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Kroggi's Vertical Tubes #2 Legends of Ultimate Indica


Ok i fixed the lights, so the wires aint so close to the bulbs... A true Bobblehead copy ;)
Decide for ur self m8 hehe. I might be blastnig too much air on the lights, but on the other hand i pull enough air out aswell, and without the lower fan, i still dont have overheating. Just adding things to the room to increase its potentiale :)

Ducting coming up aswell, just need to make a few adjustments before ducting.

And new clones in the house aswell, WR. Thanks m8, u know who u are :D


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Sup kroggi, nice to have good friends at hand, aye.... Friends in 'high' :joint: places lol:D

Enough of my wack ass jokes anyways..... How long are you vegging those clones before they go into the system bro? Looks like you have about 80 clones there or my counting is shite, lol... so the system will be full.... you gonna stick the extra's on the floor? Would bump up the gpw @ the end mate.... only need to average 15g per then instead of the 18.75g.

I'm excited about this grow matey, as I am planning to run a similar rig with more plants though 80+ per 600w light ala heath's OG design. I'm sure 2gpw is feasible using high plant no's and the right strain... well enough of my coffee + bubba kush induced ramblings haha....


Hey there shhh.

Well im gonna leave the clones in the DWC for about a week, and then drop them into the vertical system and give them an additional 2 - 3 weeks of vegetative growth, and those that grows too fast will then be cut down to a uniform hight.

The count is too high :D Theres about 66 clones in the DWC, BUT, theres 80 holes in total :p So i got just about enough for the system, if none of them dies or anything similar happens that aint suppose to happen. But no, im not gonna fill up the floow, i tried that with just 2 plants last round, and it sucked a bit. I couldnt enter the room, i allways had to move them around, and i didnt like that. If i were to place more plants on the floor, i would have to water plant them aswell all the way in the back, which will be difficult in late flower. Nah, ill stick with the vertical system and nothing else ;)

See ya around matey


Small update. Put in a 600w MH bulb, filled the vertical system with clones, 64 in total, tho i have my doubts 3 of them is gonna make it.
Seems like they havent fully recovered from being in a plastik box with water (and some nutes), on the way home. When i got home, first thing i did was to place the clones in a bobbler, and thats when i noticed a couple of them basicly had drowned... The whole clone was under a mild nutrient solution, which deffently wassent good for the leaves... so... 3 clones might not make it, rest seems to make it just fine.

Those 3 clones is placed closest to the entrance of the vertical tubes, so it gives me a bit of room to enter and work with the plants.

3 pictures for now showing the roots in the bobble cloner, roots length on some of them with longest roots, down to 15cm roots, and then the last picture of the vertical system filled.



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Good looking roots on the clones Kroggi, I think this run is going to be a good un for you, even though u may loose those 3 clones as u said you gain a bit of space to work in...

I was thinking about your veg time... how much stretch do u get with this strain as I reckon u maybe good with like 7 - 10 days veg in the main system bro, what do you think? They look to be about 5-6" tall now. I mean u know best as you've run them before so not trying to rip yas a new one or anything..... but if the double/ triple in height they maybe kinda tall and bush out into each other?? I'm just thinking out load here so just tell me to f**k off if you don't think much of it, lol :D


Thanks :)

@shhh - Well im thinking i want them all (surviving clones ofcourse) to grow at the same speed before flipping the switch to 12/12. So im gonna cut back the clones that are about those 15+ cm, so they aint gonna take up all the space just yet. But ive reserved 2 weeks for the veg time currently, and filled the the reservoir with 100 liters of nutrient solution that should kickstart the growth a bit :)

hehe im not gonna tell ya to fuck off :p Love the comments back and forth, its what keeps the thread alive ;) But i know where ur getting at :D Just remember, last time i had a 400 and a 600w, non reflective foil on the walls and this time, i got JoJo's to hold up the plants :D haha. Nah its all good man, they need to show they want to grow, all of them, then i set them off into 12/12. Dont want any of the clones to lack behind this time, thats what went wrong last time... Unhealthy clones that was flipped into 12/12 too fast.

But i guess within the next 2 weeks, we will know how they turn out to react to the water, light and system ;)
i just wanna second the guy who recommended not pushing the limits of nutrient concentration. i learned that on this site and in my experience running lower nutrient concentrations will give you hardier plants, with no loss in yield.

therefore saving money on nutrients, also i used to occasionally get nutrient burn when i was running high concentrations because i would forget to top off with water a couple days and the ppms shot up. its good to have a nice buffer in case of shit like that. i run 600ppm in veg and 800 in flower.


Thanks m8, im gonna see if i can hit that golden range, where EC aint raising, and not falling too quickly, and yet its falling. Should be around that range :) So i might aswell start off with ur numbers there :D

Thanks ;)


hey guys :)

@Grow4Flow - Well i have a "house painter" wifey, which had some extra wallpaper paste that i used with the diamond reflective foil. I wassent sure it would hold to begin with, but once u get it up there and u aint holding back. Well lets just say it holds still :D

The reflective foil is kind of heavy compaired to normal wallpaper, so i was affraid it would fall down, but if u just dont bend it up against the ceiling and stuff like that, theres no problems using wallpaper paste. Make the foil connect with the paste and ur all set ;)

@Shhh - hey m8 :D The girls are doing fine bro.
Just grabbed a picture from my little "cam holder" in the room, which gives me a wicked way to make a small kind of timelapse picture run :p hehe, look at the attached filed and ull see what i mean ;)

Gonna switch to 12/12 tomorrow i think, today they have been in the vertical system for one week, and as forseen, those 3 ladies didnt make it. so 61 plants in the system, all well and all growing the right way :D

Sorry ive been inactive a bit, but im renovating the house, which takes currently all of my time.


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As mentioned in previous post, i would go into 12/12 soon...
As u can see, spectrum changed :)

So, fast update, day 5 in 12/12
EC: 1.2
PH: 5.6


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That's what I'm talking about kroggi, seems they've made a full recovery bro. Did you get to the bottom of what caused the problem in the first place?


hey all

@shhh - not really no. It just kind of went into its self again, so im guessing its the light from below the plants, even tho it sounds a bit wierd it could cause it ? Anyways, now its just the mites i need to get rid off once and for all :) And for that im gonna try something new, but ill get to that.

@bobblehead - Hehe thanks bro :)

So... Another update from today, as u can see the plants love it currently and is drinking a whole lot of solution :p
The smaller ones are the remaining LUI survivors, im gonna make into mother plants for now.
Ive acquired me some new mite killing products, called Fortefog 'P' Fumer, which is a smokebomb u place in the room and let the smoke kill what needs killing. Anyone know of these and can tell us ur experience with them ?

Anyways, i was told a suitable size of these fumers, would be 3.5g in size, which is the smallest... Tho the only one my growshop could provide today is a 27g. So im pretty sure its big enough for the room :p


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Hi Kroggi, I use those fumers before a new run, pretty sure the one I had stated that it couldn't be used around plants... The 11g size is said to be good for 375sq/ft so your 27g should be good for 920sq/ft. The active ingredient is Permethrin I'm not sure how long it takes this to dissipate from the plant and as your in bloom it might be an idea to give the manufacturers (agropharm) a shout before using it...

Here's the data sheet on it:


and a link to the manufacturers website:


There is also something called harka mectin that is used to treat mites on pigeons lol! This shit will kill them dead but only upon contact its not systematic so you'd have to get the gloves and sprayer out but it's far less harmful to you than Permethrin can be. Harka mectin is cheap and can be found on ebay.

Also there's a new product is getting good reviews, some charged water or some shit lol :D check this out:


Good luck with the Borg! I f*@kin hate spidermites!!

Plants are looking good all the same, growing at a good pace :)

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