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legalization on the table for 2012 elections


Bart to the Future

Note Ralph's pants!




EDIT: the ep i was originally referencing was the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa's_Wedding

Douche Bag vs Date Rape.
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Marijuana Legalization is Top Issue in White House Petition

A proposal to legalize marijuana has the most supporters of any issue submitted to the White House's new online petition website, qualifying the issue for a formal response from the Obama administration.
<LINK rel=stylesheet type=text/css href="http://img.ibtimes.com/www/site/2011/articles/css/gdShow.css" media=screen><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="http://img.ibtimes.com/www/js/us/jquery.gdShow.js"></SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="http://img.ibtimes.com/www/js/us/easing.js"></SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript> $(document).ready(function () { $('#articleShow').gdShow(); }); </SCRIPT>When the White House launched the website, officials promised to respond to any petition that received more than 5,000 signatures within 30 days. The marijuana legalization question has so far garnered over 17,000 signatures, and two other petitions related to legalizing marijuana have also exceeded 5,000 signatures.

"Isn't it time to legalize and regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol?" the petition reads. "If not, please explain why you feel that the continued criminalization of cannabis will achieve the results in the future that it has never achieved in the past?"
Among the other petitions that have broken the 5,000 signature mark are a call to ameliorate animal homelessness,and an initiative to remove the phrase "under god" from the Pledge of Allegiance

Well, unfortunately if legalization passes we'll be trading one set of criminals for another.

Who's going to grow the yearly crops once the feds have fazed out all of the mom & pop operations by way of safety issues much the way mom & pop growers are being fazed out in favor of big agri business by way of senate bills re: food safety. I'll tell you who, the tobacco companies and maybe they can do for pot what they did for tobacco. Think I'm wrong? Tobacco companies have been buy up land in Humboldt County, Ca. as fast as they can for several years now in anticipation of legalization.

Think cost will go down? It will go up with all of the sin taxes the feds will add.

Back in the day beer breweries were mostly local enterprises and their were many great brands across the country. That gave way to mega corporations putting out piss water like Oly & Bud. For years in this country beer drinkers either suffered or drank European until the pendulum swung the other way. Now the pendulum has swung back & we have many micro breweries putting out a great product.

If you don't like the criminal element know where your weed comes from or grow your own as many of us are doing.

The muslims have a saying about letting the camel get his nose under the tent. Once that happens before you know it the whole camel is under the tent.

Once pot is legalized The government will have it's nose under the tent & the industry will change forever.

Limit criminalization not legalization.




If Ron Paul were to be elected corporations would run even wilder than they do now. He wants business to be completely free of government regulations. Kinda sounds nice...doesn't it.

Imagine the credit card company that can charge whatever it wants in interest.

Imagine the oil company that has no restrictions on where or how it can drill.

Imagine the hospital that can deny anyone care.

Unbridled corporate power is what you will get with any Libertarian. Thomas Jefferson's worst nightmare.
Imagine the power big pharma would have over life and death.

You must be related to that "If weed were legal, we'd have millions more marijuana addicts out on the streets tomorrow, with all the car wrecks, stoned doctors and bus drivers and high everyone" guy.

Of course, there's a flipside to anything you've said, fa instance...

Imagine the credit card company that charged the lowest, because everyone would get one, and the highest ones would be put out of business... etc.
As a matter of fact, it's hard to even take you as serious, and not a joke. Even if a Libertarian were elected, wouldn't laws STILL have to pass through congress and local state legislatures?

I'm not a Libertarian, a Republican, or a member of ANY political party, but I can definitely understand why Ron Paul repeatedly says that freedom and personal responsibility do seem to scare the pants right off of a lot of people.

Do I think that ANY of the "petty-titions" on the whdot gov site will mean anything? Absolutely nothing, to nobody, outside of trends people and marketing folks, and political scientists.

BTW... yeah, imagine an oil company drilling anywhere, following no regulations... or a hospital/clinic turning away anyone they wanted, say even LEGAL users of marijuana, or people with bad credit reports, or people with money but no jobs, etc... now, read the news. And that's under what we have NOW.

