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U.S. Drug Policy Would Be Imposed Globally By New House Bill



I don't know what to say at all but the talk is all bad for us.We're gonna have to party like it's 1989 again.


Just look at this guy.
You can tell from his pic alone that he has a stick up his ass the size of a telephone pole.

Fuck off lamar


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ICMag Donor
I remember the days of cbay, cw and heavens stairway. Here today gone tomorrow. Very sad if this bill passes.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Why not spread it globally? After all, it has worked so well here.


Kiss My Ring
good old lamar!
we saw this one coming long ago...

doesn't make it any more palatable, but then nothing could...

get to the phones, send out e-mails, holler from the rooftops. we're all about discontent...let yours be known!

contact your representative and voice your displeasure:


then contact your senator:


if no satisfaction from them, get to the nearest sporting goods store and stock up on ammunition. this is already fugly.
I thought Repubs wanted smaller government? This won't pass the senate and I'm sure Obama would pull out the veto pen for this, especially if he wants the independent vote.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I thought Repubs wanted smaller government? This won't pass the senate and I'm sure Obama would pull out the veto pen for this, especially if he wants the independent vote.

exactly. and before that has to get to the house floor and pass there.

let's hope the senate and president have the common sense to stop this.


Active member
Restores my faith in American Govt.

The lunatics are sprinkled all through Congress on both sides of the aisle.

We have achieved bipartisanship.

Mr. Bongjangles is correct... no need to panic over this bill. Ain't gonna happen...yet.

We have enough existing laws to panic over.

BTW Mr. B,
Love the avatar. That was my old man's look to a t. Usually followed by "What an asshole."


I love my life
i dont see how this is attacking ic mag... its a shit bill... but it clearly states if you plan your illegal acts in usa for foreign soil.... all my illegal acts are right here in the good ol' us of a.... so i should be good -=P

How wrong you are my friend. All of your and my actions are here in the good ol USA, via servers INTERNATIONALLY. Many of your posts and many of mine discuss growing cannabis. We often share ideas on how to grow cannabis with anyone in the WORLD who asks us about growing cannabis. Well right there you and I are in a felony conspiracy with our ICmag friend to grow cannabis OUTSIDE of the USA. Well growing cannabis is a violation of the CSA, so in the eyes of the government you and I are felons.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The writing is on the wall for a civil war in the US.States are already dividing on issues such as illeagal immigration,medical marijuana,taxation,free healthcare for illeagals.

In the immortal words of Tony Montana,at some point americans response to this government will be "Why don't you try sticking your head up your ass see if it fits"


Well-known member
to me it sounds like some kind of "patriot act" for drugs... fuqed up³... i wonder how in a "democracy" shit like this can happen... very sad indeed! i hope ron paul gets elected, and starts doin some good for the usa... else, the last known REAL PREZI of usa is still jfk :(



Dear Gypsy Nirvana,
If you ever get a government subpoena demanding a log of our IP addresses and timestamps, please reply only with very detailed instructions of the precise nature of which they should fuck themselves.

Love, Preacher

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Fuck relax HASH the title of your thread is uncalled for...The sky is falling the sky is falling fuck......:moon:

If it passes they will shut down everyone of these web sites, and take away free speech globally. It is not about pot or The USA at this point. the fact that it even passed the beginning stages is horrible.

It is not just this bill it's self. If passed this would be a huge puzzle piece the path to world domination for the Corporate Fascist that own our country. In combination with the patriot act and the CSA, this bill gives them even further global jurisdiction, to arrest and assassinate, with no just cause or due process of law, for just disagreeing with them on the subject matter of the drug war. Which is something the majority of the globe already does disagree with the U.S. federal government about.

therefore they use it as there justification to enslave or murder the non compliant, based on nothing but a difference of opinion.

to them there is no room for freedom. It stands in the way of absolute power. The longer we appease them the more trapped we will be. When they have the whole globe there will be no where to run. What will you do then?


this is never going to pass, and if it does, it will be completely rewritten

regardless of how much of a fascist state you think we live in, I will bet the farm and the house that it will NEVER get as dire as you are saying it is/will be...especially since this site is hosted across the world...

i mean no offense, but sitting here like Chicken Little and contributing to the fear-mongering bullshit helps no one and hurts everyone...

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