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Well-known member
Holy crap, Ganja! Sweet :)

Just wanted to share a couple with you fine folks :tiphat:

A few choice stalks came off last night, 88 days...I'm certain the heat/rh battle added some.So far i'm satisfied and look forward to some cool runnings with her this Fall.





I was warned about the potency of her aroma and thought I ran a pretty tight game on that front.

Double your efforts if you want to run her.Really.

Hope I did her some measure of justice :ying: can't wait for the rest of her to come down :jump:


SSM :joint:
Amazing! If you don't mind me asking what soil and nutrients are you using? Your girls look dialed in nicely.


Indeed!! There's going to be some nice diesels coming through the thread this fall, doesn't matter, IBL, Headband, West Coast Diesel it's all diesel to me...I smoked some S-99 I think it was with Rasputin, you would swear it was straight diesel...anyway day 78 here and for a summer run these little cuts did just fine, should be a nice 3oz headstash...


When the diesel comes out just right it's like pot from another world, I think the taxonomists can work on that but I've never met a smoker that didn't love it...


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
i have some sour diesel kush about 20 days from seed....excited to see the possibilities with them....never flowered out any type of diesel


Took down my diesels today, such a pleasure to cut, esp when you only have a few small plants...my big one is doing great, 30 days into 12/12 and beasty, if the flowers come out anything like these I'll be real happy.The resin has a peculiar tackiness to it that separates it from other plants I have...


The Mad Monk
Yeah Chaco, that S99 is a great Diesel variety. Having since grown/smoked ECSD it's easy to see the similarities, and the differences. I've been thinking lately I need to make my own S99 version. Ya don't see any of those seeds around anymore, unfortunately. I'd walk through walls to find a male from that line. Diesel done in 60 is a beautiful thing.

Don't matter what the season is, those plants just look good! That resin, it's like greasy sandpaper. The bottom of my jars were scraped clean! :)


Where am I?
Seriously bro when I think of diesel and growing it. ThYs exactly how I picture it and want it to loOk and Chaco you always impress me man. I got a couple. Going now. I can't wait to see what they look like soon so I can snaP shots of them. Friggin love the bud structure of that man Nothing like it

Hopefully my Rez ibl x Aj orig d crosses come out like that
Credit to DJ xxdeez. Sick strains


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
Big props to all that have contributed to this thread! I am on page 20, subbed, and printable version saved so I can cut and paste all the tips into a concise format.
I was recently gifted 20 "Sour Diesel" cuts in rockwool. They were dying in the rockwool (perhaps my benefactor didn't ph adjust the cubes <shrug>), but I rescued them with my DIY EZcloner, and are recovering nicely.
There is not much to see so far, but I am unsure of the exact genetics of the cuttings. I was only told they are "Sour Diesel" and from an outdoor plant. I am on the West Coast, and I am sure some of the original cuttings have made it over here, just not sure if I can accurately call it ECSD, or NYCD...
Anyone able to speak with authority about what I have? You can see the pics in my sig.
Thanks again Chaco, and all who have contributed so far. I have always been attracted to the unique and rare, and if this is indeed ECSD, then I plan on keeping it as long as I can.


I pulled the buds off the string today and put them into a shoebox for a few days...the stems all cracked and the bud came off easily, just a few more days and I'll stash it in some jars and start smoking it.I smoked a bud I'd cut at day 74 and it was wonderfull...


looks like a great run for summertime, or anytime for that matter! im jealous, i wont have a deez til christmas unless one of my bros surprises me with something.


Mouth watering stuff CHACO, what can a guy say! I just imagine breaking off a little chunk and rolling a gagger. Right on!


Active member
I harvested a 2-3 lbs of ecsd, it's all i've been smoking on these past few months. Prior to growing her, I only had sour diesel a dozen or more times, and each time in the past, after buying a bag of it at a dispensary , I quickly gained a tolerance to it. The high lasting 30 mins or less.. But when i chopped my 85 day Sour Diesel, the high stretches on for HOURS, it's a total mind fuck, and I've yet to gain any noticeable tolerance to it thus far. I get just as high each time i throw some in the bong. It's incredible shit. I also can't do basic math or anything that involves my brain the entire day after smoking it.
I've also had numerous instances where I've walked into the store and I've some how had a baby .3 nug in a plastic bag in my pocket after coming home from a friends place..etc and i swear every time, 3-4 people comment on either how good i smell, that it smells like straight chronic, or they say holy shit and make a sniffle sound and talk about it with their friends how the guy behind them reeks like dank. A little nug of this shit can get you popped no doubt, it's some serious lingering funk, as you all already know!


Active member
:ying:Damn Bro,thats exactly how i remember my piles lookin like,i miss it soooo much.ECSD and FFA mixed joints are the best.Peace and Stay Safe,DancesWithWeed:ying:Heres a lil ECSD Nug.


Very nice gentlemen, very nice indeed.I have almost no tolerance to the diesel...I had to walk about 4 miles to ease up the buzz.The diesel always works for me, hell I think I'll go and have a puff right now then a long ass walk..My potency assesment is related to how far I end up walking/running, 4-6 miles walking and 10 running but I busted up my hip bone so its walking for now...:)