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Recommend A Movie Thread


ICE Cream eater
Alice in Wonderland (1951)



Watched it last night many many years after my first views.
Great stuff. Very tripy :blowbubbles:


Nurse Jackie...the first year was pretty darn good but they definitely kicked it up a notch during year 2 and a wicked ending setting up a potentially solid year 3.

B. Self Reliant

Jaws.....such a good film

Exactly. . . before scary was equated with gore. :shark: Another great horror flick from days gone by is (drum roll please). . . .

Bela Legosi's Dracula (1931)

Killer movie!


Jaws.....such a good film
I saw Jaws in the theatre when it came out and was young and impressionable. I've been afraid to go into the ocean ever since. Great flick!

Bela Legosi's Dracula (1931)
Bela Lugosi rocked...so did Vincent Price and Christopher Lee! I still remember Vincent Price in The Tingler...scary shit for a little punk...then there's Boris Karloff and Lon Chaney. No special effects just suspense and spine tingling horror...lol! The Golem, The Blob, and etc., etc. are some others from later in that era. I grew up watching that stuff after midnight on 1 of the 4 channels I had as a kid...NBC, CBS, ABC and UHF.

Did anyone ever see The Crawling Eye? YIKES! All B Grade stuff though but ate it like candy.


Active member
i watched "the goods" yesterday i wasnt high but i was wishin iwas when i watched it and it was still good.


Last night it was Micmacs. A French fantasy type film after a guy takes a bullet in the head. Great piece of creative work IMO. For sure recommended!


thanks for the suggestions...

thanks for the suggestions...

I'm surprised no one mentioned these old school flicks...

"Cat People"


"An American Wherewolf in London"

Also I just watched..


its on Netflix instant and had a nice story, with some special effects and some social commentary.


Teenage mutant ninja turtles 1,2,3

the third is better then the 2nd lol

its not for everyone...

Cadillac man with robin williams
Jack with robin williams

ah man I know Jack is a younger audience movie, but I still love it

Sleepless in seattle was a nice romantic movie

I watched G.I. Jane yesterday, it was a good movie.

Three kings was also a nice movie, w George Clooney, Mark Whalberg, Ice cube

another army-sort-of but not really...
Renaissance man w Danny Devito... you should watch this one.. its not action
its more intellectual than anything, brotherhood, shakespeare, life, education

I love robin williams, so I can add Birdcage, its a bit, strange, with drag queens lol

what a strange list of movies


You Don't Know Jack about Dr. Death...Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Never knew he helped about 130 people kill themselves. Not a great movie but the subject matter is for sure controversial and maybe worth enough to check it out. Pacino did a pretty good job IMO.

komrade komura

Active member
The Trotsky: a cute little canadian film.

Premise is simple: a canadian high school student believes he is the reincarnation of the russian revolutionary leon trotsky.

Imagine if Ferris Beuller were a communist.

Very clever and cute movie.

Not for tea party members or those who can't abide opinions different from their own. While as a libertarian socialist, I loathe communism...I found this movie very funny and enjoyable.

Check it out.


Old School Cottonmouth
I watched a very good documentary last night. Its on netflix streaming.

Its called "God Grew Tired of Us". Its about sudanese refugees who had been living in refugee camps after fleeing the war. They lived there for a decade until a handful of them were selected for American citizenship.

They have no experience with electricity, shower, houses, anything. They get sent to places like new york city and philadelphia, where they have to get jobs and pay rent, and try to go to college if they choose.

Its a really great eye opening movie on many levels, not only the culture difference, but their opinion of our culture and america. The movie follows them for years, and goes past the initial "wow!" factor of first arriving, and into the reality of what it takes to live and survive in america. Some get college degrees and become doctors, and some have mental breakdowns.

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