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Coconut milk/water



Was doing some research for a friend's project and came across some interesting information on coconut milk/water. Seems can possibly be used for soil applications, teas and maybe as a dilute foliar?

Found a nice scientific writeup from a top notch raw material supplier for the nutritional industry that provides detailed info. First line from the pdf reads...
Coconut water is the liquid endosperm of Cocos nucifera L used as a supplement for the growth of plant tissue cultures.
Cococin is freeze dried coconut water solids so guessing they're concentrating the liquid before drying somehow because freeze drying straight coconut water would be hella expensive due to the low solid content.

Some constituents include amino acids, sugars, cytokins, RNA, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, sulphur. There's a decent amount of sodium and chlorides though. Considering coconuts grow in tropical areas at sea level not surprised.

One interesting study showed that coconut water promotes beneficial intestinal bacteria growth so possible implications for teas/soil use.

Anyway...sometimes I use green coconut meat in smoothies and toss most the water cause not my thing. Some goes into the smoothie. The liquid is a bit too sweet straight for me.


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mad librettist

Active member
young coconut is like nature's little pudding cup with a yummy draught of thirst quenching goodness. what a combo!

oh man I have a craving now!


Don't get coconut milk confused with coconut water, they're two different things. Young green coconuts have coconut water, which is the perfect isotonic beverage. It can even be used as an emergency "blood plasma" in transfusions.
Coconut milk on the other hand is made from the coconut meat, ground and pressed to extract the "milk". Usually made from riper coconuts since they have more meat.

DAMN!! Now I want a coconut water too, good thing there's a farm stand close by that sells Thai baby coconuts. Gonna have to grab a few today.


Active member
Use it if you got it. Personally I found it cost prohibiting when experimenting. As such, I never used it in any great quantity. Perhaps more would bring the results I failed to achieve or at least notice.
Regarding the milk. I couldn't find it without potassium added. Not too big a deal. Aerating it with some char, it separated putting a nice coating on the char. Grew some lacto with it, using it like milk with a rice wash, though I actually used barley as well.After the separation, I added a banana and let it ferment a few more days. Never did use it. It had kind of an interesting taste. I drank it.


Don't get coconut milk confused with coconut water, they're two different things. Young green coconuts have coconut water, which is the perfect isotonic beverage. It can even be used as an emergency "blood plasma" in transfusions.

Coconut milk on the other hand is made from the coconut meat, ground and pressed to extract the "milk". Usually made from riper coconuts since they have more meat.
Thx for the clarification. From the time I was a kid I always called the water coconut 'milk'. Only started eating green coconuts a few years ago.

Yes one of the references in the pdf talks about using coconut water intravenously.

I'm just gonna take the extra water I don't drink and dump onto my compost.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
mmm coconut water - my favorite thing ever.

rooty said it - it's the perfect beverage.

gotta say - brazilian coconuts over thai any day. :D


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
lol yea^^^ any "extra" if there was to be some. should be applied to your mouth.

the compost pile is such waste.


You guys are funny. I plain and simply don't like it. Don't know why that's so hard to comprehend?

I see only one person read the pdf other than me checking to see if it worked properly. Nice to see peeps expand their knowledge base about the plant world. The thread was about the interesting, I thought, characteristics of coconut water especially when it came to tissue culture and not personal preferences about foods but whatever...lol.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
natures nut shot to the mouth, tastes sooo good.....

sorry op, messin with ya.....

mad librettist

Active member
dude, it's like,


lol i am pissing myself laughing at my own post.


Active member
c. Fermented Buttermilk & Coconut milk Solution:
5 litres of fermented buttermilk and 5 litres of coconut milk are mixed and kept in a mud pot or plastic drums for 1 week during which period it has to be stirred often. Then the solution is mixed with water @ 1 litre solution in 10 litres of water. This also is applied as foliar spray.

this is supposed to be a growth promoter, never tried it ,id like to tho.

I used to make coconut kefir with the water from the green nut and the water kefir grains to add probiotic bacteria.


lmao oh Mandy, it's impossible for me to see that dude as anyone but Inigo Montoya. He keeps popping up in TV shows and he is not fucking fooling me!

I just did an IMDB to see which shows you were referring to.

He played "Rube" in Dead Like Me, so he totally fooled the shit out of me. Well played, sir, well played.

mad librettist

Active member
he also did one of those network super elite arm of some military investigations or some such unit. he was the boss.

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