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Full text thread: post papers you want in full text...


New member
Here's another tough one. None of my academic sources carry this journal:

Turcotte D, Le Dorze JA, Esfahani F, Frost E, Gomori A, Namaka M. Examining
the roles of cannabinoids in pain and other therapeutic indications: a review.
Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2010 Jan;11(1):17-31. Review. PubMed PMID: 20001426.
If anyone is still providing research articles on this thread, I have a few I'd like to get. I'd also be glad to try to help anyone acquire any they need as well. I'm listing the articles in order, starting from the last number at the end of the articles list that was posted by tester.

127.) AM251, a selective antagonist of the CB1 receptor, inhibits the induction of long-term potentiation and induces retrograde amnesia in rats. Brain Res. 2006 Feb 23;1075(1):60-7

128.)Amnestic effect of intrahippocampal AM251, a CB1-selective blocker, in the inhibitory avoidance, but not in the open field habituation task, in rats. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2005 Mar;83(2):119-24

129.)Effects of the fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor URB597 on the sleep-wakecycle, c-Fos expression and dopamine levels of the rat. Eur J Pharmacol. 2007 May 7;562(1-2):82-91.

130.)Cannabidiol, a constituent of Cannabis sativa, modulates sleep in rats. FEBS Lett. 2006 Aug 7;580(18):4337-45:thank you:


New member
a noob with access

a noob with access

If anyone is still providing research articles on this thread, I have a few I'd like to get. I'd also be glad to try to help anyone acquire any they need as well. I'm listing the articles in order, starting from the last number at the end of the articles list that was posted by tester.

127.) AM251, a selective antagonist of the CB1 receptor, inhibits the induction of long-term potentiation and induces retrograde amnesia in rats. Brain Res. 2006 Feb 23;1075(1):60-7

128.)Amnestic effect of intrahippocampal AM251, a CB1-selective blocker, in the inhibitory avoidance, but not in the open field habituation task, in rats. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2005 Mar;83(2):119-24

129.)Effects of the fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor URB597 on the sleep-wakecycle, c-Fos expression and dopamine levels of the rat. Eur J Pharmacol. 2007 May 7;562(1-2):82-91.

130.)Cannabidiol, a constituent of Cannabis sativa, modulates sleep in rats. FEBS Lett. 2006 Aug 7;580(18):4337-45:thank you:

@madscientist81 - here ya go!

...the last was too big to attach so here's a sendspace link

anybody else feel free 2 holler and i'll grab what i can.

stoked 2 contribute!



  • AM251_a_selective_antagonist_of_the_CB1.pdf
    299.2 KB · Views: 46
  • amnestic_effect_of_intrahippocampal_AM251.pdf
    422.9 KB · Views: 53
  • cannabidiol_modulates_sleep_in_rats.pdf
    778.8 KB · Views: 83


Active member
Papers still needed ...

Papers still needed ...

Thanks to all those keeping this thread going, esp. to those uploading requested papers! :)

I will try tomorrow to get any of the remaining papers (below as of 2011-06-05), I know some of them I won't have free access to, though. In that case I will try Tuesday to drive to a other local Uni campus, which has better access to Ag related journals and such; and try to get free access there. Between both Universities I should be able to get most of the papers, for free, I hope.

Once I have some extra free cash I am planing on buying the remaining studies no one can find for free.

I am looking into starting an anonymous Google Docs account, and upload papers there, anonymously. If I do so, I could give log-in info to people who want to upload studies there, instead of to here, ex., if the study is > 1 mb in size. Short of that I may setup an anonymous FTP web page with open uploading, so people can upload/download papers from there with ease, either as a "Hidden Service" (hidden and anonymous form of world-wide-web) or on the 'normal' world-wide-web. I am leaning toward a FTP page on a Hidden Service, that way it very secure (SSL end-to-end, multilayered) and very anonymous for sender and receiver, and host. If I do (or when I do) setup the Google Docs or FTP space, I will move all the files from here, to there; where they will be categorized for easy searching by topic.
A note about buying studies, and even downloading from some databases: your personal information (ex. in the case of buying a paper) such as name and/or location (ex. institutional access location/time), could be printed on the PFD file electronically. That means if you upload the paper everyone who reads it will get to see your real name, and even address in some cases. Please make sure to sanitize the PDFs before upload, esp. make sure you check for personal info if they are purchased papers. I use a PDF editing program called Foxit editor to remove my personal info from some of the studies I upload.

