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Pee Test : Bye Bye driving license, the full Story !


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Hey friends,

Just wanna share how I just probably lost my driving license two days ago.
I was attending a really cool music festival. Friday night was awesome, good vibes, and everybody smoking good ganja. We got lucky to score some nice Masterkush, and made friend with the dealer that couldn't believe I told him it was masterkush before he told me. Yihaa !

Anyway, getting a bit drunk as well, french tradition. Got to bed at 3am, wake up at 10. Leaving on the saturday, we smoked our last joint at 12 30.

I refused few joints for the first time in my life in order to look perfect when driving, having heard of many tests there...

We left the festival at 5 30 pm, after a nap. On the way out, we were looking for the road, when we encounter a police patrol.
They asked me if I had drunk, I told them yes. Of course I had stopped 20 hours before, so the ethylotest was clear. Then they asked me If I had used forbidden substances, which I said no.

"please get out of the car sir, we're gonna see that"

Next thing I know, I am closing my eyes, with my arms straight, and my head back. Sir, you have used cannabis. WTF ? I just wake up from a nap, got really drunk the night before, and I am not high. I told them how could they possibly tell from that.

So i know I am screwed. Direction the police station for a pee test. I know I am even more screwed. I had brush my teeth, used coke (the drink) to clean up my mouth in case of a saliva test. But pee... wow.

Arriving at the station, I got in a queue with 3 young guys, going to the toilets to pee.
Five minutes later, the policeman is dipping a test in my pee, which end up positive to THC. WTF I say, I do not use cannabis nor consume it. ^^

I am sitting down in a police station where the policemen are laughing lowdly, joking on a weed grinder that half of them as never seen.So now I am screwed, time to start educating and yieling.

"Could you please remain calm" I say to those 4 policemen laughing.
"You are just fucking up some life of guys that won't be able to go to work anymore, and you re just laughing out loud like 2 years old morons.

One policeman replied to me, pretty angry, " you know men it is all your fault you shouldnt have consumed drugs before taking your car"

And of course I denied smoking for a while, so I told him fuck you take presumption of innocence in account, I did not smoked before taking the car and I told you that already.

end of discussion, at least they stop laughing.

Then, time for a blood sample. A pretty, young doctor (female obviously^^) come and take me in a room.
She asked me few questions, and does few random test.

Then comes the "what did you consume"
I had been thinking about it till the police stopped me, trying to find the smartest move.

So I say, I didn't used any drugs before taking the wheel, but I do use Hemp seed oil on a large scale to treat allergies, eczema and for my well being.

First question of the doctor : How do you spell Hemp ? OMG ! she has studied 11 years, doing drug testing, and doesn't know how to spell hemp. But she is cute so I can t really be angry at her.

So we start talking and she told me that if indeed I have used large doses of hemp, my blood test should come very low so I should not worry about my license.

Obviously, she has no idea that any trace of THC detectable will get you a driving license suspension ! So I start explaining to hear that the test she is doing will get anybody who have used cannabis in the past 3 weeks his license out. She was just astonished. She had no idea that the 20 guys she just saw where gonna loose their driving license. She has studied medicine for 11 years and doesn't know anything about cannabis. Aouch.

So after making her very uncomfortable, time for a policeman to start taking my statement....


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Mr policeman :
"Do you agree that you where caught driving after consuming an illegal substance."

Me : "No way, I do not use anything illegal."

"Sir you were controlled positive to THC, how do you think this could happen"

"Well, there are three option that comes to my mind :
First I do use large doses of hemp seed oil."

"Never heard about that, it is legal ? "said the policeman

"Yes I do buy it in supermarkets in France, so I hope so"

Anything else ?

"Yes I was exposed to passive cannabis smoke during the festival, you did your job so badly that everybody was using it there. Indeed, three hours ago I was attending a reggae concert inside a tent where everybody was smoking."

Policeman : "Ok. Did you ever used cannabis in your life, and where and when was it."

"I did tried when I was 19, then I used it a month and half ago, on a medical prescription, in California."
Now I was just soooo happy to see the face of all the policemen around just start staring at me, like WHAT ????? Yes Sir, I did used it on a medical advice, legally. :)

"Do you have a prescription he asked ? "
"Yes of course, but it is an American one."

"So it doesn't work here he told me. Then, where did you buy it and for how much."

