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OMG...Dont leave your doors open!!


ICMag Donor
We were watching tv and puffing...babba goes to the bathroom and walks in the hallway and steps on a SNAKE!!!
Babba starts yelling, theres a snake in the house!

It crawled into the bedroom and got behind the dresser....after some time[both of us freaking out, getting shovels and brooms and flashlights] trying to figure out how to get this fucker out of our house I put the broom behind the dresser and Babba had the shovel standing on the bed...the snakes stickes its head out and Babba jams the shovel right down on it!! Getting it right at the base of the head! ....talk about a freak out!!
Going to take about 10 joints to settle down and try to go to sleep!! We sure wont be leaving the door open any more thats for sure!!

Here are some pictures of the little fucker!!




omg..what a trip!!


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Oh shit!! I am sitting here looking at the top two pictures like man what a shame I would just grab that thing and remove it.

And then,

I seen the rattler! holy crap I would have shatt. Glad you, your family or any fury friends you may have are all ok. I never leave my doors open, I need those valueable seconds if anything ever goes down.

Eat it rattle snake is supposed to be delcious.

Had to be a deadly snake to....sleep well!!!!

You need to bury the head, them things will try and bite for quite a while even with their head cut off so be careful.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I stepped on it barefoot ..... oh my gawd .... I worked in the woods all my life ... seen lots of snakes ... but stepping on one barefoot is just a bit much. Now every trip to the bathroom in the middle of the nite is going to be a lights on affair. Im sure tomorrow will be spent moving every piece of furniture making sure he doesnt have any buddys hanging out . Dude my brain is fried over this one .... I stepped on a rattlesnake in my house ? WTF


stone fool
Hahahaha, Babba, do you need furter confirmation the earth wants you to be alive, hahaha? Glad you made it, how does that poison work with darts?

Till you die the first time, stuff like this is scary. You still have work to do sir, ain't it cool?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

wow! stepping on the little bastard & not getting bit is a miracle, glad you guys are OK.

good idea on the 10 joints, that outta smoke the rest of 'em out.......

One Love 731

Senior Member
For those that haven't quite got their fix of gore, Google Rattle Snake bite (Images). Glad you's both are OK. Ya gotta love nature. 1:ying:

We get lizzards. Had a torantula walk in twice. Frogs too, long with lotsa ants,

But a rattler?

I likem much better in my yard.

Good you's are ok!

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