For those of you who think Ron Paul is the answer back in the early 60's John Kennedy was in the process doing away with the Fed & printing new money, I think based on silver. Well you know how that turned out. Don't ever think the mega rich will ever let
anyone stand in the way of their profits.
The Fed might be lead by a government employee but he does what he's told. Private individuals own the fed and the federal government isn't much more than so much window dressing.
As to who killed Kennedy? The term palace coup comes to mind. The Warren Commission has sealed the records of what they found during their investigations for 100 years. Not hard to figure why they did that.
Warren Harding who signed into law the Federal Reserve Act creating the fed said
near the end of his life something like, 'I've sold out my country for a bag of gold' in regards to the fed. Sorry I couldn't find the quote.


For those of you who think Ron Paul is the answer back in the early 60's John Kennedy was in the process doing away with the Fed & printing new money, I think based on silver. Well you know how that turned out. Don't ever think the mega rich will ever let
anyone stand in the way of their profits.

It's difficult to make the argument that Kennedy's executive order about silver as money (or whatever it was) was the main reason for his assassination. In fact, there's so many theories and disinformation out there I don't think we'll ever know the whole story. Maybe 100 years from now, who knows. But from what I read I don't think Kennedy was anti-Fed.

It's true Ron Paul is not a perfect candidate. And the reality of a Paul presidency is hard to fathom--he'd bring the troops home, veto unbalanced budgets (and other unconstitutional bills), thereby requiring Congress to scramble for a 2/3 majority. And his cabinet could put pressure on Federal agencies (like the DEA) to stop MM raids and such. Paul would also have the bully pulpit to persuade Congress and attempt to knock some sense into their thick noggins. And the media would have a field day running 24/7 hit pieces on him to "pave the way" for the next automated puppet.

So it would not be perfect. In many ways, Washington would be forced to reconstruct itself to actually accomplish things, and you'd better bet Ron would hire massive, massive private security, and not SS. Although, these days, the less Washington does the better, so I'm all for that.


Still Learning
Ron Paul, like his son Rand, are only 2 of very few that would make 'REAL' changes in our government (maybe the only 2). His changes would hurt. but it needs to be done. His chances of election, unfortunatly, like said, RP isnt supported by 'any' media outlets. They dismiss/ignore him, even though he places higher in the polls that some of the others. Unions, big business, lawyers and the legal drug pushers rule. We work for them.
It's difficult to make the argument that Kennedy's executive order about silver as money (or whatever it was) was the main reason for his assassination. In fact, there's so many theories and disinformation out there I don't think we'll ever know the whole story. Maybe 100 years from now, who knows. But from what I read I don't think Kennedy was anti-Fed.

Hi trem0lo,

Heres a link for you.
With all of the theories out there I never could figure out who killed Kennedy, Castro, generals in our armed forces, the CIA, the Mafia? He & his brother screwed them all.
Until one day when I read about Kennedy trying to end the fed and the light bulb turned on.
Castro, the generals & the CIA are out because too many people would be involved.
The Mafia? I don't think so. If it ever got out it would be the end of their organization & I think they're too smart for that kind of move.
That leaves the owners of the fed. Stop the flow of their fabulous wealth? You couldn't come up with a better reason.
They have the finances, they can keep the number of people involved small & kill off all of the participants. No witnesses, no proof.
Now you have one more theory, lol.
You must be related to that "If weed were legal, we'd have millions more marijuana addicts out on the streets tomorrow, with all the car wrecks, stoned doctors and bus drivers and high everyone" guy.

Of course, there's a flipside to anything you've said, fa instance...

Imagine the credit card company that charged the lowest, because everyone would get one, and the highest ones would be put out of business... etc.
As a matter of fact, it's hard to even take you as serious, and not a joke. Even if a Libertarian were elected, wouldn't laws STILL have to pass through congress and local state legislatures?

I'm not a Libertarian, a Republican, or a member of ANY political party, but I can definitely understand why Ron Paul repeatedly says that freedom and personal responsibility do seem to scare the pants right off of a lot of people.

Do I think that ANY of the "petty-titions" on the whdot gov site will mean anything? Absolutely nothing, to nobody, outside of trends people and marketing folks, and political scientists.

BTW... yeah, imagine an oil company drilling anywhere, following no regulations... or a hospital/clinic turning away anyone they wanted, say even LEGAL users of marijuana, or people with bad credit reports, or people with money but no jobs, etc... now, read the news. And that's under what we have NOW.

