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Kentucky Assembly Ends Marijuana Arrests

I am just awkwardly amazed, & at the same time happy for the people in KY. I thought for a long time KY was a very tough state; and now it seems, they are doing a 180.

Baba Ku

Active member
Indiana legislatures are trying to look at the very same issues Kentucky has been.
Thing is, they can't seem to get all their legislators to the table to even discuss issues.
Seems some have decided to usurp the authority the people vested in them, and have hid out in another state in an attempt to show that if they can't win at everything they want...they pick up their toys and run off.
We will never get anything done with folks like that leading our states.

Baba Ku

Active member
With all the increased revenues that states would enjoy by not prosecuting and housing citizens for simply growing and possessing pot, not to mention the billions to be made from the legalized farming of hemp...it's a no brainer. And that is exactly what we are dealing with folks...no brainers.

I know for a fact that a whole sector of our society can see a very fast healing of a blight that has killed their industry. And that is the tobacco farmers. Good lord folks...do a little study and see just what is happening to these poor folks. Oh sure, the general consensus is that tobacco is the scurge of the earth and anyone who smokes it should be not only preached at, but legislated out of existence. And that same conventional wisdom is killing the economic sector that is tobacco.
See, when folks are in favor of a ban of something, they often times don't give a rats toss what the repercussions of their lobby might bring, and they really find it easy to ignore the pain and hardship it may cause others.
I can tell you that the war against tobacco has killed the lives of tens of thousands of folks.

If only the no brainers could figure out that transitioning the good people of that industry into the industrial hemp farming sector could not only increase the states revenues, but enrich the lives of many others that their stinking ass legislation has hurt.

We have a fucking mess just about everywhere we look...and we have only OURSELVES to blame for it. These no brain mother fuckers were not given a seat and an office by being legacy's...we voted them in.

*well, at least some of us voted them in. I have some choice words for those who didn't vote for anybody, but I will save that for when I am not so fired up.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Yeah Baba Ku I hear ya. And I have said very close to the same thing for ever since I voted the first time.

But reality set in and I realized that there is an element of society that intends to share control of the world with a few other wealthy people.
Those people don't want you to vote. They will go to extremes to make it so you cannot vote. They employ armies of specially trained urban assault strike forces to terrorize you, your family, and community and intimidate you and your family and neighbors into not voting. If you insist upon voting you will be convicted of a felony and prevented from voting and expressing you rights and freedoms. If you have committed no crime then a crime will be created against you or a law will be changed to make your actions illegal. And you will be charged and imprisoned, but even if you are acquitted of the charges; it will remain on your record for life that you are a deviant and smear your reputation for life. To ensure that you are never allowed in public office to express your deviant ideas to others.

It is a "no brainer", and things are changing. But until we can erase the tens of thousands of criminal records created by the war on drugs: We really haven't gained much. America need to begin righting the wrongs and expunging the false criminal records created by a law which was created for the sole purpose of making more criminals.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
regarding the pig fucker,
we had a "Dog lover" in the local rag recently... poor doggie but i had to laugh because-
HOW DO YOU GET CAUGHT SHAGGING YOUR DOG i mean jeez was he doing it after playing frisbee at the park, or did the neighbours get supsiocious when he went out to the kennel, naked wearing a ball gag and carrying a buttplug and a jar of sun-pat (definately not the crunchy one. That one definately makes you think differently when they say "Britain is a nation of dog-lovers"
There was alo someone in court for shagging his bicycle-i shit you not--that one made me wonder--why is bikeophillia illegal, surely if a man can buy a latex handheld vagina and that is legal why cant he get his freak on with his vintage Raleigh Chopper LOL, I mean its not for me, buy hey hes not hurting anyone Except very probably himself - haha).
The national papers had the man in court for pleasuring himself with a Henry the hoover--the picture had altered the face on the henry to have its tongue hangin out and his eyes half shut to represent post coital bliss LOL, and I thought same thing--its actually illegal to screw all these inanimate objects... I mean why..I could understand it being illegal for my neighour to shag my bicycle, but hey if hes got his own and he treats her right(you know, tells her that he loves her gives her new brake pads now and again and takes her for an afternoon of pampering at Halfords on their anniversary LOL) who am I to judge


Active member
I bet that redneck, hillbilly, fuck face that was on CNN saying the make the laws tougher is pissed :D MORON :D