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Just Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part 3


Looking great man:jump:The first time ya get stung in the ear, ya might be more on the watch for Bee's man. I know i did after it happen, but then again the ''Black Jack'' i used to blow up the nest wasn't such a great idea, lol.

How many ya think might re veg? Luv them monsters:dance013:

Thanks for the show bro, as always:tiphat:


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Just Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part 3

I was getting so high last night that i forgot to tell you about the time i ran over a bumble bee nest while pushing a lawn mower... All of a sudden i wasnt hearing the roar of the engine anymore just the incessant buzz of really pissed off displaced bees... That fucking sucked


LSY, try gettin a hornet sting to the back of your knee. That's a hoot! lol ;)

OH, lookin good! I do the dog shit thing, but deer blood... thats a new one! Sounds like you've been havin all kinds of fun with the quad! hahaha!! ....dog shit and deer blood, thank god they dont taste like what they're grown in! lol

stay safe


Well-known member
Bla Bla Bla

Bla Bla Bla

Weez...Once again...your on it.

LSY....Blowing up a bee hive is never a good idea. Sticking around after you do it....even worse.

How many will Regrow? I know at least one will. This year I'm going tall. Same destination, just taking a different route. The other I thought would, is full buds, and still packing it on. I could regrow it, but I will waste a couple of months to grow out of bud, so I'm going to replace it with a Headband clone.

Grey....those are all alive and kicking. I have then under lights, but soon I will start introducing them to real sunshine. TYVM.

Inquest...think of deer blood as just real fresh bloodmeal. The next day all the leaves are standing up instead of drooping. In small doses the girls love it. And once we get to buds I stop the blood and go back to more conventional fertilizer.

So far we have taken the quad out once. Later in the season we will be using it a lot....but not yet. It remains one of our aces in the hole. We have been on a motorcycle so far. We use the quad mostly for harvesting, or when we have a big haul to go in or out.

Like everything to do with this trip , it has been either feast or famine. On Friday we went out, and some homeless tweaker had set up a campsite 200 ft from where we stashed the starts. So we turned around and came home. Skipped Saturday, back Sunday, he was gone.

Grabbed the starts, straight into the field, and we stumble across a watered field, a perfect field, drop them in, and head home. Reload and head to the other side of the island. Same trip, perfect field, water, no searching, so I drop them in too. Sunday we had all out work done by 6 PM. Another 50 are home.

Yesterday we had thunder, lightning, and light rain. So that was a no go. Wave two has two more patches until done. At this rate we could be done by today...or next week.

We are where we want to be in the North, and haved moved South almost as planned. Next comes South to North. The mill is in the middle and we want to avoid that.

Around the house, the Thai crosses are at the 5 ft mark. I shouldn't pat myself on the back...there pretty much idiot proof.

Both Jack triples are girls. :dance013: Of my 21 holes, 8 are the Thai, Two are the old Sativa strains from partners freezer. One Rodnette...she is looking Sativaish HRM. Four Jack girls...including two triples.

Then we have problems....and I start second guessing myself. The Thai/Skunk isn't going to work. I will replace it with a Bloody Widow girl...another Sativa.

That should leave 5 holes for my Indica crosses. And all of them except one have Rodney as the dad. Except for the Headband...that I know nothing about.

Welcome to my style of growing...throw everything ya got against the wall and see what sticks.


''LSY....Blowing up a bee hive is never a good idea. Sticking around after you do it....even worse.''

Oh i ran, but it was a Wasp nest and i was maybe 12 years old. I freaking ran like hell, but when i thought i had out run them, i turned to see and it looked like a cartoon arrow heading right at me. So one sting, i considered myself lucky and yeah, never tried that again, lol.



High country cat herder
We got wasps, hornets, and all sort of bee's here in Co,.... Only stumbled over a bumble bee nest once,..... ran like hell! no stings.

Nuked many a many a many hornet/wasp nest in my years,... and continue to do so to today! Been stung a couple times,... but fuckem I can't stand hornets and wasps! :mad:

To date I've pulled down 2 WILD honey bee hives, neither time did I get stung! I got about 3 quarts of honey out of the first one, (Split 1/2 with my buddy who helped me break up the stump, he didn't get stung either) Second only got about a quart from, but both times it was simply the BEST F'N HONEY EVER!!!!!!

I'm planning on building a hive, and catching a wild queen/swarm to fill it with :D I've seen a wild swarm,.... Basket ball sized glob of bees clustered on a tree branch,... could have about put my hand into the mess of em they were so placid...... freakin awesome little critters!


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
hey man have fun with those!
im sooooooo looking forward to seeing what the headband does
the D will straight stone the shit out of you man. its fun hahahaha


Well-known member
Wandering Around Left Field...