"Corporate tyranny is the worst kind imaginable" Noam Chomsky
It is the reason we are in a depression right now. It started during the Clinton years. There were regulations that were in place that did not allow a bank that was holding a mortgage to splice it or bundle it with others in order to sell it off all over the world. In the old days if you took out a mortgage you owed that money to the bank. Nowadays you can owe that money all over the world. I believe a local bank has more interest in whether or not you can actually pay back your loan.

No. Oil companies cannot drill wherever and however they like at the present time.

No. Hospitals cannot deny medical care. Anyone can walk into an emergency room and they must provide care.

No. Credit Card companies would not "lower" rates overnight without regulations. They would band together to see how much more they could steal.

No. Warren Harding was not the first President under which a Central Bank operated. Andrew Jackson failed to re-charter the Central Bank under the control of Nicholas Biddle during his administration. Hence the assassination attempt on his life.

Libertarian essentially means ultra-capitalist in modern America. Government, in principle, is still somewhat accountable to the people it represents. This is why programs like the New Deal and the Civil Rights Act have been implemented. Corporations like GE or Goldman Sachs are not accountable to the general public. Our only purpose for these corporations is to consume what they produce or be good slaves in their factories.

An example of a corporation without government regulations...hell lets make it Apple. Most Apple products are made in China. Just recently at one of the Apple factories there netting was installed around the building. They installed this netting for the safety of the workers there. It's so much fun working in the factory the workers have been jumping off the roof in order to commit suicide.

That said, I do appreciate the fact that Ron Paul wants to end the Central Bank. The Central Bank is responsible for the largest heist in history. Kennedy was going to end the Central Bank and this is why he was killed. Want to get more mainstream? Look into The Secret Order of Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Church. More mainstream?? Look into the powerful men that were aboard the Titantic, their views on the Central Bank, and how soon after the Federal Reserve was reenacted.



Well-known member
Well, unfortunately if legalization passes we'll be trading one set of criminals for another.

Who's going to grow the yearly crops once the feds have fazed out all of the mom & pop operations by way of safety issues much the way mom & pop growers are being fazed out in favor of big agri business by way of senate bills re: food safety. I'll tell you who, the tobacco companies and maybe they can do for pot what they did for tobacco. Think I'm wrong? Tobacco companies have been buy up land in Humboldt County, Ca. as fast as they can for several years now in anticipation of legalization.

Think cost will go down? It will go up with all of the sin taxes the feds will add.

Back in the day beer breweries were mostly local enterprises and their were many great brands across the country. That gave way to mega corporations putting out piss water like Oly & Bud. For years in this country beer drinkers either suffered or drank European until the pendulum swung the other way. Now the pendulum has swung back & we have many micro breweries putting out a great product.

If you don't like the criminal element know where your weed comes from or grow your own as many of us are doing.

The muslims have a saying about letting the camel get his nose under the tent. Once that happens before you know it the whole camel is under the tent.

Once pot is legalized The government will have it's nose under the tent & the industry will change forever.

Limit criminalization not legalization.



This is pretty accurate. The only thing I might disagree with is the tobacco companies mass produce to drive the prices down and put the mom and pop growers out of business. Then they can sell packs of perfectly rolled joints like cigarettes and control the prices and raise them to make up for the taxes.

Either way with legalization the business would be changed forever, for the worst imo.


Well-known member
Well, unfortunately if legalization passes we'll be trading one set of criminals for another.

Who's going to grow the yearly crops once the feds have fazed out all of the mom & pop operations by way of safety issues much the way mom & pop growers are being fazed out in favor of big agri business by way of senate bills re: food safety. I'll tell you who, the tobacco companies and maybe they can do for pot what they did for tobacco. Think I'm wrong? Tobacco companies have been buy up land in Humboldt County, Ca. as fast as they can for several years now in anticipation of legalization.

Think cost will go down? It will go up with all of the sin taxes the feds will add.

Back in the day beer breweries were mostly local enterprises and their were many great brands across the country. That gave way to mega corporations putting out piss water like Oly & Bud. For years in this country beer drinkers either suffered or drank European until the pendulum swung the other way. Now the pendulum has swung back & we have many micro breweries putting out a great product.

If you don't like the criminal element know where your weed comes from or grow your own as many of us are doing.

The muslims have a saying about letting the camel get his nose under the tent. Once that happens before you know it the whole camel is under the tent.

Once pot is legalized The government will have it's nose under the tent & the industry will change forever.

Limit criminalization not legalization.



