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Major Earthquake In Japan Major Tsunamis


rick shaw

There has been a run on potassium iodide on the other side of the planet,far from the danger of a major meltdown.
Supplies of tin foil hats are holding steady.:whee:


Sorry dude. This is misinformation. Plutonium is used at the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex. They were experimenting with it. The situation doesn't look very good right now. I believe right now it's rated worse than 3 Mile, but not as serious as Cherynobyl. The situation is far from under control yet though.
From what I understand it's Unit 3 that was using plutonium fuel. Man those used fuel ponds are kind of scary. From what I've read they can't even get visuals on whats happening in some of those ponds or maybe that was just at Unit 4? Either way 3 Mile Island times 4 possibly at this point it seems.

Then they're gonna try pumping water and who knows what the damage is to those systems is at this point that they're electrifying.

I live in NorCal and ain't taking anything to possibly counteract radiation stuff cause don't see a problem.


Potassium Iodide and Radiation Sickness Article in Scientific American

Potassium Iodide and Radiation Sickness Article in Scientific American

Scientific American on Potassium Iodide for Radiation Sickness

A full meltdown has been avoided so far at Japan's 40-year-old Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Neverless, as far away as Tokyo, 240 kilometers to the south, the city government says small amounts of the radioactive iodine and cesium have been detected in the air. Higher levels of radioactive materials have been monitored closer to the plant, prompting the government to order the evacuation of residents within a 20-kilometer radius.

As a precautionary measure against radiation exposure, the Japanese have also distributed 230,000 units of potassium iodide tablets, comprising a stable form of iodine, to evacuation centers in the area around the Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daini nuclear power complexes, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Potassium iodide, which is available in the U.S. in 130- and 65-milligram doses (smaller doses are given to children), has been shown to protect the thyroid gland from the radioactive form of iodine released by nuclear accidents or emergencies that could lead to thyroid cancer.

Thyroid cancer ended up being the biggest negative health impact caused by the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster, according to a report issued last month by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. The report (pdf) specifies that more than 6,000 Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian residents who were children at the time of the disaster had been diagnosed with thyroid cancer as of 2006, the disaster's 20th anniversary. Fifteen of these people had died as of 2005. The incidence of thyroid cancer in contaminated areas of the Ukraine and Belarus was triple that of normal thyroid cancer incidence in the area, although the study's authors acknowledge that more attention was paid to medical examinations and improved record-keeping in those areas affected by the Chernobyl event.

As Japan struggles regain control of the Fukushima Daiichi plant, demand for potassium iodide is growing even 8,000 kilometers away on North America's west coast. Anbex, Inc., based in Williamsburg, Va., announced on its Web site Tuesday that it has sold out of its iOSAT brand of potassium iodide. Other makers of the substance have announced similar shortages.

Scientific American spoke with John Boice, a professor at Vanderbilt University's Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center and a cancer epidemiologist with the International Epidemiology Institute in Rockville, Md., to better understand why potassium iodide is in demand as well as what it can (and cannot) do.

[An edited transcript of the interview follows.]

Why is potassium iodide administered to people who have been exposed to radioactive iodine?
The thyroid is like a sponge for iodine. It's been known from the 1970s that if you administer normal iodine the thyroid will absorb it and then block the uptake of subsequent exposures to radioactive iodine. Therefore, if you take potassium iodide and then are exposed to radioactive iodine, there won't be any place for it to go because your thyroid is all filled and the radioactive material will be excreted from the body.

One pill is good for 24 hours, but then you have to take another pill. You don't take two pills at once, because having too much potassium iodide isn't good for you either. Like anything else, it's not 100 percent effective, but it appears to be quite a benign thing to take, and it does block the uptake of radioactive iodine.

Is thyroid cancer the foremost risk when radioactive iodine is in the air?
With regard to radioactive iodine, it's just the thyroid gland that you're worried about; you're not concerned about anything else. Of course, in an event like Chernobyl where the reactor's containment vessel did not hold everything a number of other radioactive elements were also released, including cesium and strontium as well as some of the reactor fuel—the uraniums and plutoniums. Still, the two main elements of concern from a radiation leak would be radioactive iodine and cesium, [the latter of] which has a half-life of 30 years, so it stays around for a little while.