Wandering Around Left Field...

LSY....If your going to take the time to blow something up....might as well take a few extra seconds to stick around and watch it pop.

I said it's not a good idea...but lots of things we do aren't good ideas...I can't speak for you...but I never let a little thing like a dumb idea stop me.

When we found a mass of bees hanging from a tree branch long ago, shooting it was NOT a good idea....did it stop us? Hell no! Looking back it would have been wise to get an escape route planned out...But those are little details. Work that stuff out later....on the run. Watching that single mass turn into several thousand pissed off bees in a second was facinating.

Besides...you don't have to be the fastest...As long as there is one guy slower than you...everything will be fine.

Canni....Too funny.

There is a bee nest in a empty wire spool that we have been watching for years. The land it sits on is slated to be developed. We have been thinking of taking a rope with us, hooking the spool up to the truck, and dragging it through a pipe gate.

That nest has been there for 15 years, and is full of Keawe honey. Now if I can only figure out how not to get the shit stung out of me.

See? That sounds like a real bad idea...probably is....I will post pics when I do it. :wave:

A few posts back I stated this;

Will there be a second half? Depends on the weather. Fields are dry. If they stay that way, no reason to continue. If we get some wet trades...We'll be back to the saltmines in a couple of weeks.

Fields aint dry no more. Trades are back, loaded with moisture. Only one more trip and wave 2 is pau. Last one I got stupid (another bad idea) and planted a dry field right next to the main road. Was kinda neat. Planting to the tune of rush hour traffic whizzing by. If someone threw a soda can out their car window it could have hit me.

So with this rain the show continues. Wave three is a couple of weeks away. It isn't that big. But my partner has some he is starting too. Start wave four this weekend. Maybe do one more...or two. I'm looking to take July off...maybe go fishing?

Grey....I'm thinking of keeping the clones under lights and get some cuts out of her before I put them out. Partner wants to give them a whirl too...so more stuff on my list to do. And I can put them in different places and see where they do best. Thanks again. Samples will be forthcomming.


Well-known member
Update....the cane

Update....the cane

The last dribs and drabs of wave two are done. Yesterday was a good day to work. We have been getting some heavy windward showers the last few days.

All the ditches are flowing at max, the punawais (resavoirs) are all topped off, so they have no place to put the water except directly on the fields. Also since the fields are wet, there are no canefires, and the harvesting crew is taking time off.

This means the fields are muddy, but empty. The last two patches went in the middle, by the gun club....I know this means nothing to you, but thats all I need to know to find the last 27.

Anything put in dry, a ways back, and made it to the rain is now doing fine. A good rain makes all your worries go away. All your planting mistakes are now forgiven. Go forth and sin no more.

Here's a tip for new guerilla growers. You can plant in the rain, you can plant between the showers, but don't plant the day after the rain stops. Give the place a few days to dry out. Right after the rain you will leave trails, obvious ones, that will hang around forever.

With the first half done, I can downshift. Slow it down a bit.

Wave one was the Sativas, wave two were the Jack and Kush plants. Wave three is all Kush crosses. Wave four is Rodney and her crosses. Past that point I have yet to go....but I do have more seeds to get rid of.

Pic 1) is a hole, with water ponding at the bottom, ready for ferts and starts. you can also see the dripline. If your not careful and hit that line...you got problems.

Pic 2) is a random cane pic.

Pic 3) is a patch before the ferts and starts.

Pic 4) is the reason why you don't come barreling out of the fields to cross the road blind if you don't have to. Leave the bike in the field, and check it out first. You never know who might be waiting.


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Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
i love maui
so lax
you can be in a dark parking lot at 10pm at night, smoking a lot of pot, and the cops drive bye. give them a jedi-mind trick wave and they just wave back and take off.


Well-known member
Back at the Oldhaole Home for Wayward Girls

Back at the Oldhaole Home for Wayward Girls

Shcrews...Thank you. I see you are starting your season too. I hope you have a great year.

Grey....Wouldn't cops on the mainland pass you by in a similar situation?
:laughing: The joys of living on an island. The cops...most have grown up on Maui. They have to live here too.

Must have been "Don't harass the haoles" day.

You should have seen your eyes get big. Almost blew that hit out your ears. I have a few more grey hairs also. Lucky yesterday I had the Jedi cloaking device with me.

Now the fields are where they should be, time to come back home.

Just before dark I did my first spray for bugs and mold. Noticed a bit of WPM on the stems of the gulch girls. If I stay on it, the summer heat should crush it. The bugs aren't bad this year...so far.

The bottom girls are getting to 6 ft. No problems there. I have three down there that are "friendly". They should sneak through the next GH. Once GH is done I'll break them apart.

