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Mosaic Virus in Cannabis pics


Active member
Well, I for sure don't want to be taken as one who thinks virus attack doesn't happen. It surely does, and that is a fact. I do think that if a mosaic virus of ANY sort is in the grow, it will more than likely effect everything in the grow, and not be very prejudice at all.

As far as "clones don't mutate"...I have to stay in reserve on that one. I have taken cuts before and after they root, for whatever reason, the first growth gets scraggly and mutated very similar to a reveg, when the cut or the mom had never been in flower.
And having seen that a few times over the years, it gives me even more evidence to the theory that mutation is something that can be triggered with a hormonal response.

The very same f13 mom that I have been referencing also shows variegation on the leafs from time to time. It will normally have only one branch that does it, and some cuts won't show it at all. But when it does show, it is obvious that it is a coloring variegation. I suspect a very similar hormonal things going on there too.
There has to be a reason when a mutant can show on one branch and not on another....and this will continue through it's life cycle.
Here is a flowering mutant...one that has been shown before above...
Note how some of it is mutated, and some is not.




Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Mosaic Virus in Cannabis pics

I should also mention i didnt have any signs of any 'deficiancy' until after i brought the suspected clones into my garden.

Your mutation pics dont look like 'virus' pics the only similarity i see is general uglyness. Ill check them out again when i get home to double verify my opinion.

The chemd and ogs i suspected of being culprits flowered out fine and 'to standard'. No ugliness at all on the buds or bud growth. But some of the fan leaves had the distinct curl w discoloration on the inside of the curl and a few leaves had the splotchy color.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
so i checked out those pics again... #2 looks pretty fucked.

but i dont see any telltale signs of hooked leaves and discolored leaves that some think are evidence of the mosiac issue.

like this chemd

Ill have to go thru the "am i looking at tmv' thread and see if my pics are still there so i can post those...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
in case no one has seen this info posted by Core.
from https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=1061166&postcount=5
i this post he translates from dutch to english
i'l try and do the translation as correct as i can..... :moon:

On the youngest leaves you'll find yellow/green circled shape spots,cirlcle shaped figures and waving lines.
Older leaves shows yellow mozaïk like figures.Leaves will yellow in a short time,sometimes this happens when sympthoms dont show.


A infection of mozaïkvirus occeurs mostly in the summer or in the fall,when winged bugs like leave louse appear.
Leave louse transmit the virus verry easy.While working in the garden men can transmit in some small occaisions.Spreading tru seed or soil is not possible.
The virus has many carryers,among them are salad and garden weeds,in these the virus can survive,the virus also acceurs in other^plants like tobaccoplants,tomatoes,cucumbers,ect..crosscontamination is possible..(cannabis infecting tomato and vise versa)
The moment the plant has been infected there is no cure for it....clones of this plant will also carry this virus..

Effects on the plant

The effect on the plant are verry divers,the plant will never be able 2 use its full potential because the state of the leave wont permit fotosynthese as good as on a healty leave.
The virus exists out of small rods of about 700 nanometer long.the virus belong 2 the group of potyvirusses.the plant will never be a topper,1 thing is surten the plant will show problems and will stay a back of any other.

Komkommer met Mozaiekvirus
Tomaat met Mozaiekvirus

How 2 battle it..
As written before there is no cure for this virus?once the plant has it its not removeable.Inviromentfactors are importand though.A plant that has a stable surroundingstemperatur of 21C°+ wont have as much problem as other way around..so keeping the Temp above 21C° is a must

i'll add second part in a few and in a other post...


Well-known member
Looks like a virus. You can't get rid of a virus so that is one way to tell. I had a plant I got back in '84 that was perfect for many years, then it picked up a virus. Not one single crop after that was free of the mosaic coloring and deformed leaves. I got rid of the clone about a year and a half ago. This is the first plant that has had a virus since then.

The plant always got better during flowering but it was passed to the clones.

after enlarging it off my comp instead of phone it appears you have some mite suck marks.. czech the undersides of you foliage or look for the beginning of egg laying and possible webs to other plants.

Dr. D

Active member


Does anyone know if TMV can be passed onto chillies?
Whatever my plants have TMV or not ( i have all symptoms shown in the first page of this thread) the symptoms are now showing on my chilli plants that are completely away from my grow in the conservatory. The only equipment ive used is the same bottle for watering and it seems to have passed it over...not happy to say the least..


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Mosaic Virus in Cannabis pics

They dont have tmv, if they did they would infect other plants and they dont..

Ive read that mosaic viruses can spread/infect other plants types. Its a pretty contagious virus.