This is pretty accurate. The only thing I might disagree with is the tobacco companies mass produce to drive the prices down and put the mom and pop growers out of business. Then they can sell packs of perfectly rolled joints like cigarettes and control the prices and raise them to make up for the taxes.

Either way with legalization the business would be changed forever, for the worst imo.
Hi Shakiraloba,
What bothers me about the tobacco companies is that they'll do to pot what they've done to cigaretts. If you've ever read the list of chemicals in cigarettes it's unreal.
Damn shame.


Still Learning
Rocky, I couldnt agree more.. but you quote the quote:

"Corporate tyranny is the worst kind imaginable" Noam Chomsky

Government tyranny is giving Corporate tyranny a run for its money (and in my opinion, winning). At least the corporations are producing something more than taxes and regulations that lead to taxes and fees.


Lammen Gorthaur
Marijuana will be legal again when the Democratic Party decides it will be legal. There are not enough of us hardcore Libertarians to carry you on our backs. Democrats were united in making it illegal and Democrats will have to be united to make it legal.

Don't feel too bad, we Libertarians have serious issues with the Republican Party too, but not over marijuana. Our beef with them is on certain socialist-capitalist impulses they can't seem to live without and we are going to make our displeasure known at the ballot box.

Don't give in.

Don't walk away.

The Tea Parties are where the future is at.

You have been lied to about our intentions. We are not social conservatives at all, just fiscal conservatives and hardcore libertarians. You can make common cause with us on a variety of issues and shape the debate and the platform.

Demonizing us guarantees that marijuana will remain illegal indefinitely.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Well, unfortunately if legalization passes we'll be trading one set of criminals for another.

Who's going to grow the yearly crops once the feds have fazed out all of the mom & pop operations by way of safety issues much the way mom & pop growers are being fazed out in favor of big agri business by way of senate bills re: food safety. I'll tell you who, the tobacco companies and maybe they can do for pot what they did for tobacco. Think I'm wrong? Tobacco companies have been buy up land in Humboldt County, Ca. as fast as they can for several years now in anticipation of legalization.

Think cost will go down? It will go up with all of the sin taxes the feds will add.

Back in the day beer breweries were mostly local enterprises and their were many great brands across the country. That gave way to mega corporations putting out piss water like Oly & Bud. For years in this country beer drinkers either suffered or drank European until the pendulum swung the other way. Now the pendulum has swung back & we have many micro breweries putting out a great product.

If you don't like the criminal element know where your weed comes from or grow your own as many of us are doing.

The muslims have a saying about letting the camel get his nose under the tent. Once that happens before you know it the whole camel is under the tent.

Once pot is legalized The government will have it's nose under the tent & the industry will change forever.

Limit criminalization not legalization.



sorry bruh i think your logic is flawed. at least what IM seeing...

1) we have a 4 farmers markets here where i live (16x a month) and i always see nothing but "mom&pop" growers who bring their wares to the market and seem to do pretty well. alot of people dont want the gmo produced shit from the grocery stores or they just enjoy putting money towards these type of farmers rather than the mega agri companies..

2) if you look at the numbers ::: budweiser, coors and miller on the decline HEAVILY. out here the micro brews are KILLING it. charging $4-8 for a 24 oz beer and people are loving it. the beer crowd is evolving from the fizzy yellow pisswater to a connoisseur filled group looking for the next high end craft beer and are willing to spend 2-3x more for it...

3) even if RJ Reynolds or Phillip Morris did buy land in humboldt (which no proof has ever been shown) who gives a shit? if you know ANYTHING about tobacco then you would understand that they put quantity over quality and profits over product. what makes you think it would be any different with mj? they would produce as much as possible as cheaply as possible. there would be no connoisseur quality smoke produced by these people. they would have breeders work to produce them the largest yielding strains with the shortest flowering times. if you think im wrong - you are a fool. these people will do everything possible to make their profit margins as large as they can.

so you can claim all this nonsense about how MJ legalization would be worst than prohibition -- but anyone whos not a fool or fearmongering to keep the status quo knows that legalization is by far better than prohibition. you just need to evolve and adapt and learn how to survive in a legal market place. i know i will...



Active member
while internet petitions are nice, there is an ACTUAL BILL in committee now to decriminalize pot on a federal level HR 2306.


