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clones die right after clip

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i made a few different clone machines now and they can be made very easy and for $75 you can put together something that will blow ur mind in the results,i use to buy the power clone solution and clonex,intil one time i didnt have the money to buy some rooting solution and ever since the only thing i do use is cloning gel when i cut the clone and just water in the tote and i have roots started in 6/8 days everytime,iv tried every method of cloning and nothing works like a areoponic clone machine with air stones,you dont need a dome you dont have to worry about having to spray the clones all the time,they do use some power but very little,ask anybody thats used one before and i bet you will tell you there is nothing like it!!!

Yeah man, i'm not sayin' clone machines don't work or even that they're very expensive to run, i'm only sayin' you don't NEED one to produce clones reliably and with regular, repeatable results.

Also, i've used and built a few cloners myself so I know that they DO fail occasionally.

I think it was 2 and a half years ago a friend pointed me at the 'Walmart' cloning method and I tried it just because it was so cheap ($3.99) and looked so simple and if you take a look through my cloning 'factory' thread you'll see how convinced I became.

Fact is, I always toss most of my clones back into the compost bin except when my friend is planting his outdoor thing, it's at those times that being able to make 50+ clones a week comes in handy, and I do it in a VERY small space and with NO power usage at all, I even use reflected light.

Anyway, cloning can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it, I personally prefer the simplest approach possible as I am about as lazy a fuck as you can imagine so I need a method that is somewhat idiot proof.

Peace, and stay safe, SOG

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