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Forgive me...I have failed.

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ICMag Donor
I want everyone to know the saga...I want all those that aspire to live this life to know what the outcomes can be:

I moved to Michigan nearly three years ago in an attempt to tackle the newly emerging medical cannabis industry. My posts on what it should be and how we all should grow have been documented on this forum and others. This plant is supposed to be about togetherness and compassion...

Shortly after my move, I decided to share my knowledge and my genetics with the local growers in the area, in an attempt to bring the world of cannabis over to those that really had no clue or were afraid to venture out for fear of persecution...

This resulted in my being taken advantage of and my life saving stolen. A small handful know me in real life and learned of my peril and reached out to me. These individuals have been the blood in my veins and the oxygen in my lungs. I am forever in debt to them.

However, even with all there love and care, I have some how still fallen short of the goals I had set for myself...not just personally, but also for the industry as a whole. I have let them down. I have betrayed their trust. I have failed.

My attempts to provide for patients has been thwarted by numerous different occurrences and my home and garden have been moved numerous times in an attempt to finally achieve stability....however, this was never achieved. I have juggled and I have pulled every string I know how...I have let my patients down. I have failed them and now their health and quality of life is jeopardized....

I am a disgrace to this community and a plague upon this industry.

I never meant to take advantage of the kindness of others. I never meant to betray anyone. I never meant to fail.

For those of you who have been waiting to say, "I told you so..." well, I suppose this is your vindication.

The NSPB: FLF works and is an amazing idea. However, the means to make it a reality for myself and others seems to escape me time and time again. I have nothing left to continue pursuing this dream or this industry. In less than one week, I will be homeless and broke...not just poor, but truly penniless.

I gave all I had. I gave part of what others had. For some reason, in spite of all I did and tried to do, this world itself has not shown me kindness or favor. I don't know if this is karma coming full circle...I never felt I deserved this outcome. I certainly know those of you who have been by my side this entire walk, deserve better than this from me... I'm am sorry. But my spirit is broken and my heart and mind are tired. I tried. I failed. Forgive me.

To those it is relevant to, PM's will be sent out...and things will be discussed there.

As for everyone else...know that trying to do things the right way for the right reasons is not enough. Success on a large scale is somewhat dependent on how willing you are to risk it all. All means people and morals and values and in part the very principles that motivated you in the first place. Not every story ends well. Not even for those that possess the knowledge and the connections to make it happen. I'm not sure where I went wrong...I can't figure out how this all played out this way...I only know that it is my fault and I let you all down...

Forgive me.

I think you should take solace in the fact that the movement wasn't dependent upon your success, and that your patients will probably be just fine, man...

Bad day I guess?

Take it easy brother, no big deal. From the sound of it, lots and lots of people were involved in some way (or at least knowledgeable of) your operation. That's never good.

Best of luck, Frank. Try Ohio? I'm making a go of it..


Well-known member
Don't be so hard on yourself. I wouldn't say you failed, I'd say a number of circumstances prevented you from succeeding.

No good deed goes unpunished, as the saying goes.

Learn from your mistakes, pick yourself up and hold your head high. You had a worthy idea, but people are @ssholes and you got screwed. Dust yourself off and make a new plan.

That's the only way I know. Get knocked down, get back up again.


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
hey dank.frank..remember one main thing in life. and that is. We are only human. and we all make mistakes and fail from time to time. chin up im sure you will bounce back best of luck.


Power Armor rules
One must fall to learn to get back up. You are not a plague by any means. Ignorance is a plague, not a person trying to help provide medicine to those who need it.



just don't molest my colas..
I'm sorry to hear this news frank. I don't like to hear anyone with a love of this plant falling on hard times. But I do have to say that people like you all gung-ho moving out here and going for the gold has fucked up the climate for all of us native growers that have been doing it for a long time.

For every transplanted person coming here to cash in on the industry, there is an established and talented grower producing high quality medicine that they now can't move, or are moving for 1k less a lb now than they were last year. It upsets me to have multiple friends sitting on high quality Meds that no one will take because they refuse to pay even 4k for a lb because new growers and people from out of state are offing their inferior product for 3k or 32.

