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Captain Expando
Healing relief from that chest pain, specifically br0ther... sending it directly to you my friend. Loving energy and my prayer that health is restored to you my friend. Agape' to you and your hunny Moth :ying: I love you...

pine boy

Hey moth ,more good thoughts headed to you.Brother,I think of you daily.I know thats sound strange as we havent met officially but we share our world and I want you to know that when its hot I hope your cool and when you feel bad,I'm wishing for your wellness.
When your feeling good I'm south of you sharing a doobie with ya.
Blessings to you moth and have a good 4th

Guest 10952

Awwww!! GreatLakes is gonna make me cry man. Your a good guy. Proud to know you bro. Happy 4th Moth!


Active member
Thank U all my friends for the kind and uplifting words !

Well found out yesterday in no pleasant terms that the cancer has moved to my esophagus and stomach.
Chemo to start next week and I am scared this time.
Not sure I have the energy.
They are not sure this treatment will work but is my only option.
So Thanks for the Love and Hope


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
very very sorry to hear the news moth but will be with you in spirit and always rooting for you even as a total stranger :comfort:


weed fiend
Sorry to hear, moth. Sending you my bestest best wishes, even a few prayers I'm not typically accustomed. Much love to you my friend.


Rubbing my glands together
Sorry to hear this my brother. I can for damn sure understand being scared. The trick is to keep your head clear and don't let it beat you into submission. It's easy for me to sit here and say that I know. But I've seen and known so many people that get the same type of news you just got and totally give up. I've know you for what, 4,5 years? The one thing I know about you brother is that you don't quit. Stay strong. Keep your head clear, And keep your shit positive. If you give into it it'll beat you quick. You got my digits. Use them if you need to unload, bullshit or whatever my friend. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production

May cleansing waves of water wash over you bringing with them strength and health. All my love Brother. We'll get through this together.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Head up ... and keep pulling up

Wishing you ... with all my being - all the power in the world ... to heal ... get strong ... and healthy

Science and medicine have come a long way - let the doctors have their fun ... and do as they say

Love you my friend

We all fight together to put this safely behind you

Always let me know if, and/or how I can help



Moth, hang in, we will always be here for you, with words of support and hope. Please try to have a good day with your family and try to live for the moment. As Resinryder said, easy for me to say, but speaking for myself, and I know so many others feel the same, your friends will always be here for you, whenever or whatever is needed. Please don't ever hesitate to ask if there is anything we can do. Every positive thought and wish I have today is headed your way. Your friend, Hiker:ying:


Captain Expando
Thinking of you Moth... love, warmth, strength, courage, happiness, contentment, good energy. Agape' surround and protect you.


GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production

Hey Moth,

A truer friend I have never had. Our friendship starts at forever and ends at never. Don't forget it buddy. I'll be here with ya through thick and thin. It's a bit thick and thin right now, but that's okay we'll just get that out of the way first. Love you Bro. Sending you a grande serving of Mojo, strength, and love right now. Hope you do something fun for the 4th.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


beat that shit
fuck the cancer bro, take your chemo and positive attitude and beat that shit.