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You make the leap right to racism, I question your judgment,opinion,perspective...ergo, what's racist to you, may not be to me = personal opinion infecting my time here...save the argument of what racism is, remove it from the equation and substitute any personal axe to grind...it still fits in some instances around this joint.Somebody always has a bug up their ass...ohh whelp...sucks to be them.

I still get my dick sucked so it's all good :dunno:

Ah the old, "change the subject because you're wrong trick".

Again, show me the twist.

Hope that straightens you out


Tropical Outcast
Some here need a stack of these:



Active member
i never give anybody negative rep if i disagree with them...i give them a posi rep stating i didnt agree with them....i will dish out a red tictac if someone is down right disrespectful or out of line..or who gives me a neg rep as payback..


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
There does seem to be a huge double standard when it comes to what defines racism, God forbid you make an off color remark about another race other than white but when white people are discriminated against nobody really calls anyone out on it as it's somewhat socially acceptable now I guess and we are seen as being deserving of it because of slavery and such which I for one had nothing to do with.


Put on comedy central and watch some black comics you will hear so many white jokes but God forbid a white guy got up there and started really making black jokes & people would lose their mind and lose their jobs. What if there was a "WET" White Entertainment Television...that would be racist and there would be marches & demonstrations against it. But BET is not? Just a few examples of what I feel are some forms of reverse racism. I am not racist whatsoever, grew up with many other races and still am friends with many other races. All people should be treated equally unless they are trash & that can be ANY color.

There is a double standard and hating on caucasians is definitely just as clearly racist as any other form of racism and should be treated equally when it comes to punishment. If you don't want your race discriminated against don't discriminate against white people either we all have equal rights not less rights because we are white. That's my 420 cents. :joint:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
A site is not really a private site when they allow a person to pay for special rights to make their opinions important. It is simply a site controlled by outside purchasing power. A truly private site would not take monies from outside sources. Money corrupts.

Nobody pays for special rights to make their opinions important. The only thing that makes anyone's opinion important is if a person reading the opinion decides that because of some title that person's opinion is more important.

Further nobody pays to be a mod here. It's a position that is offered to people by the site owner, if he feels they have the ability to handle the position. I was offered the position once. Turned it down though because among other things there are too many people like you who haven't a clue and yet have very rigid opinions about how a mod is supposed to operate.


Too true SOFT. Remember when the world was trying to feed us the term "reverse racism?" WTF is that? I hate on a black guy and it's racism. He hates on me and it's reverse racism? As if they were reversing some trend so that makes it more socially acceptable. So if I kill him, it's murder but if he kills me, it's reverse murder?

hate is hate. love is love. I'll take the latter, thank you very much. :thank you:

This picture makes me laugh. I think we should use this word for racism directed towards whitey.


Back on topic, sorta. Did anyone explain what the "did you find this post useful" buttons do? Other than the board telling us "members found post #345234 the most useful, skip right to it," I don't know what it does. It doesn't seem to be related to rep or karma or whatever.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I would never thought us "pot smokers" so sensitive with other people opinions about ourselves and our own views. Weird to me because i always thought that stoners would not take criticism that hard, after all a nice bowl puts everything in the right perspective ;)
I also find it a bit childish to give neg rep as a pay back for some neg rep received...how does that helps one to understand the reasons for the negative opinion?!
Just to finish i think that bringing up cards like "race", "religion" or "politics" just avoids the question...after all, in my view, this thread is about the reputation system and it´s impact on this forum and us users...or did i get it wrong?


Registered User
For starters... I'm not 'white', though my best friend calls me cracker, so...??? lol

Racism never much bothered me... I kind of understand how it's rooted in our biology, in the functioning of our brains. Basically, it's the fundamental ability of ourselves to distinguish & make sense of our surroundings... our survival is tied to our cognitive abilities to describe, interpret & evaluate anything we perceive within our environments... and this serves as the basic flight or fight response for self preservation & survival. We recognize traits, patterns, whatever our brains can make associations from... and those that are best able to discern & navigate their perceived environmental threats will best be able to survive. Our ability to associate is a base level function of survival.

Generalizations are absolutely necessary for us to navigate our world... and most importantly, to recognize threats to our very existence, and we do this by recognizing dominant traits & assigning patterns & meanings to them... by relating to what it represents to us. Race/color is a very basic method of distinction, that happens in the split of second... description, interpretation & evaluation... it is rooted in our biology... how our brain actually grows & works.

Problem, potentially, is when we take these generalizations & project them to unknown variables... or people. At this point, those functioning set of generalizations can become realized as stereotypes... despite not having direct experience to justify the extension. An aside, it's inductive reasoning that is the culprit here... as opposed to deductive reasoning that allows for us to make the initial generalizations.

Won't go into a very long discussion here, but would also like to point out that we are communicating & social creatures... where we gain the meaning of the world in the context of our interactions with others... one could suggest we co-create our reality through social interactions. And this cannot be separated from our understanding of things such as racism.

Going back to survival... the immediate group of family & community serves to help us better survive within the wild of our environment... and those other people that formed groups elsewhere, could potentially represent a threat to our groups existence... easy enough to imagine groups of people trying to take things from each other. So, at the base level of survival instinct, we know & understand 'us' from 'them'... again, skin pigmentation & race is one of the most obvious distinguishing characteristics.

Anyway, our brains are doing this constantly, for everything we perceive, and it happens subconsciously, in the split of second... right down to the evaluative claims... relating the 'other' to 'me/us'. This process is hardwired in our brains.

Racism, is just the extension of this process. Though it does manifest in particularly ugly ways, it is rooted in our biology. You can't just turn it off.

Sorry folks... been reading this thread & racism, racism, racism... had to throw this in there. Peace y'all... even to you... Mr. White Devil... you cracker ass honky... ;-)

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I turned my reputation level off for 10 minutes....so I lost my reputation for a short time....but my character remained intact.


While the science of human behaviour is interesting, it completely over shoots the intended use in this thread.Particularly since the major stimuli for such judgments is visual.

Adults make decisions that supercede natures grasp on our ability to do so.

The point was how one persons opinion on a subject is just that, an opinion, that potentially effects others and then gets paraded around as 'policy'...lol...some see through it and feel compelled to call a spade a spade, no pun intended.

I wouldn't read more into than that.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Just because a person looks different does not imply a different set of morals or ethics to yourself.

With spoken words it is the actions, results and implications following said words that will lead to an assessment of ones character. Good or bad.


Freedom Fighter
Moderators are supposed to moderate by editing or deleting posts. Moderators should not post their personal beliefs or opinions under the title of moderator. Any personal comments by a moderator to others should be done by PM. Moderators should be mature enough to resist the desire to post personal opinions in post under the name of moderator. Any comments from a Moderator towards a posters behavior should be done by PM. A moderator should not chastise a poster in the threads even if that person makes racist comments/ He should just delete the post and send an PM to the posters stating why the post was removed. Posts should not be removed or edited unless they are a direct violation of specific Forum posting guidelines. If a moderator wants to post anything he should post under another title than Moderator. A moderator chastising any poster under the title of Moderator is an abuse of power. Posting growing information under the title of moderator is improper as it tends to give a false sense of credibility to the moderator where in fact moderators do not have to be knowledgeable about growing pot or about politics etc to have their jobs. They should operate in the background not publicly within the threads.

Mods are just Members here that help with keeping things running smoothly, by moderating arguments and disagreements between Members, and enforcing TOU-- To say they have no right to interact and enjoy the Forums is ridiculous--

Moderators are simply housekeepers not moral gurus or power figures. They are just workers not authorities, and they are not the parents of posters given the job to chastise posters as if the posters are children.

Then you say this...which is actually pretty good!! Altho it was apparently by accident-- lol
If they give you an official warning, they are acting as a Mod...if they give an "Opinion"...then they are nothing more than another Member-- It seems that you are a bit "Star Struck", as you have them on some kind of pedestal that nobody can live up to--
They are Members, and have all the Rights the rest of us do here...the Rights to Have fun, Interact, and Learn from this Site...and they also have the Right to give out Rep as they see fit...it is not that difficult to understand, if they hand out Rep, they do so as a Member...if they Ban, THEN they are acting as a Mod--:tiphat:


Kiss My Ring
"You may not vote on any more threads today".

think that is cheesy. shoot, with every +rep received you should get more to return. (?)
running out of rep to distribute eliminates alot of impetus to continue bearing some dumb shites comments, or to show agreement or alignment (or dissonance) with poster.

posting blitzes to increase your rep reveals much, imho.
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