Papers in the 'request list' still needed as of 2011-06-05:
(I am going to add this list to my start post, and keep it updated as new papers are uploaded and/or requested. So the starting post should have the up to date request and request fulfilled columns)

Requests: (by random order)

(for Gila-Monster) "Examining the roles of cannabinoids in pain and other therapeutic indications: a review."
Turcotte D, Le Dorze JA, Esfahani F, Frost E, Gomori A, Namaka M.
Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2010 Jan;11(1):17-31. Review. PubMed PMID: 20001426

(for lamp-hill) "Sphagnum Moss Disperses Spores with Vortex Rings"
Dwight L. Whitaker and Joan Edwards
Science 23 July 2010, Vol. 329 no. 5990 p. 406
DOI: 10.1126/science.1190179

(for Gila-Monster) "Constituents of Cannabis sativa L, XXVIII: a review of the natural constituents: 1980-1984"
Ross, S. and M. El-Sohly (1995).
Zagazig J Pharm Sci 4: 1-10

  • (^^^ I think I may have that one on my HDD somewhere. )

(for Dave Coulier) "Aeration in growing media containing large particle size"
Caron, J., Morel, P.H. and Rivière, L.M. 2001
Acta Hort. (ISHS) 548:229-234

(for Dave Coulier) "Air-filled Porosity, Gas Relative Diffusivity, and Tortuosity: Indices of Prunus X cistena sp. Growth in Peat Substrates"
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]J . Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 121: 236-242.[/FONT] [SIZE=-1](corrigenda 121:592)[/SIZE]

  • (^^^ Dave, see my next post, I have two studies I think you may find interesting, re the topic of the paper above)

(for sac beh) "Small Cell Lung Cancer in a 26-Year-Old Man with Significant Cannabis Exposure"
Graef S, Choo CG, Warfield A, Cullen M, Woolhouse I.
Journal of Thoracic Oncology, January 2011, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp 218-219

(for BasementBreeder) "Mineral nutrition in plants"
Wigriarajah, K., 1995,
Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, pp. 193-222, in M. Pessarakli (Ed.),
Marcel Dekker, New York.

  • (^^^ I may have upload this paper already here at ICmag, but I'm not sure. I have version two also, IIRC. Let me see ...)

(for Honkytonk)
[Plant Hormones] "Hormonal Regulation of Sex Expression in Plants"
Seiji Yamasaki, Nobuharu Fujii and Hideyuki Takahashi
Vitamins & Hormones, Volume 72, 2005, Pages 79-110

  • (^^^ I may have upload this paper already here at ICmag, but I'm not sure, let me see ...)

(for Honkytonk) "Hormonal regulation of sex expression in culture of isolated hemp germs"
M. Kh. Chailakhyan and V. N. Khryanin
Naturwissenschaften, Volume 67, Number 2, 94-96, DOI: 10.1007/BF01054696

(for Honkytonk) "Role of Phytohormones in Sex Differentiation in Plants"
V. N. Khryanin
Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, Volume 49, Number 4, 545-551, DOI: 10.1023/A:1016328513153

(for Honkytonk) "Genetic and Hormonal Regulation of Growth, Flowering, and Sex Expression in Plants"
M. Kh. Chailakhyan
American Journal of Botany
Vol. 66, No. 6 (Jul., 1979), pp. 717-736

(for Honkytonk) [Telomeres] "Comparative biology of telomeres: Where plants stand" link
J. Matthew Watsona and Karel Riha
FEBS Letters, Volume 584, Issue 17, 10 September 2010, Pages 3752-3759

(for Honkytonk) "Cytogenetics for the study of telomere function in plants"
Siroky J.
Cytogenet Genome Res. 2008;122(3-4):374-9. Epub 2009 Jan 30.

(for Honkytonk) "Somaclonal Variation: Origins and Causes"
Philip Larkin (2004)
Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science, Vol. 1, Ed., 1
DOI: 10.1081/E-EPCS-120010550


Active member
A warning about PDFs!

Recently PDFs have become a method to spread malware, torgans, 'call-home' programs, etc. What that means is running any and every PDF one finds (here and elsewhere) without scanning it with a good virus scanner (ex., Avira, Norton, etc.) and a good malware scanner (ex., MalwareBytes, SuperAntiSpyware, etc.). Or at least run it from a "sandbox" and use a network monitoring tool like WireShark to TCPDump to make sure the PDF isn't 'calling home' giving away your IP address (ex., a tool used by some LEO/FEDs in terrorist and child porn cases).

A good tool I like to use is called "VirusTotal" (link). It offers a web based interface and a program based interface. One can provide a download URL for a file or program (ex. a PDF) to VirusTotal and then VirusTotal scans the file with over 30 antivirus and antimalware tools, for free, then reports the results along with comments from other VirusTotal users about said file. I use VT all the time, and I use it for files I download too, with the installable program for VT.

This topic is important in terms to stopping would be crackers (blackhat hackers) and botnet creators, as well as FEDs/LEO from doing things to your computer, and with your computer, you would not like (ex., search HDD for files with name/location, pics, install keystroke logger, or make your computer a zombie, etc.).

A good firewall that will "stealth" all ports is critical to sound on-line security ... I use Comodo (it's free and good, it has antimalware and antitrojan tools, as well as can stealth ports and offers a sand-boxing feature).

The short and long of it is this: please scan the PDFs you download, from here or elsewhere.


Active member
is there any way we could get the posters to edit their posts after the papers have been listed to show they are uploaded??



just so it's easier to see what's still needed!