You saw it spread too huh? To chiles? Bummer... What a trip.
Glad you saw it though...
Any pics? Be interesting to learn how the chiles turn out....

Dr. D

Active member
All of my infected stock is in flower now i should really get some pics of the symptoms and post them but they are all the same as the first page in this thread some plants show different symptoms...my chillies are only seedlings and defo have the symptoms il get some pics up and post them to show you all...Peace


New member
Will read through the whole 24 pages in the next hour, but was wondering if someone could tell me if these plants show evidence of being infected. I suspect they do, in which case I fear I am fucked big time.





Active member
@gimme: It looks like a Ca deficiency with some leaf mutations. My leafs were/are doing the same shit. They were mutating like crazy. Well, they were doin this since the beginning and now I am in day 37 of flowering with super dank buds and good health! I wouldn't worry. Get some Cal/mag or just Ca.


New member
They are in veg, under a 400mh. I give them nutes (GH FloraNova). This started happening ever since I discovered some type of insect in the room. I sprayed them with Neem Oil, and the insects are gone.


its light burn on your leaves from the neem oil lol.. sometimes if you don't let em dry long enough they get some bleaching action going on.. I'd be willing to bet you don't see the same problem on the new growth


Active member
this is some crazy shit, i had a thought that i might have had it, as i roll my own cigarrettes, but, i dont. i know i dont,k

this is a conspiracy that strain hording growers spread around when someone gets a hold of thier beloved strain that "onkly they can have" or others who are "not deserving enough" to have.

don't fall for it, we have bee growing all these years and the first post said this was the first vfirus discovered back in the 19th.

so if it has been around this long, and has been yadayada yada. why the hell are we jsut now hearing about it now.

it is becasue of the grow scene in cali, it is damn sure almost legit and people make their legit livings off this art now.

so it would be great for a grower who gets X amount of dollars more per ounce thatn everything else out there, to spread a orror story about a virus that takes the infected person to destroy the whole grow,m kill all the genetics, and shut down with some down time and restart with a commercially available strain, that is not the elite they had when they had the "TMV"


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Mosaic Virus in Cannabis pics

^^^maybe i need to reread the above post but im laughing my ass off haha

Maybe jesse ventura can straighten this out....


Active member
ICMag Donor
Here is a study from Spain that shows how common plant viruses are - Tomato's is what they study so it's the best we have.

Viral diseases are a serious limitation to the tomato crop in the region of València, Spain. A survey of tomato viruses in open field cultivation plots was made in the three provinces of this region. A total of 228 plots classified according to the origin of the seed (farmer seed plots or commercial seed plots) were surveyed, from which 1300 individual plants were sampled and tested for Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV), Parietaria mottle virus (PMoV), Potato virus Y (PVY), Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and for the tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD). Virus infection was detected in 58.9% of the plants sampled and in 86.0% of the plots surveyed. All these viruses were detected, and the most prevalent were ToMV and PVY (34.1% and 27.1% of infected plants, respectively), but PMoV and TYLCD were the less prevalent (1.2% and 1.3% of infected plants, respectively). Differences among provinces and seed origin were found for most of the viruses studied. In particular, both ToMV and PVY had a higher level of infection in plants from farmer seed plots than in commercial seed plots, which accounts for the higher percentage of virus-infected plants in the former (64.2%) when compared to the latter (49.1%). Single and multiple infections were found in 42.38% and 16.54% of the samples, respectively. The most common multiple infection was of ToMV, PVY or both. These results show that the percentage of infected plants and plots in open field cultivation is very high in this region and the origin of the seed is an important factor in the incidence of virus infection. In this respect, preventive measures, including virus-free seed, resistant cultivars and improved cultural practices, could reduce the incidence of virus infection.

Also I would add that the older a plant is the more chance it has of becoming infected. Tomato's are only grown one season, while a good cannabis plant can be around for 20 years or more... Once infected, it's infected for life.


