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~25 200gal smartie coco grow, woah.

So the rain I mentioned on the 25th was too much for the urkles. The peckers are so dense w/ foliage they bent right over to the ground from the water weight.

Staked em, and by the time I got back from my hiatus...they were back in full force. Lost a few lower limbs, but no biggie.

The plot is doing great. Most of the plants are around should height, except Urkle and Lemon Amnesia. They're investing in bush.

Prolly 4 or 5 plants are at around 6'

I unfortunately didn't get around to covering the pots w/ poly before I left for a week. Sucks, cuz it rained basically every day. They're lookin hungry, fed em a bit tday. Sunday they'll get a strong feed.

Hope all is well fellow greenies

I'm hoping to put em in 20 gallons this weekend. We'll see, as always got alot going on.
I think they're ready though.




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Active member
man those are looking nice..i would just transplant directly into 100 or 200 gals those are gonna be some monsters..
Yeah. I'm just really into potting up slowlike. Build a fatass root ball.
I'll do a side by side w/ a couple of the skywalkers or something, we'll see if it has it's merits when big pots are on the table.

I've done plenty of sidebysides in the small pot realm to prove the value of lotsa pot ups.

Cheers bud

Hoping to trailer em up north this weekend, we shall see

Thanks for swingin by


ICMag Donor
Yeah, I second Y215 go into the ground right about sunday with those straight into their final home. Great setup(s) and nice to post pics and get examples for others, clean looking stuff. Wish you the best this season and letter' rip! NS :jump:

Hey GreenFields, use a 5gal bucket and put that smarty in it and with two dudes, peel the fabric over the lip
of the bucket and pull down. Hard. and pop out comes a root ball ready to go. Saved me some
headaches and I thought it might help.
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Chill move w/ the 5 gal. I'll give that a shot for sure. Sounds much easier than just folding down on level ground.

Much appreciated.

Thanks for swingin by and the nice words


Also I can't put them in the final pots. They're moving to a different location sometime in the next few weeks...and moving 100 or 200 gallon pots doesn't seem like something I wanna be doing.
Lemon Amnesia. I'm in love with this plant, the leaves have this gorgeous silvery green hue. Amazing

It's hard to gauge in the picture, but I'd say they stand at about 4-5' tall

The three

A single Lemon Amnesia


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Tomorrow all are potted up into 20 gal's.

Gonna put the from seed Space Queens out too. Not enough room for em, but I'll make space.

Trying to buy some property for em to live on...but who knows what'll happen.

Most of the plants are around eye level. Skywalkers are about 6.5'...urkles and lemon's around 4'.

All the plants look beautiful. I'm surprised they aren't starving on account of not being fed for a good week straight (nothing but rain).

The leaves stand up real tall \|/ style. I think they're happy outside and really lovin it.

Pray for less rain!



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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hi, you are really ripping it it there! Does the amended coco mix make the plants grow faster and yield better than the soil grows? I guess so or why would you do it?

I will look into this coco mix you use and maybe retire the ffof.
Hard to say.

My guess is that it prolly does, but I'd bet my right nut it requires far more attention.

I know in early veg indoors plants grown in Basement vs. plants grown in straight coco are far more vigorous. (could be 1000000 variables at work here though...so tough to blanket statement something like that)

I'd fathom a guess that I spend between 5 and 10 grand on nutrients and coco for these 30 plants over the 2011 season. Granted, a few extra lb's yield would make up for that.

They'll require watering at least daily come peak of summer.

I'll literally be tossing whole jugs of House and Garden in the nutrient res.

Thanks for the kind words and thanks for swingin by <3

Also worth mentioning this is my first shot at coco outdoors in large pots.


awww man ,,,this looks stellar !!! i no its alot work ,but man let me say:you are so living my dream !!! nice man... and iam really looking forward to the results of outdoor coco growing...
keep it green bro:thank you: fo da sho
Thanks for the love and swingin by.

These really aren't much work at all. As a matter of fact, I go to them when I'm burnt out on all the Indoor work. They're my relief.

Didn't get to put em in 20's today, growstore was out. 25gal's on order so hopefully tomorrow, Weds at the latest.

Put the Space Queens out. They look chipper. Were starting to get some PM leaves on account of low airflow in the veg room (not really designed for big bushy plants).

All's well on the ol' plot.



Well-known member
Hey GF wsup. ur plants r looking really kick ass. and If u don't want any more rain the pray that comes down to south texas. :D we need rain as bad as ever befor.
Thanks! Very kind.

Your welcome to all N.Cal's rain until we get to forestfire threshold...then we want some back.

Potted everything but the Space Queens into 25gal smarties today. They were all ready. Roots to the bottom and all sides. Nice how they don't get root bound, just ready to roll on to the next pot.

Goin to scope out the new homespace for em tomorrow. Hopefully it's as nice as I've been led to believe.


All the plants are doing splendid. Everything but the Urkle and the Lemon Amnesia are over 6'. A few plants have a bit of PM already..caught it from the indoor room they vegged in..and it's manifesting itself on account of how close they all are methinks. Nothing bad and not intending to worry about it until they get settled in the permanent home..at which case I intend to combat it from several fronts.

The Space Queens are prolly at about tit height average. One is eye level. All looking real fly, big burly ass stems. Stem rub scent on like half is stellar. It's amazing how much variation there is from plant to plant on these ladies. I literally have 2 of the 10 that are similar in every trait visible at this point.

Really looking forward to watching the difference between em all. Making selections is the greatest thing, especially when it's coming from a cross between two top 5 favorite strains :D

The Skywalkers are all around 7'. Lookin stellar too I might add. The urkle just bushes out more and more..funny to watch a fat midget stand next to that guy Yao Ming or whatever.

All the plants are lookin great anyways. They'll be headed to their final plot next week assuming I don't buy property.

The Temporary Field

Skywalker is the front

A space queen

Cheers y'all!

Sometime in the next few days I'm hoping to get a quality camera on the scene


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Thanks fellas

Hopefully everyone's looking forward to a good weekend.

I personally am taking all day off tomorrow!
(except of course a few hours of watering...and misc things...okay..I'm taking half a day off.)

I'm sore today.

The time to dip off into the great outdoors for an extended stay is nearly upon me!

I've got to admit, I'm ready for it. (Mentally ready...provisions, hell no)

So we got 3 pallets in one trip. Another 3-4 will go tomorrow..along w/ the pots. :dance013:

Thank god for Uhaul. Would have been alot of grief otherwise



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Active member
^haha im getting familiar with the u-haul pallet work too .... get real sore after breaking down pallets, 60 bags each, throwing them off the truck then dragging to the smartpots for the mixing....in general we are filling 4-5 200 gal smartpots per pallet...13-15 bags each..

your ladies are looking huge and healthy, much bigger than mine.....wish my ladies were eye level!

im doing half my garden in Roots Organic "greenfields" its based on peatmoss and coco so we will see how that works, figure that side of the garden will need more watering..

im also seriously considering amended coco for my indoor, the RO 707 mix and theres a few others...do they burn easy on your indoor setup?


Lookin' Great!! I use a skid steer loader with forks to unload and move pallets/bags to my pots. I learned from experience that mechanical advantage is well worth the cost.

Those Lemon Amnesia' look wonderful Green Fields!