"In a legal dispensary, for 30$"

"How did you consume it ?"

"In cake form, obviously smoking is not healthy."

The Policeman laughing, but this time likes he understand me, not making fun. I'm happy.

End of statement.... I have justified being positive on three points
-passive smoking
-hemp seed oil
-legal consumption in California.

We start talking and the cop end up telling me that he s screwed and if he knew what would have been his job he would certainly had never signed up. I was respectful, so did he. I actually kinda liked him on that.

So now, I am on my way to find an advocate, I have all the scientific data backing me up on the positive test, pee and blood (blood test will come tomorrow but I m certainly gonna be positive). I will fight, and if I can win this will be a fucking good start for everybody else in my country. So if anybody can give me any advice that could be useful, I am ready to hear it !

On a note, the policemen there had order to catch people driving under the influence, they were not even searching for drugs, didn't even checked my car, pockets. Everybody who did look young or a stoner would get checked.
A policeman in the car to the station told me that they did not repressed consumption anymore since everybody was doing it, just driving under influence. So it was depenalized in a way !!! According to him, half of the last accidents involving death in the county was because of cannabis. Yes for sure, considering if you smoked three weeks before you're still driving under the influence !


Active member
You should have reminded him that drinkers also smoke herb, and it was most likely the alcohol that caused any accidents.
Damn, I never knew that France was so backwards....


Get two birds stoned at once
If they are just looking for people diving high why the urine test?

Being confrontational or trying to justify illegal actions is a bad bad idea. Be respectful and ask if they are planning on charging you when they ask you to incriminate yourself. They will ask tough questions and you don't have to answer, better to ask a question as a response or say you have nothing to tell them that could help them.

Lots of cops will say they hate busting on you when they actually love it.. Lying is part of their job to try to make friends with you in-order to get you to incriminate yourself.


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
thanks retro, but I was not tested positive when the policeman told me about this shitty fact of driving accident! so I w
as waiting to be till I start being unpleasant.

deft thanks for the up, it is indeed always important to tell people not to be crazy with cops and shut the fuck up.

I did not act stupidly, as i am very well aware how to act with cops, especially fr ones, and how the justice works here. Actually I was expecting to loose my license this year, it was a bet with some friends.

let me explain why they were there first. our shitty president is the one of statistics. they are nowadays too many people using drugs in france, number as increased for the past year except this one. basically, like the cop told me, they have orders not to do any arresting related to cannabis possession/consumption. So people don t use drugs anymore cause they don t arrest anymore people in possession.

But another statistic the president is really making some show on these days is war on road crimes. Accidents has been steadily rising for a year now, failing over the rate it used to be when president was elected. So despite thousands more controls, thousands of automatic speed radar, it s still rising. Repression does not work. So now they blame the drugs and have the objective of 100 000s drug tests this year.

The policemen were just stopping young people for driving on drugs. they know every young is positive because this is the case. everybody was using drugs there, it s a crazy festival. And like I said, no possession.

Why urine ? They cannot take your license if they don t have any proof. Blood test is too slow to get the result, Saliva test is not very efficient. So urine is the only way to take my license straight away. It has to be confirmed by a positive blood test under 72 hours, and a kind of DA will write down my suspension.

so anyway, cops in france are far from having the rights of US cops.
I was totally cool, calm and respectful all the time, even when yieling at them. They were just not acting like they should and I make that clear.
I did not try to justify any illegal action. my statement clearly states I don't use cannabis, nor did any illegal action. Everything I was doing is in order to go to court and try to prove I didn't use it. And I can definetly scientificaly proove that hemp seed could have get me there, as well as passive smoking. this is in my medical and police statement. I'm just pretty sure it won't work, because if a judge recognize this evidence in court, Cannabis drug tests in Fr are over (as they should be). It was worth the try.

The policeman who took my statement was not the one to bust me. And he didn t say he was ashamed to bust me, just to do this job.

like i said earlier, and not to be a dick but I am probably one of the most informed people in france on driving under the influence and the different way to end up positive, that is why I have specificaly explained my situation (hemp oil, passive cannabis, medical use one month ago). Indeed if I had been crazy like this in a basic control, they would have kept me for a while so I would have shut up. This was just like an industry, they had orders to get the most, and not to keep us there, I know how it works.

