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smart meters


my SMUD letter!

my SMUD letter!

I live in Sacramento, check this out!
I got this letter a few weeks ago from SMUD, Sacramento Municipal Utility District. It is about my elect power useage. Please read closely at the line that says "Last month, You used 378% more electricity than your neighbors"! WTF!?!?!?!!!!!???!!!

P.S. Damn, I thought there were more indoor growers in my neighborhood. They must have all moved outdoors!



weed fiend
That would make me very nervous right there. Just not sure if leo can use that to go after you w/o cause. Just looking at it might establish cause but the law might not work that way.:) Wish I knew where to inquire but one needs to know stuff like this.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Pretty sure they can identify you in about 5 mintues with the info you posted here I mean you have a zip code and exact usage amount with a billing period date! Not a good idea and if you zoom in on that you can make out some of the billing info as well. Just a heads up brother. ;)


I live in Sacramento, check this out!
I got this letter a few weeks ago from SMUD, Sacramento Municipal Utility District. It is about my elect power useage. Please read closely at the line that says "Last month, You used 378% more electricity than your neighbors"! WTF!?!?!?!!!!!???!!!

P.S. Damn, I thought there were more indoor growers in my neighborhood. They must have all moved outdoors!


heh ! I think if they had concerns bro , youd not have that letter . You had the fuzz at the door with another piece of paper...

I think it's just to let you know your usage compared to normal . Lots of elec utilities right now are pushing for more efficient appliances , etc . I get stuff about rebates for everything to increase elec efficiency in the home .


I'm Cali legal.

If they showed-up here. I'd show them my script & then show them around. The reason I don't SOG any more.



pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
one word of advice for the OP, when you can move out of the south. they will take advantage of smart meters.
growing there is just too risky.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I'm Cali legal.

If they showed-up here. I'd show them my script & then show them around. The reason I don't SOG any more.


Same here but it still does not hurt to protect your private personal info so they don't hassle you more than they already hassle us all, no biggie man just thought I would mention it. :tiphat:

Graham Purwatt

thank you all. 378%,holy shit! my electric company was one who got 20 million from obama to upgrade to the smart grid system.they will have it where they can check everything from the office,no readers or drive bys.not sure if they'll get signatures from each appliance or not,i assumed a smart meter was a smart meter,didn't realize there was a difference but i know they do try to bust growers whenever possible.we just got new trash cans that have chips in them so they know what cans belong to what address too and even the cable company trains to spot grows. the sheriff's office has pretty well liquidated all the smaller city police departments and taken them over also so they do what they want around here.not texas btw,florida and i do plan to move back up north or west to a legal med state when its possible for me. i guess i'm going generator shopping before long or maybe a flip flop setup.any more info is appreciated guys,keep it coming


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
smart meters at there best. Our bill would say that shit on it as well but mine was never that high

Graham Purwatt

well,i have scoured the internet and can't find anyone saying they've been busted because of a smartmeter,but then again,they don't have internet access in prison either


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
They sure as hell would not tell you it was because they looked at the info from a smartmeter!

Graham Purwatt

i'm really thinking about one,if i can find one that is quiet enough
No, they can't tell which appliance is on. Only the time of day.

Cops may look at 12/12 patterns, but I've never heard or read of such. Usually the cops/judge just look at how much power, in total, that you have been using over a period of time. Like if your power doubles over a 6 month span for example. They compare last years usage with current. They compare it to your neighbors. They can also compare your usage with the previous residents.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
No, they can't tell which appliance is on. Only the time of day.

Sorry dude, you are completely totally wrong on this that is exactly what a smart meter does I know it for fact. You should do some more research on what exactly a SMART meter is before you make posts like this and misinform people. No offense! ;)
so you are saying if i had a blender in one outlet and a toaster in the other outlet, they could tell?

you saying if i had a 400 watt stereo in one outlet, a 400 watt computer in the other outlet, and a 400 watt HPS they could tell?

get real


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Absolutely the circuitry in modern appliances communicate with the smart meter to identify themselves. Like I said do some research so you know what you are actually talking about before you give advice on this forum please. Much love, this is a learning process for all of us. :good:
found this:

Will the smart meter be able to tell what appliances I am using in my home?

Only if you want it to. If you choose to install smart appliances or devices that monitor how much electricity is used to run specific appliances, you will be able to see how much power is being used by which appliances. However, we will not have access to that information unless you want to share it with us.

So no, my HPS isnt a smart device. Your LED might be. Better hide the sweet tooth.