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Chemo, Diesel/AK47, Green Crack x, Master Kush...

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Green Crack Haze 5 weeks

Diesel Haze 5 weeks

Here's a Chemo from seed, just pollenated, at 3 weeks, males are already puttin out

5 week Master Kush


B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Here's some 4.5 week Chemo, seeded and ready to go

and the room SOG style, 55 girls under 750watts any guesses on weight peeps? all master kush and a couple chemo

happy growin everybody............

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
chemo will go another 4.5 weeks for sure
finish around 10 weeks of flower,
kush 10 weeks
haze crosses 14 weeks

and if you saw that chemo in real life it is sick... sticky as hell already... light green, frosty as it gets and only half way finished,
it has a resin that is dif, kinda petrol'ish, almost like the real deisel cross bred into the haze got going... when you put your fingers together after touching the plant your fingers swirl a bit and don't stick stick, if ya know what i mean... only ever felt that in the deiselAk47 I grew last show...
the smell is coming in now, will let ya know in a week, don't like touching the budz, but can't help myself

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
well I have been smoking my 7.5 week kush. and it is fantastic.
it lacks the long duration that it will have and some intensity is missing still, but the end result will be fabulous
it burns white, never needs to be relite
and unfortunantly the dispensaries are selling sub-par kush that's for sure. when this hits 9weeks it will rock those bud-dispensars

organic my friends, it's the way to go. my yeilds should be nice as well

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
not to shabby
I never brag, absoultely never, so this is a public service announcement
I f'n love 10.5week Green Crack x Haze, it is so nice,
at first it just sets in, then takes your head over, then the body, and you have a vibe that is like being en Cancun sobre la playa, i feel so care free, and my pain is the least of my worries, i have a numb feeling from my back top of head down neck and into my shoulders, it is like i do not want to move or talk but sitting here writting and thinking not a problem at all, totally intro spective!!! well this shit is going to grow for another 3 weeks, wow is all i can say, never really had a taste of any haze varieties... time is moving very slow, keep thinking it's been like 30mins and only 5 mins has gone by, weird
ok gotta chop some more down now... I hope she makes it to 13weeks... lol

been lazy will take some pics soon
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some looking just a little worse for wear, hope they pull through for you IB. will that diesel haze keep thickening up you think? has come a long way, i know the hazes can stay spaced out tho. glad your enjoying your smoke, theres nothing like enjoying the fruits of your labor. esp. if its a tasty haze, have yet to grow any haze dom. girls im jealous. kudos and thanks for sharing bro, im hesitant to put up pics of less than perfect girls, i think thats a mark of experience there. in this case anyway lol.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I have started a few Diesel Haze and got myself a couple of girls.
i Hope you dont mind me sharing a few pics with you guys.
They are now on the 2nd week of flowering



The pics were from potting up day meaning first day into real flowering
Your plants looks lush ;)

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
well the Diesel Haze is a personal cross as well is the GreenCrack Haze and both are first runs... a couple phenoes of each so who knows what's in store
ya some do look like they've seen better days but as well they are goin on 12+ weeks so nada worry about finishing, they'll get through a couple more weeks...

most will come down soon, especially the kush, lovin it, 12'ish week kush!!!


i would give anything to have a cut of green crack. i got some on vacation from a random kid in venice beach in about 2004, long before anyone had heard of it on the east coast. it blew everyone away. legendary. i guess alot of people are over it, but not me. was the first time i ever saw someone fall out from hitting a bowl.... dude was an astrophysicist too... that made it crazier in my book. +K for making your own crosses.