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Skateboarding Thread


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
transworldskateboardmag said:
“At 12:25 am on June 30, 2010 the Brea Police killed Julian Collender with a high power assault rifle in front of his home in Yorba Linda. Julian was 25 years old, unarmed, and had no prior record.”

Brea, California skater Jules Collender was shot to death in front of his home, while unarmed, by the Brea Police and the DA isnt investigating it. His friends and fellow skaters are trying to get 5,000 signatures to show the DA that the general public wants to learn what really happened.

Please take a moment to read about this on the Justice For Julian Web site, then go here to sign the petition.



1969 and steel wheels, 1970 and the 1st urethane ball bearing wheels came out through Rainbow Ryder Skateboards of Huntington Beach along with the 1st fiberglass top.
Then onto Sims freestyle and then hanging out with Dog Town my homeboys back in HB on Beach Blvd before Tony Alva and those kids who really showed us how to groove back in the day. I remember the pool riding days when we would hop fences and ride empty pools, puff mad skunk buds and thai stick we bought down at the Newport Beach Pier from the Parrot man for $15 before he got popped.
biggest thing we had were half pipes and quarter pipes. The came Big O skate park. That was ours.
so many crash n burns, we terrorized the beachwalks of HB back from 71 to 79

kids now rock hard. fucking impressive. my best was riding the coping in pools.
Whats good my fellow shredders? Creature Fiend reporting......

Anyone here read Juice Magazine? It's definately the kind bud of sk8 publishing. Much respect to Terri, Dan, and Murph


I used to skate when I was a kid..40 now, way back in the day Tony Hawk showed up to my older sisters keg party.. I was 14 then, was great to hang out with a drunk Hawk...lol


Man I'm so old, we nailed skates on 2x4's, I was the first kid on the block with clay wheels I was BAD ASS for a 8year old the only thing we could do back then was to go straight and crash. Any rock was all it took to do a face plant. The students at James Monroe Elementary school have me to thank for having skate boards ban at school damn thing got away from me, poor girl the board hit. I enjoy watching you all HIPSTER"S of today.


Cannabis 101
I used to skate board for a few years! hell yeah great thread!!! I got to skate with some pros in florida and did my thing hehe


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
yea buddy. someone uploaded it to vimeo on 1/11/11, but looks like it got taken down

heres another uploader. song is changed but footage looks the same


i was hoping he would skate the berrics. the way they did the preview with him walking in i thought thats where it would have been shot at. oh well i bet he'll get a bangin or battle commander or something



Active member
Can't believe I never caught this thread here. I love the ShakeJunt videos more than anything. They're always blowing it down, and grimey.


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Skating is one of those great past times id loved to get back into, im only 20 so have plenty of time to smoke and skate :D, never had the experience of skating stoned when i was 10-11, i think it would just be so relaxing now,

Chill out smoke a joint go for a skate and not worry about life for a while :D, find some mean rails and gaps to hit or just the local skate park.
Hell being young i could still become decent aswel lol...