Hope you do understand my reasoning, feel free to comment or ask any question, it is kinda tricky around here to understand how they act. But again, I was really informed and totally ready for that to happen.
I'm ready to fight, and I will not let that go. I don't care about my license but I ve met this days people who lost their job, fathers who cannot go pick up their children at schools, because of a test that works even after two weeks. This is not fair. I don't say smoke and drive, I m just saying that this is no way to punish people.

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That's pretty crazy they can piss test you with just a suspicion...

Hell no, I don't go! (pee for just anyone...) Until I'm in prison and found guilty, I'm a free man and don't need to take shit from anyone. That may mean just sitting back and being silent, but they would have to hold my dick and run a few faucets to get me to piss in a cup... Maybe that cute little doc you mentioned could help ??!?!


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Loudog thanks for the input.

Suspicion can get you to any test here. And a policeman can always justify a suspicion. It s your word against him.

In that case refusing pee test would have gotten me in trouble. Now way I could escape that license suspension when I reached the police station, even if it took them 10 days of jail and hand cuffs to get my blood. I do not value my license that much.

I m planning on writing to that doc (i got her adress), maybe asked her if she can testify I was not high, cause I was not. She won t be that much more of help, but at least she is now more aware on drug tests. Education is everything and I m always happy to educate, hoping one day people will do something against this kind of stupidity.


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
CANNATOPIA, supermanlives, thanks for your inputs guys, it s always good to get some good vibes around!

Just to say, I am not desperate nor depressed, just a bit angry after a system I was waiting to catch me. But I was ready.

And my first spliff in Amsterdam for the 420 will be dedicated to those "nice" policemen that were just doing their jobs ! They will never win against our beloved plant !


Active member
titoon, you are very brave! I'm glad that you were mentally prepared, and that you managed to do a bit of educating. Please keep us posted about this. Sending you positive energy & good vibes.


Active member
damn what backwards place is this where cops can randomly yank you off the street for drug tests.....you should move. quick.


Active member
Talk about profiling.....
So France is a police state too....
I don't talk to police ever, except to identify myself if they ask, which is required by law or they can run you in.


Get two birds stoned at once
Wasn't trying to be a dick either, good to hear you think it went as well as it could.

I seem to remember being in Paris and seeing cops wandering around with subguns.. Looked like a police state to me but there was a lot of crime too.. I saw a guy distract someone at Montmartre and another slip in behind and grab his bag off the ground. That and the roma pestering my brother all the time it was not a nice place... The south coast was sweet though.


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
texsativa > Indeed stfu is a good advice ;) In my case I was mostly speaking when asked too anyway. Plus I don't have any money for a lawyer, and do not have one.

Cheerful > I was glad to be prepared as well, once I knew I was screwed that was it, no more stress I knew exactly what would happen.

Stonedwarrior > Indeed, fuck'em.

Yes4Prop215> Yep bro, this is a real shame. Indeed I have and had no plan to stay around here, this is way too much out of control for me. Looking for a job abroad for 6 months now.

RetroGrow > France has been a police state since 2003 where Sarkoshit has been in charge of the police. Profiling is really intense there, and I am very glad not to be black or arabic, or my license would have already been gone a while ago. I'm just young, too bad. This is sad.
I don't talk to Police either, just seeing them make me shivering of nausea. And I didn't even talk about customs blocking the roads and searching for roaches ^^ (I saw them on my way back)

walt cunningham> Thanks for the good word mate, indeed time to move. I have never planned to stay here anyway, just waiting for some job abroad.

Deft> You are right, the police is all over but crime's still increasing. They are focusing on crimes that will make the statistics go up, not the real ones.
For example, Arresting a stoner is a solved crime here, because they stop the guy, find the weed, so it is a crime, and it is solved. Talk about improving Police efficiency, that is the way, get stoners. What a bunch of dicks.
Romas are less a problem to me then cops, plus they are only like this in Paris and few big towns, that's the game.

Anyway, I ll keep you updated guys, today will be the results of the blood test, probably positive... Time to act ;) Thanks for the good words, again !


May your race always be in your favor
Cops being Cops, same story the world over. The mans after the weed smokers cause its easier than chasing the hard drugs. Stoners don't put up the same kind of fight I guess,safer for the po-lice. Assholes
:smoweed:Dont let the Bastards get you down.!!!!!!!!!!

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