While I hate to see anyone suffer, I have heard this story before. Caregiver promises Meds and doesn't produce or promises free Meds only to start charging when their yields fall short of expectations. I provide free Meds to my patients every week. Anyone that can't follow through on their promises, doesn't have any business being he person that patients rely on.

I wish you well frank. Don't beat yourself up. Regroup. If it's in the cards you'll get back on your feet.


Hard times bro,Sorry to hear.
Sorry again to hear you will be being made homeless.
If your still standing your not beat up enough yet..Dont Ever give up on your self bro !!
Verily with every difficulty thier is relife,so still labour hard..Im sure your true friends and loved ones wont give up on you, neither should you!!...I wish you success and peace!!


ooh stop feeling bad . you tried as best you could .move on and dont give up. we need more people like you.

Yeah Man. In my world the only failure is not tryin. Sounds like you tried enough to give this flower everything.

And to be a smart ass cause... well I am... Michigan is a great place to be homeless.....This time o year. Keep the faith brother.. UR 420PAL


Overkill is under-rated.
Agreed Frank, you gave it your best effort and things didn't work out. There is no shame in trying, and as long as you learned even one thing then consider it a valuable lesson (I know it's hard right now!)

Shit happens all the time, I remember hearing about a story where a drunk driver went off the road, through this guys fence and took out the corner of his grow room/garage. He got busted, but there sure wasn't much he coulda done about it.

I have had lots of hard crops, root rot, bugs, heat waves, seeds (hermies), cop scares, and just plain old bad months where despite my best efforts, i couldn't move a damn thing. Growing is too important to me and my employees to ever throw in the towel, and they all know if I let them down I will make it up to them.

Don't give up now, just change things until you find that sweet spot. Good luck my friend!

Guest 150314

I'm sorry to hear this news frank. I don't like to hear anyone with a love of this plant falling on hard times. But I do have to say that people like you all gung-ho moving out here and going for the gold has fucked up the climate for all of us native growers that have been doing it for a long time.

For every transplanted person coming here to cash in on the industry, there is an established and talented grower producing high quality medicine that they now can't move, or are moving for 1k less a lb now than they were last year. It upsets me to have multiple friends sitting on high quality Meds that no one will take because they refuse to pay even 4k for a lb because new growers and people from out of state are offing their inferior product for 3k or 32.

While I hate to see anyone suffer, I have heard this story before. Caregiver promises Meds and doesn't produce or promises free Meds only to start charging when their yields fall short of expectations. I provide free Meds to my patients every week. Anyone that can't follow through on their promises, doesn't have any business being he person that patients rely on.

I wish you well frank. Don't beat yourself up. Regroup. If it's in the cards you'll get back on your feet.

you got it pretty tough cant get EVEN 4k a lb anymore...


What is up with publicly eviscerating yourself on the board about it?
I would think an apology, face-to-face, with those you potentially hurt would matter more.

Not a good idea to start vast projects with half-vast ideas.

I just don't get the motivation for this at all.


3rd-Eye Jedi
master your own meds before you seek to help others with theirs

the first and foremost reason anyone should really grow is to heal their own body mind and soul and until you can do those things for yourself you should consider how effective you will be doing it for others


Registered Med User
Most who succeeded in life usually failed a hundred times first, its how we learn. Take it as that and move on with the knowledge you've gained.


Active member
You are your toughest critic. You obliviously have high expectations of yourself.
Sounds like things haven't been going your way as of late. The cards are not in your favor.

Remember to keep well and look after yourself bro! Nothing is more important than your health. Then take care of everyone else!

No matter how shit things get hold ya head up and you will be fine.

Live to fight another day!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
don't be so hard on yourself......

even though it does not seem like it, it WILL get better......

was in a similar situation when i got busted last year. didn't even have enough cash to buy a burner phone after i got out of holding.....

months later and a lot of struggling, im better then i was last year, just bought a new suv on the 4th.....


just don't molest my colas..
you got it pretty tough cant get EVEN 4k a lb anymore...

When a year and a half ago people were fighting to pay 5200 for the best organic herb, and loving it, but the same people won't pay 4k now because the market is flooded with cheap crap they can make a higher profit margin on, yes it is tough. Especially the clubs, who won't pay more than 35ish, but still sell 8ths for $60-70.
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