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MMJ Patients cant buy or own guns.


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*No more 2nd Amendment rights for MMJ patients*

*No more 2nd Amendment rights for MMJ patients*

I don't post much. I generally lurk and enjoy reading threads on here. I have for many years since the Overgrow days. I thought this was very important and hopefully it is copied and crossposted to your other favorite forums.

The federal government, notably under the current administration, continues to paint itself into a corner politically speaking regarding Mr. Obama’s pre-election promises to ‘fix the problem with medical marijuana’.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) issued a memorandum on September 21 to all gun dealers in the United States for the expressed purpose of informing them that they MUST discriminate against lawful medical cannabis patients and DENY them their Second Amendment right to buy and possess a firearm for hunting and/or personal protection.


(click the pdf for the memo)

The feds newest ‘clarifying’ memo regarding medical cannabis (proceeding the 2009 Ogden and 2011 Cole memos) is notable because members of NORML’s Legal Committee recently have been successfully challenging local and state law enforcement officials who’ve chosen to discriminate against lawful medical cannabis patients by denying them permits for a concealed weapon.

Why is it OK and does it make any sense at all for lawful medical patients who are prescribed powerful painkillers and sedatives to be able to enjoy their Second Amendment rights and responsibilities, but medical cannabis patients who want to hunt or have self-protection in their homes are overtly discriminated against by our own federal government?

This new ATF memo will provide an interesting test to see if the National Rifle Association really does support citizens’ rights to bear arms.


What will they do next?

What happens when a cardholder decides to answer "No" on 11.e on ATF 4473?

A continuation of the downward spiral.


May your race always be in your favor
Bet the NRA sides with the government. It's about smoking the devils weed as far as both of them are concerned.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I had no choice but to mark no on the form when I bought my .45 It really sucks. I have legal amounts of Morphine that would probably kill most first time users. It's OK for me to be ZOMBIE on Morphine but its not OK for me to be medicated on cannabis. Its just completly stupid.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
this country is fucked, but i've known that for a while :cry:


Kiss My Ring
in before the bin!

i cannot comment on the grounds of self incrimination, but...i tried to warn!

this is not good for anyone. ime we as growers and consumers of cannabis are going to be targeted and portrayed as criminal terrorist drug thugs...not because of any violence but because of the 'possession' of firearms while committing a felony.
nearly every report i read of lists 'weapons' seized. leverage if you will for use later when they attempt to ban guns by edict of the nwo (UN).

be at peace...unless you're too damned perturbed over this.

it will be very interesting to see how the NRA wrangles out of this, or if they side with the govt. i'm going on a limb here and saying the NRA is going to back the administrations stance of prohibition.

and DO NOT make any misrepresentations on form 4473. that i believe is a crime in itself.

i would reccommend buying guns and ammuntion without the man from uncles participation if possible...but then i'm out in left field.


gets some
I had no choice but to mark no on the form when I bought my .45 It really sucks. I have legal amounts of Morphine that would probably kill most first time users. It's OK for me to be ZOMBIE on Morphine but its not OK for me to be medicated on cannabis. Its just completly stupid.

Don't worry, pharma users will be on the same list of "prohibited persons" eventually. This isn't about weed. It's about slowly but surely killing every American's right to bear arms, except the government. Weed users and particularly mmj users with some protection under the law are a great test bed to start. Americans better start rising up against this stuff or we WILL end up like Nazi Germany.

memphis man

i myself am a member of the nra and have been for years. in my personal opinion i believe that the nra will side the the mmj patients. the main reason i say this is that the nra knows that it can not afford to lose any ground on the gun issue at all. if they side with the government on the mere fact that a simple non criminal record mmj card holder cannot have a firearm simply because they posses a card then they have shot there own selves in the foot. the nra fought like hell to re vamp the hi capacity clips for years till they finally got them back with the aid of the bush administration. i dont think this will be any different. what i cant understand is how the can allow states to make their own laws concerning cannabis and not really fuck with you as long as you are within the states limits to then striping you of your right to bear arms.......its just fucking ridiculous

memphis man

is there a website that shows the percentages of card holders that make up cali's population? i mean what percent of cali people have a card or rec? the reason i am using cali as an example is its the largest mmj friendly state and has a shitload of people as well as had the mmj laws in effect for the longest. im just wondering what percent of cali's population just became felons with this new announcement. and how many dollars the wildlife fisheries and parks foundations are going to lose now because joe smo who loves to hunt is no longer allowed to because having a gun is against the law because he has a medical issue that he treats with cannabis?


gets some
What's most disturbing about this directive is that it now proclaims for the first time ever that CURRENT gunowners with MMJ cards are now considered in violation of federal gun laws. It's not just barring new sales. It's criminalizing "ex post facto" (after the fact) gun ownership. If you have an MMJ card and own a firearm and/or ammunition, you are now subject to arrest.


Kiss My Ring
is there a website that shows the percentages of card holders that make up cali's population? i mean what percent of cali people have a card or rec? the reason i am using cali as an example is its the largest mmj friendly state and has a shitload of people as well as had the mmj laws in effect for the longest. im just wondering what percent of cali's population just became felons with this new announcement. and how many dollars the wildlife fisheries and parks foundations are going to lose now because joe smo who loves to hunt is no longer allowed to because having a gun is against the law because he has a medical issue that he treats with cannabis?

rest assured PETA has a hand in making it happen...fuck!


gets some
Own a firearm and have an MMJ card? The ATF now says you are a federal felon

Own a firearm and have an MMJ card? The ATF now says you are a federal felon

This was already posted over in the mj legal section but I thought it should be brought to the attention of those most affected by it, the MMJ forum.

The US ATF recently sent out notice to all gun dealers (FFL holders) that anyone with an MMJ card is now considered a "prohibited person" from owning a firearm under federal law. If you currently own a firearm you are now subject to arrest and conviction of a federal felony. Your 2nd Amendment right has just been taken away from you by decree of the ATF.



Power Armor rules
Wow, that is some disappointing news. I'd have to agree with Memphis man on this one. The NRA has taken the stance to be 100% committed to the 2nd Amendment. Right now they are focused on doing their best to keep Obama from getting elected in 2012.

No matter what happens, remember that the current supreme court is a conservative one. The last two cases, the guy from DC and the guy from Chicago, both won.



Kiss My Ring
if nothing else this will force users and addicts to choose between their addiction and their firearms, divide and conquer. static

"they can have my guns when...pry my cold dead fingers from them."

heard that somewhere.


this obama feller must be tryin to bring back racism, sure seems to piss off alot of people with no real reason

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