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Whats on the grill tonight.....my trifecta...

I love to grill...smoke the kindest of herb & always have a new treat in the works.... variety is the spice....

Im gona update this thread over the next 4-5weeks with a different trifecta each time...(what im grilln'....what im smoking & what's dryn')...i gota first say many thanks to the bay for keeping us so well in the goodies...the real primo...:tiphat:

Just took all these pics tonight......first up my dinner...chicken & a fat strip...:)....
Up next what im smoking tonight....had the WR for a while....not a bad smoke...good for late night.....the SDibl is just starting to cure....in the jars a few day's now...:)
Holy shit....how drunk must i have been yesterday to start this cheesey thread...:bashhead: .....i blame it on the Heineken & SourD :friends: ....oh yea did i mention i love to grill....lol....

I still plan to update with pics weekly.....i'll focus more what im grilling....this is the Mansion :)


not gonna leave you on your own in here bro:) your dinner, your smoke, your life!!! live it! MAXIMUM BOOST to you and yours :)

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Sounds like a cool thread idea if you ask me. What better than pictures of some fine dope and good good eats.

GreatLakes THC :joint:
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nice thread homie...lovin the sour and hiney, the fat strip...but please get the chicken off the grill and into the fryer !! stay drunk homie, thats peace !!


turtle farmer

how ironic----wifey and I harvested a 4k room of cherry kush today,so its drying.
the whole time we smoked some knockout cloud 9.
the I put 3 fat boneless pork chops on the weber-(sorry if I just love charchol)very green everywhere else in life..
peace out


updates? on a weekly basis? you got the masses all dangling,mouth agog and you go MIA?? or have'nt you eaten since the last post?:)
Right on Stray :tiphat:....thanks for sticking around.....i figured i bombed on this one so wasn't really planning on making the effort.....seems i was wrong :)

Thanks to everyone that posted & i will upload some pics tonight of the festivities......been grilling 3-4 days a week since spring began....also been so excited with growing 5-6 different strains over the past few months.......lovn' the varieties all the way around, great food & great herb :dance013:
round 2.......

round 2.......

Well thanks again everyone ...especially you Stray & GreatLakes THC....you fellas got me fired up again to take some pic's & share .....hope i keep yall's interest & don't disappoint :)

Also gota say everytime i see you post GLTHC it remindes me of when i was in the Navy, stationed in Great Lakes Ill. ....some 20yrs ago.....lol......then i see ur ava', Bob, who's my all time favorite artist & it makes me love ya even more :D

Heres a pic from what's cooking at my house....damn i love to grill...

this was last week...gota love the marinated salmon.....this crew lasted me 3 day's of dinners :)
round 2....

round 2....

Now for what i've been smoking.... the Blubonic has been my go to for a few day's now....still have plenty of SD curing in the jar's, but i've grown to really like this 'bonic....think i'll keep her around :smoke out:....she's also become a new fan fav of my mates...

pic from today...she's been in the jar's a while now....
round 2 ....

round 2 ....

Last up....what's on deck :dance013:.......can't wait to have a proper go with this SFVxBS from SOL....she's already a winner in the smell dept & is just starting to cure in the mason jars.....a summer treat for sure.....hope i have a joint of her going when i catch that 7lb smallmouth this summer :)...

Fantastic grub on the grill, smoking the proper headies & catching that trophy bass.....wtf else could i every ask for......well mabey send over Jessica Alba for a cookout & smoke session...after that yall can just put me to pasture :whiteflag:

SFVxBS....just begn' to be smoked...


Active member
nice thread tryn... grill, drink, toke, makes life worth livin..

you gotta try mesquite hardwood man... it brings the grub to the next level.

ribeye, bloody in the middle..


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Nice forty.....looks Damn tasty & i appreciate the tip on the mesquite.....thanks for stopn' by & don't be a stranger now, ya here :)

Gota say one more time i sure appreciate everyone's interest.....mabey im capable of having a proper thread after all...lol....first time for everything :D

One last pic from tonight of my SDibl clone drying(6day's hanging)....just about ready for a week in the brown bags....

SDibl.....flowered only 70 day's this time....working on getting her dialed....


oh he's good,he's good is'nt he?? not only can he fling down some shapes on the grill..HE can also grow some fine herb..outstanding swelly Sour Deez bro:respect: looks pretty dialled to me...great work!