I am going to do something along those lines with my OP. Once I do so, the OP should have up-to-date info on what is needed and what has been provided (by whom as a thank you to the uploader). I will try to keep the OP up-to-date as new files are requested and uploaded.


Active member
@ Dave Coulier,

Here are two papers you may find of use, with respect to the papers you asked for in this thread:

"Pore space organization and plant response in peat substrates: I. Prunus x cistena and Spiraea japonica"
Nsalambi V. Nkongolo and Jean Caron
Scientific Research and Essay Vol. 1 (3), pp. 077-089, December, 2006
(full text) www.academicjournals.org/sre/PDF/Pdf2006/Dec/Nkongolo%20and%20Caron.pdf

"Pore space organization and plant response in peat substrates: II. Dendrathemum morifolium Ramat"

Nsalambi V. Nkongolo and Jean Caron
Scientific Research and Essay Vol. 1 (3), pp. 093-102, December, 2006
(full text) www.academicjournals.org/sre/PDF/Pdf2006/Dec/Nkongolo%20and%20Caron%202.pdf

Dave Coulier

Active member
Thanks for those two new papers. Im looking forward to reading them, and thanks for still trying to get those other two.


A warning about PDFs!
...The short and long of it is this: please scan the PDFs you download, from here or elsewhere.

Good advice. Let me add that malicious PDF files exploit vulnerable reader/viewer software to deliver their payload (i.e. execute arbitrary code on your machine).
Keeping your PDF viewer software (Adode Reader, etc.) up to date is a good practice; so is not running pdf, movie, picture etc. viewer software or your browser with privileges of the root/administrator account of your machine.

WB spurr, I missed ya! :wave:


Active member
^^^ well put HT, thanks.

I disable the PDF add-on (Foxit) for my browser (Firefox) so PDFs cannot load in my browser, that prevents a payload attack you mention (at least on vector point). By disabling my browser add-on (aka Plugin), my browser is forced to download the file, and I have my PFD reader (Foxit) set to auto-load the file once it's downloaded. I have Foxit configured in "safe" mode, so any links in the PDF cannot be clicked, nor can any code be run from/by the PDF to contact the Internet; without my express approval as system Admin.

Such a setup is wise, esp. for Windows users, and even better is to run the PDF software (ex., Foxit) from a sandbox, ex., with SandBoxie, to prevent code execution on the real OS, in real time. Only installing after scanning, of course.

Hope you're doing well :)

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Thank you Spurr and the contributors to this excellent thread.


Active member
Thank you Spurr and the contributors to this excellent thread.

You're very welcome my friend :)

I just noticed your tissue culture thread, I plan to stop in next week and check it out. FWIW, I have many studies and info about tissue culture and cannabis; I could e-mail you any you do not have.

You may also want to get into contact with Breeder Steve, he has done much work with TC and cannabis. (I may be able to get in you in contact with Steve, maybe, let me know if you wish me to try)

I am going to use TC during my attempt at creating (the first?) doubled-haploid cannabis strains and cultivars from doubled-haploid strains. Sadly, TC cannabis isn't exactly a best method to share elite strains (i.e., elite cuts), IIRC, due to stability issues in terms of genotypic/phenotypic traits. Granted, I haven't done TC with cannabis yet, and I still have more to learn; I haven't spent much time working on TC for cannabis per se.

There is a fellow at cannabis-world whom is also doing TC with cannabis, you may wish to check out the thread; here: [edit: it looks like cannabis-world is down, yet again; that forum is down more than it's up]


Genetic Resource Management
steve had never worked with cannabis tc, just more complete bullshit. Steve is known for running his mouth about other's ideas, that's about the extent of knowledge on cannabis tc.

Cannabis TC is a great methodology for preserving elite genotypes. Cannabis explants has proven stable in terms of phenotypic/genotypic reproduction of traits of the donor plants.

I'll be posting more info and methods for cannabis TC at our new site... icmag just isn't the place to discuss more advanced techniques and procedures.



Active member
steve had never worked with cannabis tc, just more complete bullshit. Steve is known for running his mouth about other's ideas, that's about the extent of knowledge on cannabis tc.

Really? I was told differently by some people who know him. That said, I am sure you know him in person, or not in person, so you could very well be correct.

Cannabis TC is a great methodology for preserving elite genotypes. Cannabis explants has proven stable in terms of phenotypic/genotypic reproduction of traits of the donor plants.

I agree cannabis TC works well, it's been done for over a decade in academia, as I am sure you are aware. However, IIRC, I read at least one published paper that found instability re genotypic and/or phenotypic. IIRC, a buddy of mine getting his Ph.D in plant genetics/breeding, who grows cannabis, was the one who told me about the study and possible issues with stability via TC.

I'll be posting more info and methods for cannabis TC at our new site... icmag just isn't the place to discuss more advanced techniques and procedures.


Looking forward to it, and I shall do the same. BTW, did you get my PM a few weeks ago, re the web site?