HRM...Rodnette is three ft tall, pulling Sativa. I think she will do fine. Her kids are in the next three holes down. We are getting 13 hours 5 minutes of light each day. It should be enough daylight to make everything go long.

All the holes in the gulch have declared. I have culled out everything except a single female from almost each hole. It was painful...In persuit of legality I killed a few good females today.

The Jack girls are looking good. The biggest girl is a triple, and is close to four foot. One question mark is the last bottom hole. Partner kept a few in small pots, forcing them to bud. There were a lot of fags in that batch. I will be bummed if it gets huge, then fags.
The girls from that batch were great...so I'm taking a chance there.

Pic 1) Rodnette. She has the best seat in the house.
Pic 2) Jacks' nest.
Pic 3 & 4) The bottom holes.
Pics 5) The one regrow I'm keeping. Will take two more branches off of her...then let her go long.
Pic 6) Biggest Jack girl. A triple to boot.
Pic 7) Gotta keep an eye on this one. Will be either a top drawer keeper or a total disaster.


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Active member
i have been actively stopped three times here by the police, twice in my car while speeding and smoking, and once out smoking in the parking lot while the band took a break :D

all three times so far have been alright...they just let me go...i don't have a record, and live in a pretty local area, so they don't really harrass me much...i am much more careful now, at least about the speeding and smoking :)

most of the cops here grew up here, or have loads of family...BI is a big place tho, so you don't want to tempt fate :)

Looking great over there OH, can't wait to see how things progress for you bully!

all sativas and sativa crosses for me outdoor at a friends' medical this year. got two scripts to work with, so i will help them blast out 14. :D

gonna be five SchromxMoloka`i Frost then the rest are either (MalawixNl#5Haze)x(sensi starxFrost) or pure Frost that aren't sexed yet...hopefully get some nice lemony flavors from the schrom cross, and mentholy fruity from the pure frosts, while the Mnl5hazesensistarxfrost cross should be some interesting shit :)

aloha Maui bredren, keeping it real andyouguyshaveanicemuthafuckingday!!!:)


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Just Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part 3

Nice come up on that... You make that cross w the frost?
Shrom is fun!!!


Well-known member
Got Nothing Better to do

Got Nothing Better to do

Hawaiian....I so hear you.

Let me tell you a story about an asshole cop, and how Maui treated him.

Once upon a time there was an asshole cop, worked traffic patrol, on a motorcycle....If you have lived here a while you know this story...bear with me. This prick would give you a ticket if you went two miles over the limit.

This cop's pride and joy was a 24 ft flush deck Radden. That's a fishing boat that costs big scripts. Beautiful boat...I'd give my left nut to own one....maybe....I'm married so I don't use them much...nuff said.

The dick cop put his boat in Keawakapu Harbor. There are two launching spots there...now there's four...but this was then. On the way out of the harbor the motor died. There was a swell that day, and his pride and joy was in danger of going onto the coarl.

Two boats were in the launch area. Either one could have been there in a minute...but that cop arrested one of the guys wives, and given the other a ticket. Both guys just sat there and plugged the launch ramp up. Most of the people there knew who he was, and never lifted a finger to save his boat. We cheered as it went into the rocks.

A boat comming in threw him a rope and towed him off the rocks. To the boos from shore. Long story short....he totaled the boat and was gone within the year.

People don't realize the cops have to live here. Sure, get drunk, cause trouble...you go to jail. You ask for it....sure...you go to jail.

But fishing for problems? Harassing a couple of guys smoking a joint? Naa...they have better things to do. It's an island...you see the same faces. If you fuck around on your wife....everybody knows...except you and the girl your boinking. You wife will be told third....and your in a world of trouble.

Let me finish this with a story from the big island....they are very cool there.

A group of 4 of us were comming back from Havi...just got our MMJ licences.... On the way back there was a one lane bridge, with a cop directing traffic. Driver was stoned...all of us were...we had a fatty lit and the driver ignored the cop directing traffic. Made him jump out of the way. Cop got in his car and chased us until he caught us.

First words out of his mouth were "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He was pissed. Figured guarantee the driver was going to jail....maybe all of us....Cop bitched us out for 20 minutes....and let us go.

All told we aren't the mainland. When we were growing up we were pelau...look it up. I pity this generation. They will never have it as good as we did. I wouldn't trade growing up here then for any amount of cash.
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Res pe ct!

Res pe ct!

Pic 1) Rodnette. She has the best seat in the house.

Don't show her too much respect....we'll have to re-name her. :D




Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
hey bro does your headband doing this?
here it is hahahaha


diggin the branching and aggressiveness (vigor) thus far...

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