Would potassium iodide protect a person from other forms of cancer?
No, this is unique. These potassium iodide pills are not magic pills. They protect against thyroid cancer but they don't protect you against other possible cancers.

Assuming there is more than radioactive iodine in the air, what can people do to protect themselves?
There is no protective agent against other cancers. The protective measures are to evacuate, get as far away from the radiation exposure as you can so that your dose is much lower. Stay inside, don't go out and breathe contaminated air. If you do get some exposure to radioactive elements, take a shower and wash them off immediately.

The radiation leak at Fukushima Daiichi appears to have increased demand for potassium iodide in the U.S. Is this a necessary precaution?
I have experience studying the effects of radioactive iodine on adults and, based on that, it actually looks like the adult thyroid gland is not very sensitive to the cancer-producing effects of radiation. One of the things we have learned about studying the after-effects of Chernobyl is that the kids who lived in areas of radioactive fallout who drank contaminated milk had a huge increase in thyroid cancer related to radioactive iodine. Something on the order of 6,000 extra cases of thyroid cancer occurred among the children that had been exposed to increased radioactive iodine.

That's sort of the concern and the reason why the Japanese are distributing potassium iodide. That's why around our own nuclear power plants we have stockpiles of potassium iodide. Still, it's not recommended that adults over the age of 40 take potassium iodide. The benefit is miniscule because our thyroid glands are not that sensitive.


Game Bred
is the super duper moon supposed to kill us tonight or tomorrow night?

iv'e got reservations with a kobe steak @ 8:30 tomorrow night and i dont wanna miss it.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
From what I understand it's Unit 3 that was using plutonium fuel. Man those used fuel ponds are kind of scary. From what I've read they can't even get visuals on whats happening in some of those ponds or maybe that was just at Unit 4? Either way 3 Mile Island times 4 possibly at this point it seems.

Then they're gonna try pumping water and who knows what the damage is to those systems is at this point that they're electrifying.

I live in NorCal and ain't taking anything to possibly counteract radiation stuff cause don't see a problem.

I don't think this is going to effect the US at all. Detectable radiation. Yes. Significant to humans. No.

Worst Case scenario this shouldn't be anything like Chernoybl. CNN stated there was only one think thank in the country who believed this could get to a level 7.

I think there is plutonium in the spent fuel rod pond too. #4? It sounds like that's there biggest problem and the winds are supposed to shift this weekend towards Tokyo.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Worst-Case Nuclear Disaster Doesn’t Pose Threat Beyond 36 Miles From Site Bloomberg
A nuclear meltdown or explosion at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s crippled plant is unlikely to pose a health risk beyond 50 kilometers (36 miles) of the site, doctors and scientists said.

Workers at the tsunami-damaged facility in northeastern Japan are battling to cool reactors and spent fuel to avert overheating and explosions that could spew radioactive material into the environment. Their chances of success may be improving, with the possible restoration today of electricity to two of the reactors that would aid cooling measures, the utility said.

Five thousand miles away, residents in some U.S. cities have bought potassium iodide pills to protect against radiation poisoning. Even if the cooling efforts at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant fail, resulting blasts wouldn’t pose a serious threat to Tokyo, let alone countries overseas, said Donald Bucklin, former medical director of Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in Arizona, the largest nuclear power plant in the U.S.

“This is panic, but it’s not based on scientific reason,” Bucklin said in a telephone interview. “It’s a horrible tragedy, but it’s a local problem. It’s not a problem for the planet. It’s no danger to Europe, the United States and Africa.”


Worst Case scenario this shouldn't be anything like Chernoybl
I agree. Still though they're finding unacceptable levels of radiation on veggie crops (spinach) and milk from nearby. In Tokyo they're seeing elevated levels of radioactive iodine in drinking water but saying not enough to cause concern.

