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Thinking of moving to Cali to grow weed, legally... Where do i even start?


Registered User
Just wondering? If California is so wonderful, why do I see so many cars in my state from Ca living here, driving our prices up. There's two of them living on my street!!!!! I think they should stay in California, and leave Oregon alone. Stay down south, it rains here all the time.You'll get moss between your toes and stuff. Everything molds, not a good place to live stay home please. Oh Yeah the weed up here is the worst you'll ever smoke, no sense in coming here, it's always wet.lol:smoweed:

I'm an Oregonian at heart... and I remember hearing this bitch back to '85... and probably predates this.

There are just so many of them... they spill over, ya know? ;-) ((I'm from Cali, kinda... lol, go Ducks!))


New member
eh, no. i dont think id enjoy a trashy place at all. and alge stank? nah. lol
*sigh* at least im getting honest oppinions on here, no suger coated bullshit! :D
my dad did look in to ukiah, but hes a baby and thinks "its too cold there" :\ hes an old guy......

okay, well cool... i guess ive rang everyone on here dry of any info i can get from a personal standpoint. i guess i can use a search engine and city-data now. :p thanks everyone!

also, as a side note: i grew up in oregon, in a smallllll town like 20 min from portland. i loved it there. and im so excited to get to go back to that side of the country. i hate the south, and i HATE south carolina. :[ ive been here for 4 years now, it almost feels like im going home in a way lol i miss the west coast air.


Nice Farmers Market, though...

....indeed, GKG is an asset to the community. I wish more people would move here with legit jobs though, commercial growers bring nothing to the community


Active member
or........you told a customer at work you were moving to California to grow weed? So you pretty much told him you grow now? genius

No, he said HE said might grow some weed out in Cali while in pursuit of acting. Let's not spread misinformation now ;)

Cali is nice, but you can still get busted by the feds and you don't get the same $ as in other states, so... whatever!!!

Oregon? isn't that where Twilight was filmed, don't you guys have vampires n shit? No thanks haaaa :)


Active member
eh, no. i dont think id enjoy a trashy place at all. and alge stank? nah. lol
*sigh* at least im getting honest oppinions on here, no suger coated bullshit! :D
my dad did look in to ukiah, but hes a baby and thinks "its too cold there" :\ hes an old guy......

okay, well cool... i guess ive rang everyone on here dry of any info i can get from a personal standpoint. i guess i can use a search engine and city-data now. :p thanks everyone!

also, as a side note: i grew up in oregon, in a smallllll town like 20 min from portland. i loved it there. and im so excited to get to go back to that side of the country. i hate the south, and i HATE south carolina. :[ ive been here for 4 years now, it almost feels like im going home in a way lol i miss the west coast air.

i thought old people loved the cold...
I've been doing this for over a decade, ad it has been steadily going downhill over that time.
All the good herb is being shipped out of state and the growers that keep their product here are getting a about 45% less than what they are used to. You can still sell your product but if your indoors you have to have to sell for the same price as the outdoor commercial guys.
The only growers still making money are the growers selling zones at a time and who wants to do that. If your selling elbows you have no protection from LEO and you might as well do the same thing in a non med state and make more $$ with almost the same risk.


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
Hello @ all,:tiphat:
i was reading the thread from the 1st until the last side, very intresting!! It gives a wonderful inside view to the usa of today, with focus on the westcoast. I watched all the places on google earth.

Hello Kie26,:wave:
i wish you and your family all the best! Be careful!


New member
i thought old people loved the cold...

LOL i think they love the warm... idk.... but my father in particular wants to be warm.

Oregon? isn't that where Twilight was filmed, don't you guys have vampires n shit? No thanks haaaa :)

LOL! yeah, it was filmed in OR. and so was the movie "The Goonies" .... in very northern OR, but still in OR none the less. :]

but yeah, good info. this is a good thread. :] yay me! lol:jump:


Active member
My thoughts

My thoughts

I am a lurker and don't contribute much, but I want to chime in here...

I moved to California (Sonoma County) from the southeast about 6 months ago. I didn't come here to grow commercially. I am lucky enough to have a very nice paying job that can be done anywhere in the world. After living, working, and growing in a very unfriendly state for many years, I decided the fear was not worth it. I moved here with the goal of safe access and learning. I did not come here thinking I am a superior grower or that I was going to make money from cannabis.

I am a medical patient and have visited many clubs in the bay area over the last few months. I have been pretty surprised by what I have seen. A lot of great genetics that are not properly cared for and then sold in stores with the majority of patients knowing very little about what they are buying. There is definitely opportunity here to educate existing/potential patients and provide access to quality medicine. Someone who is focused on helping people (and not just using mmj as cover for illegal activities) has a much better chance at meeting their goals than someone focused on producing large quantities for money. If that's your goal, you probably won't make it here.

