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would you let this lady start your dreadlocks??

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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I dunno, kinda looks like she just took a giant dump on this lady's head...


from now on any time YUKON starts another dread thread (& there will be more) that picture will jump to mind.......

K+ bro.

It's his hair he don't give a damn what you think about it. He can talk about it all he wants. Obviously he's looking for other dread heads here that share similar interests. After all, a lot of tokers do have dreads.

Keep it movin if you don't like it


Active member
Yukon man, just do what you want. Pay her if you want. You know more about dreads than most of us here, so you know if it's a good idea to pay this lady to get you started or not. You know if those before and after pictures look good or not. I spent a few minutes looking, not sure why, but i didn't think they looked good after. But you probably know a lot more about dreads than i do and where I see a jumbled mess, you likely see huge progress. I don't think you need our help on this one.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
It's his hair he don't give a damn what you think about it. He can talk about it all he wants. Obviously he's looking for other dread heads here that share similar interests. After all, a lot of tokers do have dreads.

Keep it movin if you don't like it
hey dude, I never said he couldn't talk about it and YUKON knows I really care about the important things in his life.

he's fast becoming the Yummybud of dreadlocks here.

and I don't give a damn what you think about what he thinks about what I think, I think. at least 6 other members giving him shyt here & I gotta hear it from you.

don't get yer knickers in a twist.......

Dr. D

Active member
Go for it bro, i'd love to dread my hair but i dont think it will ever happen its just to easy having short hair.
Looks like she does a good job, do it! Just remember to use your Amex lmao..Peace


natural medicator
Like GrassRoots said, you probably know more about dreads than a lot of us here. I will say, that the pictures of people who didn't have the right hair to start out looked pretty shitty. Something like dirty rats that someone tried to drown.

I think I was mildly impressed with maybe 2 or 3 out of 10 or so befroe and after shots.

the handrolled style looks like she's still rough on the technique. The style that she calles crochet (I think) looks better, but maybe only because she's using thicker hair and its easier to keep it consistent.

At least she's proud enough of her work to show off some pictures of it.

One more thing, 4-8 hours isn't bad at all for getting dreads, IMHO. You're gonna have them for years and years if you like them , so no point rushing it, but that's a reasonable time to sit down and get the work done. Just don't smoke her out on anything ridiculous like BH before she starts or you're gonna have all different size dreads going all over.

Do what you feel man. If you're at a good point in life to get dreads in and you have some hair for it, its right there.


Cannabrex Formulator
No offense Y, but dreads are not supposed to be "started" @ $50 and hour......

You want dreads....do it the real way.................

Just don't brush yer hair ever again.


I could find alot better things to spend my time and money on than making my hair look like shit.

there, i said it.

bury me.


Active member
grow em the natural way bro & do the handrubbing yourself
forget about beewax,is a dread killer

wash em 1 a week with a light degreasing detergent,to get the natural wax out of your hair

if possible,go swimming in salt water a lot

once a month a rubber band around each dread helps also



Active member
prolly wont need her.....

been makin' pretty good progress on my own the past cpl dayz





Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I wouldnt bother paying anyone mate.
Dont listen to the dreadlock police though--just because they mean something to one person doesnt mean they mean that to another. Not everybody wants the wild look, some people have jobs that might accept "salon dreads" but wouldnt accept natty dreads with a big uni dread at the back and tubleweed-esque frizzies on top.
The whole White people shouldnt have dreadlocks thing--well thats just as ridiculous as saying black people shouldnt straighten their hair or bleach it blonde-a ludicrous assertion, haters-gonna hate--is that how you say it LOL.
Ive had dreads just about every way imaginable..natural, rip and twist, back combed, with wax, without wax. currently going natural(just started-with hair down to my lower ribs) although Im thinking about cheating a bit at the back.
You've said you dont want to go the neglect route- Fair enough-its your head- I dont know why some people are unable to get their head around the fact that not everyone who wants/has dreads wants to be Bob Marley or is dreaming of Zion. Nor is it about being in a natural state for everybody Some people just think they look good--some people(like myself) its about practicality-I hate getting it cut and brushing it(although the ladies I tend to go for usually like em too so thats part of it too LOL)--dreads make sense then dont they.
My suggestion yukon, would be to not pay somebody, but get your Gf to section your hair and braid it loose-then after a few days, undo a few braids around your head, and let them dread naturally--then undo a few more and so on---this is a good middle way between the totally organic dreads, and the salon methods.
The fact is is, different people have different taste-- some people think really wild dreads all diffrent sizes, with a whole lot of loose hair on top looks awsome--and thats cool, other poeple however think neat uniform dreads of whatever size, with blunt ends and loose hair pulled in looks awsome too. I like both, and have seem fabulous, and horrendous examples of both too.
Indica or Sativa, Sweet or Savoury, Red or Blue--its all about what you like. I just dont like it when people have to force their way on someone else like its the only way.
Have to draw the line at extensions though LOL.
Changed my mind about johnny clean though--- greedy man selling dog flea combs for 5 times the price and salt water for silly money.
The picture of that woman---if she was a 20 year old suicide girl Im sure some people wpouldnt think those dreads looked bad--they looked like dreads to me- ugly woman doesnt equal bad dreads.


Dont know about that...there's some pretty hot looking white girls with dreadlocks :)

Im not really in to dreads too much but I find this chick to be so boner-worthy.

You should see her naked pics, shes got a giant sized weed bud tattoo'd on her rib cage :jerkit: your tissue box will be empty before ya know it.




Active member
Looks like she does good work. If you need it done I wouldn't hesitate to hire her. As to the chicks being hot.... WAY hot.

I could make little dreaded babies with this one...



Looks like she does good work. If you need it done I wouldn't hesitate to hire her. As to the chicks being hot.... WAY hot.

I could make little dreaded babies with this one...


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