Active member
well i had what i thought was the tobacco masaic virus, last crop cycle. iu went on chat basically freaking the fuck out. actually sitting here in my room crying, cuzz i just read an article in that current months "WEED WORLD" magazine, about tobacco mosaic virus.

as i said i roll my own, i buy 4-5 pounds of tobacco a month. and i have the rolling statoin in my room, and tobacco is effectively everywhere. so after the article i was convinced all my mother had it, even though none of THEM showed the signs, ut the clones that came from them had mad symptoms, or what i thought was symptoms.

so i got my cannon EOS 50e out and snapped some pics of the plants in the flowering room, which had jjst been vut from clone like 3 weeks prior, and also that had just got tranplanted into 3 gal. bato buckets, from clone cubes.

ya know a little leaf twist here, a streak there and a nibble hole here. all symptoms of other things, like mag, cal def. PH swings, and so forth.

so i am on chat, crying like a fool. posting links to my album titled "TMV what the fuck now" so my pal JIGGY was looking at them, along with some others who are expeirienced growers. and they spent the better half of the night, a bout 2 hours trying to put my mind at ease saying it was the plants just adjuting to the new enviroment (150w light to 600 watt light, ph of the new medium, so on and so forth)

also this time around i was switching from using poopy advanced nutes, to general organics full line up. after about a week the plants all looked picture purfect (yeah i spelled it like that on purpose) and after 63 days they gave me , and this is no shit, from 11-12 oz to 15.6 oz of pure dry aurora indica goodness, significantly more than i was getting with AN.

so i was convinced i had TMV or something like that that causes streaks, and acording to the mag i read i had to kill them all, clean everything in the room with 91% isopropyl alcohol, and then take all my gear (lights, fans, tanks controllers) to the hospital and have them sterilize the stuff. (yeah im exagerating some about the hospital, because this is that silly) but never the less i would have to take all the grow gear apart and make sure it is sterilized inside and out.

well i would rather die, as i jsut got through doing that just for good measure as my garden was running for 5 years without a complete tear down and re painting, and tidying up. and for me to hear i have to do it all over again and start from seed, man i was loading up guns to die with. so to speak.

i kept them around, and got bout 35% increase in yeild from new tammer nutes, and this yeild was from suspected TMV plants. they fit the bill perfectly, but it was what it looked like, ph swinging, and some adjusting to new enviroment.

TMV is real, but i dont think it is at the leval we all think it is in cnnabis plants, i think it is a way for haters to scare newbs who are blowing there crop out the water, to make them shut it down and start overr.

my . 02


Just trashed a second grow in a year because of this stupid virus. Never ever getting cuts or seeds from anyone again. Thrips are bastards, I think I'm gonna start raising ladybugs to just always have in the garden. Feed them grapes and leave a wet cotton ball around.


New member
I am a second generation devoted lifetime ganja farmer. I grew up watching my dad grow both outdoor and indoor since I was 7 years old. In my adult life, I have grown over 50 crops, both indoor and out. I believe strongly that this plant virus issue is the most important thread on these forums. I have never had reason to post before, and hope to never need to again.
I believe we are not talking about one virus here, we are talking about a number of them recently introduced to the species by the "Green Rush". I believe that new strains of virus may have recently been mutated and distributed by a large increase of novice farmers using sloppy protocol, growing plants with compromised genetics. There are many kinds of virus, that effect most, if not all cultivated plants in a variety of ways. The naming of each virus strain defines the species effected most, and the symptoms exhibited. "Lettuce Infectious Yellow Virus", "Festuca Leaf Streak Virus", "Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus" to name a few. To think that the number one cash crop on the planet would somehow be immune to viral infection is silly. For us to underestimate and ignore the effects of a virus on plants is even sillier.
The virus I would like to recognize at this time is "Infectious Yellow Drug Hemp Virus". This virus has varying levels of severity depending on the variety grown. At best, a mild infection can produce 25% of the amount of small yet relatively normal looking fruit from a healthy looking, but dwarfed plant. At worst, your entire plant turns yellow and dies halfway through flowering, starting with a slight yellowing and puckering of the growing tips in the center of the garden, where it is the brightest. It will then begin to yellow from the bottom as well, eventually turning brown and defoliating completely. Other symptoms such as spotting and partial bleaching of otherwise healthy looking leaves is a precursor to the more drastic final stage described above.
So my advice would be that we educate ourselves about how the rest of the world's farmers deal with plant virus on a commercial scale. Run your rooms clean like you would a commercial kitchen, however, be safe and follow instructions when handling virucides. Be more careful with who you get stock from. I suggest you only get clones from someone who is running consistent healthy cycles. I like to compare this to a.i.d.s. (another fun virus), in the way that we all need to take new precautions in order to deal with a potentially devastating bug. I hope I have made a positive contribution to this topic, without adding more confusion.


I know a guy who's had a virus for almost the past year and he refuses to admit its a virus and is actually making a bunch of beans with his infected plants. I keep trying to tell him its a virus but I think he just thinks its thrips causing the crinkles and slow growth. I really hope he doesn't give too much infected beans away or any. Just wish he would read this thread like I told him way back when I first noticed his girls doin it.

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