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Heart Attack Proof...


hey guys u should check out liferegenerator and dr robert morsend on youtube they have some interesting things to say about all this :)


animal fat is where its at

I know people who have been eating nothing but eggs all day for years and feel better than ever. eggs have pretty much every vitamin and nutrient you need. plus a perfect fat to protein ratio.

you want at least 60 percent fat in your diet.

i eat about 4 to 8 eggs a day with 2.5 tablespoons of real unsalted butter. has plenty of good fat in it

then some veggies for lunch and some cheese.. small amounts of veggies.. mostly avacodo and red peppers.

and for dinner i have a nice big rib eye and a baked potato. I cook my rib eye's pretty rare.

I do not use ANY vegetable oils what so ever. poly unsaturated fats are terrible for you and cause inflammation in the arteries. mono fats are good though but saturated fat is the best. your body naturally uses it and does not have to convert anything. i am trying to find a good source for real olive oil but its always made shitty and has other poly fats in it. macadamia nut oil is good to apparently. but butter is best.

this diet is really working out for me. it was hard at first.. induction sucked but now i feel great.

the cholesterol thing is bullshit. fat provides you with high density cholesterol which is good for you.

you get inflammation in your arteries. low density comes in and relieves the inflammation. high density then comes in and removes the low density and clean our the arteries. cholesterol is what your body uses to keep your arteries healthy.. doctors should be recommending high density cholesterol.

also the only source of vitamin A is found in animals. carrots and all those veggies are beta carotene. your body has to convert that to vitamin a and its very very inefficient. Liver is a real source of A. only eat that about once a week though A is very toxic too.

I dont know for sure this is the end all way to eat. I have just done my research and its working for me and it makes sense. I dont think anyone truly knows yet. there is so much to learn about human health. one day we will figure it out. we seem to have plants down pretty good lol

Green lung

Active member
LOL so you switched over from KFC, soda, taco bell ect to vegan and you think it was the animal protein that was making you a fat ass.


weed fiend
... I also found out that I've basicly been constipated my whole life and had no idea...sounds gross but my shits are now epic...so easy and so huge...and I truly undestand the term "regular" now...

Maybe you're less anal retentive.:)


animal fat is where its at

I know people who have been eating nothing but eggs all day for years and feel better than ever. eggs have pretty much every vitamin and nutrient you need. plus a perfect fat to protein ratio.

you want at least 60 percent fat in your diet.

i eat about 4 to 8 eggs a day with 2.5 tablespoons of real unsalted butter. has plenty of good fat in it

then some veggies for lunch and some cheese.. small amounts of veggies.. mostly avacodo and red peppers.

and for dinner i have a nice big rib eye and a baked potato. I cook my rib eye's pretty rare.

I do not use ANY vegetable oils what so ever. poly unsaturated fats are terrible for you and cause inflammation in the arteries. mono fats are good though but saturated fat is the best. your body naturally uses it and does not have to convert anything. i am trying to find a good source for real olive oil but its always made shitty and has other poly fats in it. macadamia nut oil is good to apparently. but butter is best.

this diet is really working out for me. it was hard at first.. induction sucked but now i feel great.

the cholesterol thing is bullshit. fat provides you with high density cholesterol which is good for you.

you get inflammation in your arteries. low density comes in and relieves the inflammation. high density then comes in and removes the low density and clean our the arteries. cholesterol is what your body uses to keep your arteries healthy.. doctors should be recommending high density cholesterol.

also the only source of vitamin A is found in animals. carrots and all those veggies are beta carotene. your body has to convert that to vitamin a and its very very inefficient. Liver is a real source of A. only eat that about once a week though A is very toxic too.

I dont know for sure this is the end all way to eat. I have just done my research and its working for me and it makes sense. I dont think anyone truly knows yet. there is so much to learn about human health. one day we will figure it out. we seem to have plants down pretty good lol

Eating 60% fat will lead the majority of people to clogged arteries by the time they are 60....

Just some genetic types that are able to overcome that assault of fats and cholesterol...

Anyway I'm not trying to tell anyone how to eat...I'm just saying that imo this diet or one very similiar to it is the answer to alot of health problems..including obesity...type 2 diabetes...cancers of all kinds....digestion problems...constipation...

I did the atkins diet when I was 25 years old....I had ballooned up to 295lb and freaked out and the fad at the time was atkins....so I got down to 213lbs in a year and a half but I didn't feel anywhere near how I feel now and my cholesterol level got up to like 270 at age 25....which is kinda scary...

Anyhow...trust me...I envy those who can chow on steak and eggs and chug milk and still be healthy as shit....

Most of us just can't.....

Also...everything I've read says Saturated Fats are the worst ones for you cause they are the ones that clog your arteries.

Anyway...not gonna get into a pissing contest...but the guy up a few comments ago who recommended the chine study is right...and IMO you yourself may want to read it..


weed fiend
... As the protein intake increased we were able to build more efficient and better working brains because protein is a huge part of your brain and brain function.

Makes sense. Cholesterol is the solution that bathes our brain. It's important to know there are bad and good cholesterol in meat.

Fry a chunk of ground beef and pour off the liquid. The coagulate at the top is bad for us but actually breaks up bad cholesterol in our blood. The non-coagulate at the bottom is good cholesterol. It helps keep bad cholesterol particles from combining.

Of course, the key is moderation. Many things in life have both good and bad consequences if they're overdone. Creatures of habit sometimes have to train themselves to moderate.


As the protein intake increased we were able to build more efficient and better working brains because protein is a huge part of your brain and brain function. It is extremely high in caloric energy as well. Those calories aka energy were the catalyst for brain development. These are well known anthropological, and biological facts proven with fossil records, and brain studies.

Exactly. Nothing wrong with animal fat in the diet at all. A diet of venison and other wild game animals would be healthy. The domesticated animals used for food these days look nothing like those of a hundred years ago either; today's domesticated animals have far more fat.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
This is a THEORY not a fact. You have it wrong though, they theorize that the long chain fats(mainly dha) were the catalyst in making us smarter, along with the increased caloric density of animal fats. They have a similar theory that cooked food such as tubers were the catalyst due to the increased caloric density and bio-availability of glucose(which is the brains main fuel source).

Maybe you should learn the difference between a theory and a fact. How would they even prove these as being factual without a doubt?

Evolution is a theory too, but only because the large amount of religious people, aka crazies, that don't except is as fact, because science is nonsense to them. Notice how they die at a younger age though.

However I do not doubt that things like magic mushrooms and weed, helped us use our developing brains to have higher levels of thinking, and step away from territorial violence long enough to create better societies.


Excuse me while I go conspiracy theorist for a bit..

Another part of the topic that made me kinda take notice is that the guy who wrote the book talks about how beef and dairy are bad....and the standard american diet (SAD) says you need 30% of your caloric intake from fat...and alot of dairy is recommended for "optimum health".

But that diet is a breeding ground for disease and just isn't very healthy...literally a "high fat diet" of 35 percent was shown to have virtually the same effect on as a "low fat diet" of 29%....ya 29% fat is considered low to the "american heart association". What they didn't say is that if your diet is actually low fat...like around 10% and the fats are all plant based....you remove heart disease from the equation altogether.....not to mention greatly reduce your chance of ever getting most cancers..

The problem is that cattle...and dairy....were HUGE industries back in the day...those big companies were the one's with the agenda and bankroll for lobbyists...

So they push that we need a diet with more meat and more dairy ect....so that's what we end up with...

It reminds me alot of the show Mad Men....

Also...doctors have no real incentive to cure heart disease...or cure cancer...there's no money in it...and big pharma doesn't want anyone getting healthier....

The big money is in the pockets of some evil corporations....sick people is HUGE business...

And they will stop at nothing to keep printing money....

/conspiracy theorist off

I feel like such a retard.......I miss steak...but fuck it...i've never felt this amazing in my life....no way am I going back...


But that diet is a breeding ground for disease and just isn't very healthy...literally a "high fat diet" of 35 percent was shown to have virtually the same effect on as a "low fat diet" of 29%....ya 29% fat is considered low to the "american heart association". What they didn't say is that if your diet is actually low fat...like around 10% and the fats are all plant based....you remove heart disease from the equation altogether.....not to mention greatly reduce your chance of ever getting most cancers..

You really need to do more research because this is classic LF dogma, we have real world contradictions to all of your socalled studies. You realize these studies are done on people eating a standard diet, obviously if you limit the toxic fats that oxidize in your body(stuff like soy and canola) you will have better markers for heart disease.

