raise and lower them both, without entering the room. I have also taken pics of how I have mounted my new ballasts on the wall enabling me to reach into the room and adjust the wattage at the different stages, I am starting at 600 watts then 3 weeks into flower 1000 then final 2 weeks of flowering overdrive which is 1100 watts each :) In the back left corner is the air pump for the air domes, a dehumidifier continually draining outside and a small oil radiator on a temperature plug, so when temps fall below 18c it comes on :)


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Previous autopot yield hanging nicely.

Previous autopot yield hanging nicely.

Due to a scare a while back had to crop my last autopot grow just before week 9, here are some nice pics, should get a nice dry weight :) I do love seeing big colas drying :) The scrog buds where shorter and not so fat but still nice.


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hey mon them green babys look great on the wall . have you fired them up yet ? 1 should come on them the second 1 too stop the power load clever idea i think if u run 2 or more ballasts . you are useing yours like me 3 weeks on 6oow then 1000w then the last cpl of weeks 1100w but remember as soon as you use the over drive it fooks the bulb , but £45 note per blub is well worth it when you yeilds are massive .


very nice mate whats the dimentions of room again?

Thanks mate the dimension are 5'2 x 5.2 with 7' head room fully sealed :) c02 one day mate.

hey mon them green babys look great on the wall . have you fired them up yet ? 1 should come on them the second 1 too stop the power load clever idea i think if u run 2 or more ballasts . you are useing yours like me 3 weeks on 6oow then 1000w then the last cpl of weeks 1100w but remember as soon as you use the over drive it fooks the bulb , but £45 note per blub is well worth it when you yeilds are massive .

Thanks mate :) They remind me of when I was younger with amps in the back of my car lol.
Thanks for the heads up on the bulb thing :) my lights are taped up to fook lol so that will be a PITA to replace the bulbs after :( But worth it for the yield :) Yeah have fired them up and they did just as you said mate :) soft start technology :) :tiphat::ying: