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Cannabis and Small Cell Lung Cancer: Case Report

You americans really now how to grow and evrything but thinking that smoking cannabis doesnt cause cancer is just making you look really stupid and naive!Inhalin burning material is always bad for you!Especially some joint papers!You naive folks should open your eyes and use vape for a year and see how well you will feel compared to smoking!If you want quick high and cant wait to eat it then vape it!No2 for example, gets the job done real quick ya no!peace!


I love my life
You americans really now how to grow and evrything but thinking that smoking cannabis doesnt cause cancer is just making you look really stupid and naive!Inhalin burning material is always bad for you!Especially some joint papers!You naive folks should open your eyes and use vape for a year and see how well you will feel compared to smoking!If you want quick high and cant wait to eat it then vape it!No2 for example, gets the job done real quick ya no!peace!

Straight out of the "Dare Program." Or maybe your third grade teacher told you that all smoking causes cancer?

So if cannabis smoking OBVIOUSLY causes cancer (which is your supposition), where are all the cancer diagnosis among this community?

Also if all smoke was bad wouldn't this stupid country see a lot of cancer among kitchen workers in BBQ joints?

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that cannabis smoke is better for the lungs than the air in many of the worlds largest cities (Mexico City, Santiago, etc.)

Maybe someday I'll be less stupid, and maybe someday you fear mongers will show a scientific link between cannabis and cancer; not just the "Everyone knows smoke is bad for your lungs." That tired DARE program slogan adds ZERO to this discussion.



Active member
You americans really now how to grow and evrything but thinking that smoking cannabis doesnt cause cancer is just making you look really stupid and naive!

I think it has to due to cannabis being a 'sacred cow' of many people here, cannabis is above reproach for many people. Sadly, biases play a major role here ...

That said, I do not agree it's a forgone conclusion that smoking cannabis causes cancer. I'm firmly sitting on the fence, until more conclusive data is available.


Active member
i just read the first few lines and CANNABIS KILLS CANCER. This is obviously some propaganda bullshit like that cannabis kills. It's a widely known fact that Cannabis kills Cancer cells. Should we link up the 2 year old baby? The women who cured her cancers using cannabis, or maybe the man Rick Simpson? THERE ARE NO STUDIES to my knowledge that have ANYTHING to do with smoking cannabis and having lung cancer.

You americans really now how to grow and evrything but thinking that smoking cannabis doesnt cause cancer is just making you look really stupid and naive!Inhalin burning material is always bad for you!Especially some joint papers!You naive folks should open your eyes and use vape for a year and see how well you will feel compared to smoking!If you want quick high and cant wait to eat it then vape it!No2 for example, gets the job done real quick ya no!peace!

#1 is I'm American, and 100% sure I know more about vaporization and how it works compared to you. 2nd as you said burning material aka carcinogens causes cancer, yes that is true, but that doesn't mean cannabis can cause cancer at all. Studies have shown that when smoking it will counteract the carcinogens in your body. Have you ever met anyone who smoked cannabis and died of lung cancer? Ever researched anything pertaining to this? People need to research before spewing garbage. As for smoking I am 100% against combustion, and it is fucking disgusting, I am a 100% vaporist. They did a "study" on one piece, who said he smoked cannabis, and that was their cause that it causes cancer. Seriously if you want to believe this, then you are more "stupid and naive" then the rest of us.


There are also hundreds of articles about it helping with MS, Bi-polar, Skitz, Pain, Nerve diseases, etc. If you don't think this is the miracle plant, I don't know what you're doing here......


Active member
@ KonradZuse,

Please take the time to read the thread, before posting. You used the same flawed thought processes as others in this thread, ex., massive over use of anecdotal evidence. Not to mention the fact the following claim is wrong: "THERE ARE NO STUDIES to my knowledge that have ANYTHING to do with smoking cannabis and having lung cancer."

P.S. Please don't yell, it's quite rude.


Active member
If you don't think this is the miracle plant, I don't know what you're doing here......

Sacred cow much?

soulclapping wrote:

You americans really now how to grow and evrything but thinking that smoking cannabis doesnt cause cancer is just making you look really stupid and naive!

spurr wrote:

I think it has to due to cannabis being a 'sacred cow' of many people here, cannabis is above reproach for many people. Sadly, biases play a major role here ...

That said, I do not agree it's a forgone conclusion that smoking cannabis causes cancer. I'm firmly sitting on the fence, until more conclusive data is available.


Active member
@ KonradZuse,

Please take the time to read the thread, before posting. You used the same flawed thought processes as others in this thread, ex., massive over use of anecdotal evidence. Not to mention the fact the following claim is wrong: "THERE ARE NO STUDIES to my knowledge that have ANYTHING to do with smoking cannabis and having lung cancer."

P.S. Please don't yell, it's quite rude.

You post gov't testings done by the gov't who is anti-cannabis, yet myself who posted actual links and testimonies are being told I'm wrong like others??? I read this thread, and half of it is jokes. As others have already debunked the garbage in your thread, maybe look @ my links before posting at me. This has already been posted many times.

PS I didn't yell, that's called Amplifying words so that they are read more seriously..........

I'm basically going to be done with this thread, if you seriously think cannabis causes cancer, than stop smoking it, problem solved, I'll continue to vape my flowers, and my oils.


Active member
... myself who posted actual links and testimonies are being told I'm wrong like others???

You're being told it's not wise to rely upon anecdotal evidence, we need science, not conjecture.

PS I didn't yell, that's called Amplifying words so that they are read more seriously..........

No, it's yelling, that is very well known in terms of Internet 'speak'. If you want to "amplify" your words, use bold, italic, underline, *asterisks* or _underscores_.

I'm basically going to be done with this thread ...



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
i just read the first few lines and CANNABIS KILLS CANCER. This is obviously some propaganda bullshit like that cannabis kills. It's a widely known fact that Cannabis kills Cancer cells. Should we link up the 2 year old baby? The women who cured her cancers using cannabis, or maybe the man Rick Simpson? THERE ARE NO STUDIES to my knowledge that have ANYTHING to do with smoking cannabis and having lung cancer.

#1 is I'm American, and 100% sure I know more about vaporization and how it works compared to you. 2nd as you said burning material aka carcinogens causes cancer, yes that is true, but that doesn't mean cannabis can cause cancer at all. Studies have shown that when smoking it will counteract the carcinogens in your body. Have you ever met anyone who smoked cannabis and died of lung cancer? Ever researched anything pertaining to this? People need to research before spewing garbage. As for smoking I am 100% against combustion, and it is fucking disgusting, I am a 100% vaporist. They did a "study" on one piece, who said he smoked cannabis, and that was their cause that it causes cancer. Seriously if you want to believe this, then you are more "stupid and naive" then the rest of us.


There are also hundreds of articles about it helping with MS, Bi-polar, Skitz, Pain, Nerve diseases, etc. If you don't think this is the miracle plant, I don't know what you're doing here......

There are some great solid studies which show that cannaniboids are anti-tumor agents in petri dishes and administered by injection, however I have yet to see a study which co-relates this to ingestion or inhalation. I would like to believe this works as much as everyone but really the Rick Simpson information is hype and anecdotal at best. There is only one case study (informally recorded) concerning a serious case of cancer being cured with cannabis oil. I tried to phone the person but the number was no longer in order(?) If anyone has seen any studies which substantiate cancer being cured by ingestion or inhaling cannabis please let me know.

I have personally witnessed that smoking cannabis profoundly helps with tremors and pain. No question.

As to cannabis being a miracle plant, it is one of many. My miracle plant is the poppy (papaver somniferum)

To a lot of the people, including you, who are attacking what has not even been said in this post. Please learn to read.
I absolutley can not even for a second believe that there are people who believe that smoking weed wont give you cancer......smoke has tar resin has tar tar in your lungs causes cancer...........If there are actually people who believe otherwise then they are STUPID..beyond stupid actually and it makes me afraid for future generations cause people are just getting dumber and dumber....my f*ing lord people.........How did we as a species get this ignorant? So quick synopsis here...............

1.Smoke causes cancer.(pot smoke, cig smoke,whatever kinda smoke you pick)

2. Falling from high altitudes will also kill you...........

3. getting hit by a bus will also kill you...

4. Drinking too much alcohol will kill you....

5.Drinking too much water will kill you......

So whats the point of this thread ?

Answer: fear monging........

Is it needed ?

Answer: NO


Irv Rosendale ? Champion Smoker. The guy that gets 300 joints a month from the government for the last 25 plus years.

Says he has smoked 10 a day the whole time and they are not AAA. Just OK from Feds.

No cancer from it, he was just tested. ????


Game Bred
Irv Rosendale ? Champion Smoker. The guy that gets 300 joints a month from the government for the last 25 plus years.

Says he has smoked 10 a day the whole time and they are not AAA. Just OK from Feds.

No cancer from it, he was just tested. ????

my grandmother smoked 2 packs of unfiltered lucky's a day for 40+ years!

cancer free when she died of old age at 93...

cigarettes cant cause cancer...

Man o man o chevits............EVERYBODY'S IMMUNE SYSTEMS WORK DIFFERENTLY..........


THE FACTS ARE TAKING SMOKE INTO YOUR LUNGS GREATLY INCREASES YOUR CHANCE OF GETTING CANCER..........THATS IT NO IF ANDS OR BUTTS.........If you smoke then your CHANCE of getting cancer IS higher.......................................................period end of disscussion.


Why do you need a study that says smoke irritating your lungs is bad. Don't you trust your own body and mind? Anybody that says smoke does not effect you lungs is either young or in denial.
At 57 and been a smoker since 1965 I will asure you that smoking Cannabis has its problems. But society has to weigh those problems with those that benefit society and go from there. I have a disability caused by smoking Cannabis. But have I said ooh that's bad. No insted of smoking doobs all day long I make Hash and butter thus I take a hit or two to replace a joint. Or make a stack of pancakes with butter and cruise all day. I love the taste and smell but I understand that all smoke can kill so I work from there.

Fuck society...do what is right for you as long as you aren't hurting anyone else.


Game Bred
Man o man o chevits............EVERYBODY'S IMMUNE SYSTEMS WORK DIFFERENTLY..........


THE FACTS ARE TAKING SMOKE INTO YOUR LUNGS GREATLY INCREASES YOUR CHANCE OF GETTING CANCER..........THATS IT NO IF ANDS OR BUTTS.........If you smoke then your CHANCE of getting cancer IS higher.......................................................period end of disscussion.

i agree...

i should have used the sarcasm font...
This has been posted once, but it bears repeating and has been over looked by some who insist MJ smoke MUST be cancer related. The guy (Dr. Tashkin) who instituted the study is/was? a HARD CORE anti-MJ crusader, had been for decades. He was certain this study would verify his hypothesis that MJ causes cancer. And for those who are also certain that MJ has NO curative properties I encourage you to go to Project CBD or just google CBD and check out all the actual science out there by recognized research that supports CBD's and the myriad of problems and diseases it can potentially treat. BTW it kills in vitro breast cancer cells..

Heavy marijuana use not linked to lung cancer
Published on May 24, 2006 at 4:09 PM ·

Despite popular belief, a new study shows that people who smoke marijuana do not appear to be at increased risk of developing lung cancer.

It seems even heavy, long-term marijuana users do not appear to increase the risk of head and neck cancers, such as cancer of the tongue, mouth, throat, or esophagus.

Senior researcher, Donald Tashkin, M.D., Professor of Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA in Los Angeles says the findings were a surprise as they expected to find that a history of heavy marijuana use would increase the risk of cancer from several years to decades after exposure to marijuana.

The study looked at people in Los Angeles County - 611 who developed lung cancer, 601 who developed cancer of the head or neck regions, and 1,040 people without cancer who were matched on age, gender and neighborhood.

The researchers used the University of Southern California Tumor Registry, which is notified as soon as a patient in Los Angeles County receives a diagnosis of cancer.

The study was limited to people under age 60 as those born prior to 1940, were unlikely to be exposed to marijuana use during their teens and 20s - the time of peak marijuana use.

Dr. Tashkin says people who were exposed to marijuana use in their youth are only now getting to the age when cancer typically starts to develop.

The participants were questioned about lifetime use of marijuana, tobacco and alcohol, as well as other drugs, their diet, occupation, family history of cancer and socioeconomic status.

Dr. Tashkin says the subjects' reported use of marijuana was similar to that found in other surveys.

The heaviest smokers in the study had smoked more than 22,000 marijuana cigarettes, or joints, while moderately heavy smokers had smoked between 11,000 to 22,000 joints.

Even these smokers did not have an increased risk of developing cancer and people who smoked more marijuana were not at any increased risk compared with those who smoked less marijuana or none at all.

The study found that 80% of lung cancer patients and 70% of patients with head and neck cancer had smoked tobacco, while only about half of patients with both types of cancer smoked marijuana.

A clear association was seen between smoking tobacco and cancer.

The study found a 20-fold increased risk of lung cancer in people who smoked two or more packs of cigarettes a day and the more tobacco a person smoked, the greater the risk of developing both lung cancer and head and neck cancers.

The findings support many previous studies.

Here is another older - and totally ignored by the "mainstream" media huge study done by Kaiser Permanente Insurance group in Cali

Finally, can MJ be bronchitis related? Pretty much no doubt, that is not the question and it isn not cancer


Active member
I absolutley can not even for a second believe that there are people who believe that smoking weed wont give you cancer......smoke has tar resin has tar tar in your lungs causes cancer...........If there are actually people who believe otherwise then they are STUPID..beyond stupid actually and it makes me afraid for future generations cause people are just getting dumber and dumber....my f*ing lord people.........How did we as a species get this ignorant? So quick synopsis here...............

1.Smoke causes cancer.(pot smoke, cig smoke,whatever kinda smoke you pick)

Man o man o chevits............EVERYBODY'S IMMUNE SYSTEMS WORK DIFFERENTLY..........


THE FACTS ARE TAKING SMOKE INTO YOUR LUNGS GREATLY INCREASES YOUR CHANCE OF GETTING CANCER..........THATS IT NO IF ANDS OR BUTTS.........If you smoke then your CHANCE of getting cancer IS higher.......................................................period end of disscussion.

lol..someone needs a bong hit...you state that as if your some authority on the subject. Truth is your not and DR. Tashkin IS. He is a scientist that conducted the LARGEST study of it's kind...with the INTENT to prove that smoking cannabis causes cancer...he found that smoking cannabis does not cause cancer...it actually helps prevent it.

This has been posted once, but it bears repeating and has been over looked by some who insist MJ smoke MUST be cancer related. The guy (Dr. Tashkin) who instituted the study is/was? a HARD CORE anti-MJ crusader, had been for decades. He was certain this study would verify his hypothesis that MJ causes cancer. And for those who are also certain that MJ has NO curative properties I encourage you to go to Project CBD or just google CBD and check out all the actual science out there by recognized research that supports CBD's and the myriad of problems and diseases it can potentially treat. BTW it kills in vitro breast cancer cells..

Here is another older - and totally ignored by the "mainstream" media huge study done by Kaiser Permanente Insurance group in Cali

Finally, can MJ be bronchitis related? Pretty much no doubt, that is not the question and it isn not cancer

:thank you: