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Flowering my Afghan Diesel


day 2 of 12/12 Afghan Diesel

this is what i have decided to name my pheno 6 of the SDxCJ cross. it's really the perfect name as it has that totally dank Afghani taste and resin coverage, while having a fuely SourD taste. this is my over all favorite, now it's just a matter of practicing the dial in and getting to know if there is any way to get good yields from her. last round she was quite stingy, but i was growing a mixed table so couldn't get her dialed in. so this run im doing a very low ec run. we are having a heatwave at the moment so the temps are not ideal at all, as i don't use ac, normally don't need it, but when ambient temps outside get near 30 it becomes imposible to keep the grow space any cooler without cooling. thank god for coco's easy going nature when it comes to high temps.

anyway here the first few pics of day 2 of 12/12, they are quite stretchy so i turned them early, hope it wasn't too early lol.





Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hmm so you just use the bags the coco comes in as pots? Do all the hoses allow you to not have to water daily? I would really like to find a walk through for your set up if that's the case especially the irrigation if you know any threads.

I was wanting to try coco out, but I don't see the water schedule working out for me.


Hmm so you just use the bags the coco comes in as pots? Do all the hoses allow you to not have to water daily? I would really like to find a walk through for your set up if that's the case especially the irrigation if you know any threads.

I was wanting to try coco out, but I don't see the water schedule working out for me.

those bags of coco, are so called coco slabs, they are made to be used like that. you can also buy coco in normal big bags and fill pots like with soil. but like you said hand watering is a lot of work and for most of the time you have to water every day. so using a pump and drip irrigation setup makes it really easy, just set the timer to water the plants 2 or 3 times a day for a few minutes.

basically it's very easy you just need a water proof table top with 1 drain. place one tank under the drain and place your pump in the same tank. all drip systems have different ways to put them together. the ones i have are very simple just make a hole in the main hose and stick the capillary drip tube in it.


great start gaius, sounds like a grat strain. mack

if my luck had been a bit better i'd have been able to smoke you out with some of this bud. was so pissed that my stash never made it to the 420. let me get a pic of the old harvest of my Afghan Diesel up to show what he buds look like.

this is one cola from the mother when i flowered her out replacing the mum with a clone of her.

my theory is that if i get her dialed in just right she will be able to produce enough to make her more worth while. last round i feel i stunted her buds by pushing too hard with nutrients, at the wrong time. we will see how it goes this time round, now i'm fighting heat lol. always something it seems...



Nice to see new show to start. What nutes are you using and what is ec at moment? U water 2 -3 times daily? I have set timer to water 4 times daily, do you think 4 times is too much? Or is there any difference?


nice looking plants and final product. hopefully the heat wont mess stuff up


That's not dialed in heh? Looks great man I'm here for long haul :D

to be honest this pic is from when i ran the mums, it was the last run which the buds didn't get big, but even the above bud could be bigger lol. i'm trying to find out which way she likes things for best bud production.

Nice to see new show to start. What nutes are you using and what is ec at moment? U water 2 -3 times daily? I have set timer to water 4 times daily, do you think 4 times is too much? Or is there any difference?

hey man, the ec is at 1.5 now, even low feeders seem to use a lot of nutes in the first 2 weeks of 12/12. i water them 3x a day now, on Sunday the pump stays off the whole 24h. that's what i've been doing recently, the plats seem to enjoy a break from the regular watering once in a while. 4x isn't too much, just a matter of what the plants get used to, although i am playing around with the idea of testing 2x a day watering for a run once too. using my generic boost on top of the A+B from day 1 of 12/12, will switch back and forth between the two products boost and the generic one till half way through flower, then only canna boost.

nice looking plants and final product. hopefully the heat wont mess stuff up

yeah i really hope the weather settles a bit. not fun having them at 30°. so glad they are in coco, most systems wouldn't do well under these temps.


Señor Member
yeah i really hope the weather settles a bit. not fun having them at 30°. so glad they are in coco, most systems wouldn't do well under these temps.

same problem for me my friend .......

As usual you have super healty babies!!!!!

Is this your first time with coco slabs? are you planning to re-use them?

I wish you the best luck for this grow!


same problem for me my friend .......

As usual you have super healty babies!!!!!

Is this your first time with coco slabs? are you planning to re-use them?

I wish you the best luck for this grow!

i been using coco slabs for quite a while. these slabs are on their second use, will use them at least 3 times maybe 4. just have to use some zym product when you reuse the coco. over time i've grown in coco in pots, beds and slabs. wouldn't use beds of coco indoor anymore as it's a lot of extra medium used and no real benefits visible with the yields. but pots of coco are good for mums so you can take the plant out and cut clones or move it around to get the best light. but for flowering i do like the coco slabs with drip irrigation best.


day 6 of 12/12

day 6 of 12/12

temps still hot around here. ec at 1.5 after letting it at 1.1 for 24hours. with the heat i don't think they can use the full ec i was gonna be giving them at this stage.

anyway as you can see they are filling up the space slowly but surely.






Nice show G

Is this DTW or Recirc?

What size pump do you use?

it's set up as a recirculating system, but i have an L piece on the drain so i can add a piece of ldpe hose and direct the reurn to a second tank for flushing. but for the rest i run it with recirculating the nurient solution. the pump is a small submersible, with only half a BAR of pressure, but with these drip lines this pump type works for up to 6 lamps easy.


Active member
I have to get with you when I get ready to set up my dutch leech trays and coco slabs.

I am about 10 days away from chop; then adding drippers.

Hand watering sucks


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
it's set up as a recirculating system, but i have an L piece on the drain so i can add a piece of ldpe hose and direct the reurn to a second tank for flushing. but for the rest i run it with recirculating the nurient solution. the pump is a small submersible, with only half a BAR of pressure, but with these drip lines this pump type works for up to 6 lamps easy.

Thanks for the info do you know where we can order the exact blue pump that you showed in the pics in your dripper thread? Had troubles finding a place state side and only found one place in uk for 259 sterlings or whatever currency they use might have been a euro sign shown. I am going to be running 3-4k watts at a time with the pump.


to be honest it's just a cheapo submersible pump from the local doityourself. cost was something like 70 or 80 euro. if you use drip lines without valves on each one you can use these type of pumps with only 0.5 bar or pressure. nice thing about them is they are near silent.

heres a link to the one i recently bought, i have a few simmilar ones. i tend to not go for the dirt water pumps, but even those are getting cheaper.


gl finding something that does the job for you reliably and not too expensive.


Thanks for the info do you know where we can order the exact blue pump that you showed in the pics in your dripper thread? Had troubles finding a place state side and only found one place in uk for 259 sterlings or whatever currency they use might have been a euro sign shown. I am going to be running 3-4k watts at a time with the pump.

if your 3 - 4 k of lights are set up in one straight line that pump will be ok, have had a table with 8 x 600w lamps with 240 plants on it watered with 1 of these. but as soon as you have more then 1 table or a complicated path for the water to travel, you are better off going with the 4 bar pump. nothing worse then having a pump that's too weak for the job. also don't try and save on the particle filter that goes after the pump. a good quality filter makes the drip lines more reliable. still always check each drip line between grows to see if it's still running at the full speed. any that are slowing down or blocked, just tie a knot in those hoses and after finish checking the rest you replace all those with knots.

in the end most sellers of drip watering setups can tell you what size and strength pump is needed to run it.

Looking promising Gaius! Sub'd!!

thanks man, welcome...:wave:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Alright awesome money isn't a worry so I want the best possible pump for the job so thanks that was valuable info! My lights are in a straight line but it may not always be that way at other places so I will definitely go with the 4 bar like you recommend.

Also the knot tying info was great cuz I was just about to ask what you do for that exact problem heh.