We have examples of many primitive and indigenous cultures who eat 5% fat all the way up to 75% and they are all pretty much free of degenerative disease. The masai for example directly contradict your meat/milk conspiracy non sense, males eat almost nothing but meat, milk and blood yet they are free of heart disease and have some of the lowest cholesterol levels.

Check this out-
with the hope that groups of individuals would be found living solely on a vegetarian diet. Not only were no individuals or groups found, even in the interior, who were not frequently receiving shell fish from the sea, but I was informed that they recognized that they could not live over three months in good health without getting something from the sea....This guide and many others explained to me that cannibalism had its origin in the recognition by the hill people that the livers and other organs of their enemies from the coast provided the much needed chemicals which were requisite to supplement the plant foods.


We have zero cultures practicing a vegan diet and it's been hypothesized that vegans wouldn't be able to acquire enough energy or nutrients to reproduce through multiple generations.


Evolution is a theory too, but only because the large amount of religious people

I'm sure :laughing:. Tell real scientist that and they'll think your a fool. If evolution as a whole was true(clearly there is merit to natural selection) it wouldn't matter what crazy religious people claim, science doesn't work like that.

soil margin

Active member
I eat sausage, bacon, and eggs 4-5 days a week. I eat butter and cheese 5-6 days a week.

I eat 4 tbsp of olive oil, 2tbsp of coconut oil, 2 cups of raw whole milk with cream. Every, single, morning for the past year. I am 6ft 170lbs. My weight hasn't fluctuated more than 2-3 pounds either direction.

Explain to me how organic, unprocessed fats are bad you.


I think its all relative:

The deletourous(sp) aleles in the Masai populatoion would be wiped out long ago, so maybe that explains why they are free of diesese??? send white man baby to live there and mayb it will die at 30 of meat/milk induced death.

There is no 'conspiracy theory' when it comes to our programed diet, its obviously flawed making it 'conspiracy fact'!! :)

Metabolism/lifestyle/genes affect your survival when the environment(diet in this case) is unsuitable, genotype/environment=phenotype type deal..:p


I eat sausage, bacon, and eggs 4-5 days a week. I eat butter and cheese 5-6 days a week.

I eat 4 tbsp of olive oil, 2tbsp of coconut oil, 2 cups of raw whole milk with cream. Every, single, morning for the past year. I am 6ft 170lbs. My weight hasn't fluctuated more than 2-3 pounds either direction.

Explain to me how organic, unprocessed fats are bad you.

Different genetic types process food differently....feel lucky you can do it.

When people are genetically fat they aren't actualy genetically fat....they just can't handle all the junk food that some people can...

I know a lady who eats about 1500 calories a day and is fat as shit while her husband eats like a pig and is 6'2" and a ripped 205....just the way it works...

Some people can eat whatever they want...never gain weight..never have heart problems..never get cancer...

Its the people who can't do that that this appeals to...

I'm not trying to change anyones diet that is working well for them...I'm just saying that for people like me who have been overweight most their life...who have heart disease and cancer hitting a ton of their family....there is an answer.

You can say what you want about the "studies" but I know my body...and I've never felt like this before...i used to get the shakes all the time...if I didn't eat right when I started to feel hungry my hands would start shaking and I'd start feeling nauseated and dizzy...

Now my hands are steady as shit..I can now actually check trichs with the 30x loupe without having to hold my breath to keep my hand steady enough...

One other thing I've noticed...when I was eating like shit and smoked tons and tons of weed (still do btw...that will never change) I never remembered my dreams..I always blamed the weed..

Now I have rediculous clarity in most of them...so I no longer think it was the weed..not sure exactly what it is...could be the vitamins i'm taking but its awesome.

Again...I can only speak about my personal experience....no need to attack me over this issue...I feel amazing...I'm losing weight...my energy level has tripled...started to get a cold when the weather changed last week and just shrugged it off....felt it for like 12 hours and coughed a little more for a few days when I smoked...

Usually when I'm sick I'm completely out of commission for a few days...

So..sorry again if I sound preachy...but this is an exciting time for me and I want others who deal with the same situation (after all over half the population is in the obese category) to know that there are options and its not 100% genetic..

Green lung

Active member
Eat a chicken breast bro. It wasn't the meat or dairy that made you fat.

It was the huge amount of sugar, sodas, KFC, MCdonalds, simple carbs ect no exercise ect.

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