H.R. 2306: Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011

112th Congress: 2011-2012

To limit the application of Federal laws to the distribution and consumption of marihuana, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Barney Frank [D-MA4]

Status: This bill is in the first step in the legislative process. Explanation: Introduced bills and resolutions first go to committees that deliberate, investigate, and revise them before they go to general debate. The majority of bills and resolutions never make it out of committee. [Last Updated: Sep 22, 2011 6:18AM]

in order to make it out of committee, we must contact these members---

Majority Members (Republican)

F. James (Jim) Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-WI) [Chairman] 202-225-5101 202-225-3190 http://sensenbrenner.house.gov/email_zip.htm
Louie Gohmert (R-TX) 202-225-3035 202-226-1230 http://gohmert.house.gov/Contact/
Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) 202-225-5431 202-225-9681 http://goodlatte.house.gov/contact/index.shtml
Dan Lungren (R-CA) 202-225-5716 202-226-1298 https://lungren.house.gov//index.cfm?sectionid=84&sec
J. Randy Forbes (R-VA) 202-225-6365 202-226-1170 http://randyforbes.house.gov/Contact/ZipAuth.htm
Ted Poe (R-TX) 202-225-6565 202-225-5547 http://poe.house.gov/contact/contactform.htm
Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) 202-225-7751 202-225-5629 https://chaffetz.house.gov/contact/email-me.shtml
Tim Griffin (R-AR) 202-225-2506 202-225-5903 https://griffin.house.gov/contact-me/email-me
Tom Marino (R-PA) 202-225-3731 202-225-9594 https://marino.house.gov/contact-me/email-me
Trey Gowdy (R-SC) 202-225-6030 202-226-1177 http://gowdy.house.gov/Contact/
Sandy Adams (R-FL) 202-225-2706 202-226-6299 http://adams.house.gov/Contact/
Ben Quayle (R-AZ) 202-225-3361 202-225-3462 https://quayle.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=58§i

Minority Members (Democrats)
Member Name_ DC Phone -DC FAX- Contact Form
Bobby Scott (D-VA) [Ranking Member] 202-225-8351 202-225-8354 https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml
Steve Cohen (D-TN) 202-225-3265 202-225-5663 http://cohen.house.gov/index.php?option=com_email_for
Hank Johnson (D-GA) 202-225-1605 202-226-0691 https://hankjohnsonforms.house.gov/contact-form.shtml
Pedro Pierluisi (D-PR) 202-225-2615 202-225-2154 http://pierluisi.house.gov/english/contact-us.html
Judy Chu (D-CA) 202-225-5464 202-225-5467 https://forms.house.gov/chu/contact-form.shtml
Ted Deutch (D-FL) 202-225-3001 202-225-5974 https://deutchforms.house.gov/Forms/WriteYourRep/defa
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) 202-225-7931 202-226-2052 http://wassermanschultz.house.gov/contact/email-me.sh
Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) 202-225-3816 202-225-3317 http://www.jacksonlee.house.gov/Contact/
Mike Quigley (D-IL)202-225-4061 202-225-5603 https://forms.house.gov/quigley/contact-form.shtml

These fine folks represent the House Commitee on the Judiciary:Subcommitee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. This is where the decriminalization bill Ron Paul and Barney Frank introduced earlier this year is currently in "discussion". This bill will stall here if we do not contact these people fervently.

If you want to help, this would do alot more than an internet poll would.

The Rational Human Award Goes to Mad Buddha.
So highly functional, the whole post bears repeating.

Hey, I love stories about how we are all becoming corporate slaves to the Illuminati and Aliens too, but if you don't write or call and let them know this vote has implications for their job security, then you basically have given up the right to be taken seriously when you complain because you did...NOTHING when you had the chance.
This bill may never make it out of Committee, many don't.
A groundswell of e-mails calls and snail mail can make your voice heard. You can remain anonymous, for obvious reasons, but they will not be able to claim there was no interest in this bill going forward.
I know my local Rep in the House and have spoken with him a number of times. He's a good guy trying to do what he feels his people he represents want him to do. He's more than candid about the vote trading that occurs, but he says he tries to strike a balance for the greater good.

He makes a rather good point." Take 435 people representing 435 different parts of a huge country, all with a different agenda and imagine trying to get something done. It's not pretty and it's not fast." Point taken.
Look at IC Mag. Gypsy provides us a forum as the Speaker of the House. We members discuss matters of interest of the very 1 thing we have in common and we all agree on.

