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How do theives break in through automatic garage?



amateur radio frequencies will open garage doors too, its a good thing most ham operators are good people because the bandwidths they are allowed to use can really screw things up if used improperly :)


can they really, its enough to put you off getting a electric door isnt it. i think ill just get out and open mine.


amateur radio frequencies will open garage doors too, its a good thing most ham operators are good people because the bandwidths they are allowed to use can really screw things up if used improperly :)

Oh yea, I can open your garage door (and everyone else's) within 50 yards of my car with a CB radio and linear amp. Also scrambling your television set and my voice coming thru every device in your house with a speaker in it, even if those devices are not plugged in.

I used to ring up hours on those do it yourself car washes by pulling in and keying up throwing 150 watts into the air, I also fried a McDonalds entire intercom system and all the employees headsets by pulling up to the drive thru and keying up.

Ahhh the good ole CB days, I use to lock down channel 19 in a 20 mile radius with a 16 pill amp from home, It was insane. Im one of those guys that used it for bad stuff...Hahaha. It all ended one day when my voice blasted thru all the sheriffs equipment in his car, The guy with the 10 foot whip on his car was the first person he looked at, Imagine that?

Another vote for weld it, or at least have those metal bars that stop it from going up on both sides of the door. Unplug the motor too if you plan on locking it down for a long period of time.


Lock your garage door. Lock door leading into house from garage door. Have 90lb Mastiff/ Pit mix waiting for anyone who comes in, no matter what door.


Tropical Outcast

When I was a kid we parked across the street from Jewelery stores, keyed up while people stopped to check out the show room window and when the alarm went off we almost died from laughter.
Most just walked away looking around really irritated...but it was funny as hell!
If you look at the rails that your garage door is sliding on and they are the thick metal variety, then you can do the following. Get a few sliding latches http://doors-sliding.com/doors-sliding-articles/sliding-door-cabinet-a-buyers-guide.html
and install them on to your garage door by drilling holes through it and using thick bolts with out thread on the head and washers (you can spray paint them beforehand for a neater finish). Then simply drill holes in the rails corresponding to the position of the sliding bolts that you installed when the door is locked.
I got 3 pretty heavy duty locks on each side of my garage door and it works great. Granted that if someone REALLY wanted into my garage they'd still get it, but by the time they are done fiddling around with the door the dogs should be on them lol.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
There was recently a burglary from a friends grow where they drilled holes into the garage door and used some kinda of thing to open it....
Was it near the emergency release for the door, which then unlocks it from the chain, thus allowing one to muscle the door open?
Their special tool was probably a coat hanger.

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