Does seem like the situation has bottomed. While the story was developing you really didn't know what was going to happen except for those nuclear experts out there that predicted how the whole thing would unravel from the start...not really though.


goddamn super moon!!!!

made my steak taste like y2k 2012 madcow birdflu!!!!

Yeah, right....

But to get to the point, did you still enjoy it?

Here's a question for ya.... Will the super duper moon cause all earth's women to menstruate on the same day?

I'm staying indoors just in case!


Game Bred
Yeah, right....

But to get to the point, did you still enjoy it?
ohh yeah!!!
dry aged kobe' tomahawk chop..
soooo yummy!!!!
you could taste the suffering of the poor lil bovine!

Here's a question for ya.... Will the super duper moon cause all earth's women to menstruate on the same day?

I'm staying indoors just in case!

FUCK 2012!!!

that there is the most frightening prospect ive ever heard!!!!


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
The problem is in a nuclear explosion a la Nagasaki most of the fissile material is consumed in the explosion.

Sadly this isnt the case and we have the worlds largest dirty bomb sucking up plutonium into the atmosphere. :/

This represents a clear and present danger.

Where is the tele-prompter reader in chief as the shit hits the fan???

I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

You really dont want to hear what i have to say if i don my tinfoil hat...

The supermoon was all obscured by clouds... i wonder how comet (brown dwarf?) Elenin
is gonna look when it comes between us and the sun???

Storing food and water would really be smart thing to do.



Game Bred
The problem is in a nuclear explosion a la Nagasaki most of the fissile material is consumed in the explosion.

Sadly this isnt the case and we have the worlds largest dirty bomb sucking up plutonium into the atmosphere. :/

This represents a clear and present danger.

Where is the tele-prompter reader in chief as the shit hits the fan???

I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

You really dont want to hear what i have to say if i don my tinfoil hat...

The supermoon was all obscured by clouds... i wonder how comet (brown dwarf?) Elenin
is gonna look when it comes between us and the sun???

Storing food and water would really be smart thing to do.


'bout the same as hale bopp?
you gonna hitch a ride?
you act as if your hoping for the end.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Hoping for the end?

No mate. I am planting lots of fruit and nut trees this season that wont bear fruit for quite a few years. I have a young son i love with all my heart and want to see grow big and strong...

Just calling it the way i see it.


Active member
Stock up on trim and start making Simpson oil.

This event is turning out to be a typical nuke accident. Cover-Up, Cover-Up, Cover-Up!

This is NOT a tiny little reactor like Chernobyl. This is over 600,000 fuel rods that have been throwing nano-sized radioactive particles into the air since day one. It is now confirmed that the pits are boiling, they even have some pretty pictures of their temps.

These pits can NOT be Entombed or Capped.... the heat and pressure buildup under the cap would put the possibility of nuke explosions at "Definite" instead of "Possible."

There is enough fissile material in those pits to keep burning for well over 20 years.

Do you begin to see the magnitude of this issue? We're talking trashbags on your head and body when you go outside. We're talking filtered water systems for EVERYONE. We're talking air-filtration systems for your house.

ONE nano-particle of a plutonium isotope in your lungs or on your skin will bathe the millions of skin cells around it with deadly levels of radiation. For thousands of years.

You WILL get cancer causing radiation damage from this. Every Day until you die.

Your best bet is to up your cannabis edibles intake. Saturate your body with cannabinoids so that any cancer cells that form will be killed. Your body will need to be able to regenerate as quickly as possible. Go ahead and :laughing: .... I'm focused on making sure my kids are safe.

The U.S. dollar is SOON going to end its tour of duty as the world reserve currency. Radiation levels are going to be steadily increasing over the next several decades.

If Martial law isn't declared within the next 3 years I'll eat my scarf. (And it's a big one) There's no possible way this F'd up mess of a govt can continue much sooner.

Stay Safe! :wave::blowbubbles:


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Major Earthquake In Japan Major Tsunamis

So maybe im under a rock or whathave you, but wasnt japanfreakier over there?
Maybe not, but for some reason im thinking he was... Anyone here from him/is he ok?

el dub

I'm pretty sure I read in a thread that japanfreakier got busted awhile back.