And now look at some of the silliness we engage in WHEN WE AGREE that cannabis is a good thing.
Puts things into a bit of perspective.

Many reps will want to take a safe route on this and table it, considering some of the dire circumstances we are in, as not an important issue.
We have to let them KNOW that it is, and that legalizing cannabis is a SOLUTION and not a PROBLEM.
Billions saved, Billions earned, freeing lost lives in prison and helping the ill.
Not in that order of course, but money seems to be a motive force in politics.
Do It.

A lot of 2 finger typing from a nobody but I feel pretty strongly on this as I have been in jail before and I really don't like it at all.

And you shouldn't have to pay for my fat ass to sit around in jail and read.
sorry bruh i think your logic is flawed. at least what IM seeing...

1) we have a 4 farmers markets here where i live (16x a month) and i always see nothing but "mom&pop" growers who bring their wares to the market and seem to do pretty well. alot of people dont want the gmo produced shit from the grocery stores or they just enjoy putting money towards these type of farmers rather than the mega agri companies..

2) if you look at the numbers ::: budweiser, coors and miller on the decline HEAVILY. out here the micro brews are KILLING it. charging $4-8 for a 24 oz beer and people are loving it. the beer crowd is evolving from the fizzy yellow pisswater to a connoisseur filled group looking for the next high end craft beer and are willing to spend 2-3x more for it...

3) even if RJ Reynolds or Phillip Morris did buy land in humboldt (which no proof has ever been shown) who gives a shit? if you know ANYTHING about tobacco then you would understand that they put quantity over quality and profits over product. what makes you think it would be any different with mj? they would produce as much as possible as cheaply as possible. there would be no connoisseur quality smoke produced by these people. they would have breeders work to produce them the largest yielding strains with the shortest flowering times. if you think im wrong - you are a fool. these people will do everything possible to make their profit margins as large as they can.

so you can claim all this nonsense about how MJ legalization would be worst than prohibition -- but anyone whos not a fool or fearmongering to keep the status quo knows that legalization is by far better than prohibition. you just need to evolve and adapt and learn how to survive in a legal market place. i know i will...


You mis-read every point I was trying to make. Try rereading my post.
I never mentioned prohibition.
Attempting to insult me doesn't make your point.
You must be young because your naivete is stunning..


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
This is pretty accurate. The only thing I might disagree with is the tobacco companies mass produce to drive the prices down and put the mom and pop growers out of business. Then they can sell packs of perfectly rolled joints like cigarettes and control the prices and raise them to make up for the taxes.

Either way with legalization the business would be changed forever, for the worst imo.

Hi Shakiraloba,
What bothers me about the tobacco companies is that they'll do to pot what they've done to cigaretts. If you've ever read the list of chemicals in cigarettes it's unreal.
Damn shame.

sorry bruh i think your logic is flawed. at least what IM seeing...

1) we have a 4 farmers markets here where i live (16x a month) and i always see nothing but "mom&pop" growers who bring their wares to the market and seem to do pretty well. alot of people dont want the gmo produced shit from the grocery stores or they just enjoy putting money towards these type of farmers rather than the mega agri companies..

2) if you look at the numbers ::: budweiser, coors and miller on the decline HEAVILY. out here the micro brews are KILLING it. charging $4-8 for a 24 oz beer and people are loving it. the beer crowd is evolving from the fizzy yellow pisswater to a connoisseur filled group looking for the next high end craft beer and are willing to spend 2-3x more for it...

3) even if RJ Reynolds or Phillip Morris did buy land in humboldt (which no proof has ever been shown) who gives a shit? if you know ANYTHING about tobacco then you would understand that they put quantity over quality and profits over product. what makes you think it would be any different with mj? they would produce as much as possible as cheaply as possible. there would be no connoisseur quality smoke produced by these people. they would have breeders work to produce them the largest yielding strains with the shortest flowering times. if you think im wrong - you are a fool. these people will do everything possible to make their profit margins as large as they can.

so you can claim all this nonsense about how MJ legalization would be worst than prohibition -- but anyone whos not a fool or fearmongering to keep the status quo knows that legalization is by far better than prohibition. you just need to evolve and adapt and learn how to survive in a legal market place. i know i will...


I think the fear of tobacco companies is silly.

schwag weed=schwag prices
top-shelf bud=top-shelf prices.

those of us without the soon-to-be-gone medical protection would like to stop being criminals. thanks.

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