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....WAKE & BAKE....



wake and bake, another morning here on icmag

the past few days have been pretty onteresting. Friends killed a deer and we ate it, i ate heart, it was one unique experience for sure.

Sad also had to say goodbye to a new friend who is going away for a couple years b/c of this stupid drug war, im tired of this. so tired of the bs they pull. Had a great time with him and his family though and really appreciate everything i learned from him as a person. sorry for the rant, hope you all have a good one

bud basket those flavors sound great!



Active member
Sorry about ur friend STICKKY ...

Wake n Bake on a L of White widow and another of Purple PlushBerry ...

Good Day ya'll ...


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
morning crew!

sorry i havent been around, was on Pensacola Beach for DeLuna Fest this weekend. Not gonna lie - got myself a little smashed on Saturday night. Back's all tore up and my right foot feels like its been stepped on by 2 ton tire! All in all - kick ass weekend =)

Now to drag by broken self to class and try not to fall asleep. ill be back smoking with you all in a few hours. keep it classy my friends!


Lover of Life
Morning crew, looks like another week is upon us.

Didn't get to sleep until late last night due to the neigborhood dogs barking at teenagers playing in the street..oh well, I can get baked and forget I'm tired.

Have a great day everyone :)


Just got back from a morning test, this class is kicking my ass, I never knew there was so much chemistry and physics behind soil. Eh I got a solid C, just never had a class where I actually studied(some) and still couldn't pull at least a B. Oh well, next class was canceled and done for day, test in there wed, and another test tomorrow. God I can't wait till thanksgiving break.

Soul good hearing from you, sounded like a good weekend lol. I gotta limit my goings outs or I end up with mysterious cuts,scrapes, and bruises along with lost items.

Have a great day everyone!!! Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Lover of Life
just thought I'd share this with you all...

I just got to work about 35 minutes ago..as I was walking down the stairs out of the bathrooms, I spotted something dark on the floor. I bent over to pick it up thinking it's some trash and when I got close I could see it wasn't trash..it was A BIG FAT NUG OF BUD!!

It totally put a smile on my face and made my day :)


greetings my internet family
been a while but im still here
have a great day, hope everyone is well
stay green


Azez, it has been a while, glad you are doing well!

Studying for my next test, t-minus 2 hours. Hope you all have a great day, making some coffee and heating the vape up. -basket


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
morning guys!

azez - so glad to see you buddy! hope your well my friend =)

studying for a test myself, should be back this afternoon packing a fresh bowl. see you all then


*Stoned User*
Good morning!!

Woke up with some major back pain this morning. So some headband is in the bowl and its helping some.

Hope everyone is doing better than me this morning. Great to see ya easy! As well as the others. Heyya soul and bud :wave:



Checking back in for my 2nd bake after classes.

Hops forgot to say how awesome it must have been finding that nug! When i find nugs or stems at work/school there usually falling off me.

Whats up trich and soul, hope your back gets to feeling better trich, have you tried making really strong edibles at all? I have noticed putting around a oz of top quality to a half pound of butter will end in effects similar to loritabs.

Spaced on what class I had after my test today, walked across campus to the building and realized I was walking to wrong one. Also forgot lab book so had to run back across campus to my place, than back across yet again to the right class. Pretty long morning so far, at least I got plenty of exercise, I was power walking 8-9 min miles.

Tienen buenos dias todos!-basket


smokin smokin smokin.

pure sativas are kinda fun. PUFFs pure power plant.


Lover of Life
good afternoon soulfly, trich, bud and cheif..

I hid that nug at work yesterday and I"m glad I did...I gave it to someone who will enjoy it later on today :)

it's a nice day here in the mountains..time to go out for another hike.


Morning everyone, studying for yet another test today. This ones over plant growth, flower, and water/nutrient uptake. No idea how Ill do. Not for a few hours so gonna get some studying in.

I like your style of sharing that nug hops, good karma coming your way. I am running low, will be picking more up this weekend sometime. Still have around a qt left so I should be good till friday. Bud is decent but not as good as all that stuff I had just got, gotta love quality sticky-icky outdoor. Hope you all have a hazey daze! -Basket


*Stoned User*
Heey morning bakers! :wave:

Got out of bed with NO back pain this morning, thankfully. The herb did its job yesterday. I seriously did think about taking some edibles as bud suggested but after my last outing with them, decided against it. The cannamilk is really potent and a shot of it put me in a weird place last time I indulged. Seriously seemed like 10 hours of wanting the buzz to wear off.... much too strong, even for a vetern like myself. :) So in short, a couple gs of herb was the best medicine for me and now its time to get back to life as usual.

BB keep on keeping on with the studies man. Sounds like youre doing well with it. I was a horti major as well but fell short because i was an immature young man. :nono: But it really sounds as tho u enjoy it and that should be enough motivation to finish. I sure hope youre able to.

Anyways..... this purple maui has got me chatty this morning. So imma shut up and finish my bowl. haha Peace...


Lover of Life
I didn't have time to stop into the thread this morning because I was in a hurry, but I did manage to get in my wake n' bake. Things are going great here though..got a call from a friend I haven't seen in a while and we're gonna kick it tonight with our old group of friends that kinda fell apart.

Good luck on your test bud!

Hey trich, it's good to hear that your back pain was eased by the good herb. It's such an awesome and useful medicine for mind and body.


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
afternoon everyone. was up late last night trying to build a virtual machine and ended up having to go to school at 715am this morning to do it on sight. 5 minutes before class and the assignment is due I find the problem I was having and fix it - one damn check box!

just thinking of this makes me want to go smoke - talk to you all later