My wife and I both have full-time jobs and most of the time when we are not working, we are working in the garden. It is a lot of work! Don't underestimate that. I would probably be overwhelmed and burn out quickly if this wasn't my passion. There are easier ways to make money afterall. If this required all of your time, money, and effort with no chance of being profitable... would you still do it?

I believe cannabis provides healing and relief for everyone who uses it, medically or recreationally. I believe all cannabis use is medical even if those that abuse it don't understand that yet.

My goal is to provide an environment that does not limit the genetic expression of the finest varieties of cannabis in the world and then share the fruits of that effort with people in the community who are unable or do not wish to grow their own.

I look at cannabis with a sense of purpose, not profit. I know that sounds like a bunch of bullshit to some of you, but I hope more and more people can see cannabis in this light.

Anyway... It's another beautiful day in sunny California and this Hindu Kush x Afghani cross is treating me very nicely. I am grateful to be here. I hope you make the decision that is right for you. :dance013:


its summer here in the UK and its been raining and cold today i hate the Uk weather wish i was in Cali....


Active member
okay, i guess some of you may have skipped some of my posts... so let me say a few things again:
i have a job that pays very well waiting for me. and my husband has a part time job lined up too. so our growing would NOT be our main income. we want to grow because we enjoy the whole prosses, not because were hounding for money. see?
and, we are moving to california, theres no getting around it. we are going to the bay area most likely.

so, trinity sounds pretty bad then, huh? we'd like to live in a nice safe weed-friendly neighborhood in the bay area. any ideas?

So explain this to me...The both of you have jobs lined up but are uncertain as to whether you will move to Stockton, Trinity or the Bay area.

You need to look at a map that could be a very long commute..

Good luck in California.



Active member
its summer here in the UK and its been raining and cold today i hate the Uk weather wish i was in Cali....

I'd come visit ya laylow, just to make sure you don't mess up the grow and blow it! haha :wave:

Man, I would love to live in sunny california, not have this fear of persecution...even though DEA can still drag your ass away. Fuck it I'm staying east, no such thing as legal as far as the feds are concerned, we are all a bunch of bloodsucking criminals to them. (when in fact the opposite is true)


oh yea by the way WE(ak citizens0 can have up to 12 full grown plants AND 4 zzz in the privacy of our home........think man


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ICMag Donor
I moved to the Bay Area from the east coast back in December. So many people are complaining about life in California, but I love it here. I had my first legal harvest in May, and I'll have my second next month.

In the state where I had my previous grows, a single plant will get you 5 years in prison. One joint will get you a years probation if you're lucky enough to avoid prison time. My city had one hydroponics shop, but I never went there. I kept seeing stories on the local news about how cops would stake out the hydro store. They'd take down license plate numbers from any cars that park there, and use that info to get names and addresses of potential grow spots. Once they have your address, they'd watch your house, go through your garbage, etc. until they find enough evidence for a search warrant.

I don't have to worry about any of that here. Everything I'm doing is 100% legal under state law, and I'm pretty sure the feds aren't going to come after me and my 600 watt closet garden. I can find whatever I'm looking for in terms of growing supplies at the local hydro stores without worrying about the cops. Even places like WalMart and Home Depot have more supplies geared towards cannabis growers compared to the locations on the east coast. When I walk or drive around neighborhoods in this area, more often than not I can smell the wonderful scent of cannabis. I'm always careful about odor control with my own gardens, but some people out here don't even bother to cover up the smell. Where I'm from, a stinky grow operation almost always leads to prison time. I don't want to live in a state like that again. At HempCon in San Jose this year, I saw something I'd never seen before. Lots of cops, lots of stoners, and lots of marijuana all in the same building but nobody was being hassled or arrested.

I'd advise anyone who's thinking about moving here to get a job lined up beforehand. Some of the posters here say the job market sucks, but the technology industry is booming here. If you have experience in the tech industry and you're good, the jobs here are plentiful. Most of the big tech companies in Silicon Valley are hiring, and lots of new startups are hiring. The corporate culture in the IT industry is much more tolerant of cannabis use compared to the east coast. They generally don't do drug tests out here. If you're good at what you do and you're getting the job done, most companies don't care what you do in your free time.

I'm not a commercial grower, so I don't know the specifics of what it would take to move out here and make a living from cannabis. I'm thinking about possibly upgrading my garden to 1200 watts and selling a few pounds per year to the dispensaries around here, but that's not what I'm here for. I'd be growing for personal use even if there was no chance for profit. I've been growing for 10 years now, and I'll be doing it for the rest of my life. I think it will be legalized nationwide at some point, but right now California is one of the best places to live if you want to grow your own.

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