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Relief of Anxiety and Depression

PureLife do you have hobbies that keep you outside in the sun?

I'd just like to thank everyone for their advice but i won't argue against ceratonin reuptake inhibitors because they helped me get through hell and believe me even having drowsy unconsious thoughts was a lot better than the visous shit that was happening to my mind and body. It gave me the time i needed to heal and reivaluate my action plan to sort myself out.

I think taking a step back from the hell and desperation is needed to get through it... ive even heard its a case of the more you try to fix yourself the worse it gets, which i truly experienced.

So yeah i feel great and actually find myself happier than most people i see around me in general. Getting through deep depression and coming out the other side its amazing to see just how many people are depressed but never will be so fucked up they have to sort it out.

it seems acceptable in modern society... owell i try to be modest with my new found happiness and "share" the love when i can.

oh and just to chill out on the pills has helped me lower my ego which i really have wanted to do. Like james bond!!! lol

i go MMA wrestling and get beeten up all the time now... its very reasuring after the unrealistic fear of being attacked just to let it happen....

sorry for unstructured post but i am busy


Active member
instead of looking outwardly for help like pills look inside,ive been on zoloft,xanax and kolonapins for major depression / social anxiety and a general anxiety dissorder,
do you know wich one helped the most none!!!
i can give you guys some tips to help you kick this life taker.
1.remember this you are what you think OK ?
2.thoughts gain momentum perpetually the good and the bad
3.you have to trust me here,cause its gonna sound counter intuitive.but just give in stop whatever struggles you might have just forget about them forget about wasting your energy hating and figuring out how to be liked and be just as good as so and so,the universe doesnt make mistakes OK!!!! cause and effect rule everything ok and are relivant in the past present and future, no matter where you prospective is from. so do bad and get bad and do good and get good.its just that simple. do nothing and get nothing,getting it yet?
4.your motivation shouldnt be for yourself,but others.if you look at your condition all your depressive thoughts start off or contain the words "me,i,self,my" ,and if this is true then reversing the proccess and focus on others ,getting those word out of your vocabulary and doing good should produce a positive end reasult. just practice this and fill me in on if it helps you.


instead of looking outwardly for help like pills look inside,ive been on zoloft,xanax and kolonapins for major depression / social anxiety and a general anxiety dissorder,
do you know wich one helped the most none!!!
i can give you guys some tips to help you kick this life taker.
1.remember this you are what you think OK ?
2.thoughts gain momentum perpetually the good and the bad
3.you have to trust me here,cause its gonna sound counter intuitive.but just give in stop whatever struggles you might have just forget about them forget about wasting your energy hating and figuring out how to be liked and be just as good as so and so,the universe doesnt make mistakes OK!!!! cause and effect rule everything ok and are relivant in the past present and future, no matter where you prospective is from. so do bad and get bad and do good and get good.its just that simple. do nothing and get nothing,getting it yet?
4.your motivation shouldnt be for yourself,but others.if you look at your condition all your depressive thoughts start off or contain the words "me,i,self,my" ,and if this is true then reversing the proccess and focus on others ,getting those word out of your vocabulary and doing good should produce a positive end reasult. just practice this and fill me in on if it helps you.

Bentom187... Amen! Looking at the bad, and looking inward all the time is not good for one's soul.


guys can be acceptable if I leave my experience. 3 years of depression. from 5 months started anxiety and panic attacks couldn't more I had to stop smoking. I was really furious for everything bad. I solved my problems with meditation today after a month of meditation 1 hour per day divided meta to morning and evening. Today I feel happy and I laugh, before I was just sad. try


I am pleased that my message at least one person has arrived. I'm continuing to meditate but for proof I tried to quit for 2 days and immediately reoccur, the problem of depression. at this point I decided not to interrupt more meditation but now I added exercises that are called the five Tibetans very helpful I have to say and I'm thinking also enroll in a course of taichi. If we had thought about 2 months ago to go to a course I would have been suffering from panic attacks and now I can definitely do things quite well, but are not yet fully healed but it takes time.
end anxiety. understand your most likely deficient of some vitamin or nutrient.
-work out, lift weights. body produces stress fighting chemicals.(handle stress 5xs easier,you can literally feel it)
-meditate, beat the heavenly drum(method of stimulating/decalcifying pineal gland)
-check vitamin b levels/take vitamin b12
-take reishii mushrooms/ ganadora in reishii heals body mind and soul.repairs old damaged processes in the brain on a micro level.
-take gotu kola
-research adaptogens.
-let feelings and emotions bubble up from your subconcious and into your concious. dont fight your thoughts, experience them and let them dissipate. your resistance causes you to spend energy you dont have. your brain runs out of energy you have to learn to focus it and use it wisely. start thinking of brain energy as a measurable resource inside of you its real and you run out of it.

thats all i got. oh stay away from big pharma. you can repair yourself dont let anyone tell you other wise..i HAD extreme anxiety. HAD. o ive found og kush works pretty good for anxiety, legit og kush.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Also want to add you could potentially have a thyroid disfunction or blood sugar related abnormality like hypoglycemia for instance. You should at bare minimum have a routine physical at your Dr. and get your thyroid levels checked as well as maybe a glucose test. Both of these impairments can cause a person to have extreme mood swings and bad anxiety. If all that is in order, get some Sweet Tooth but don't overdo it because then you might get a cavity! :canabis:

:smoke out:


I am pleased that my message at least one person has arrived. I'm continuing to meditate but for proof I tried to quit for 2 days and immediately reoccur, the problem of depression. at this point I decided not to interrupt more meditation but now I added exercises that are called the five Tibetans very helpful I have to say and I'm thinking also enroll in a course of taichi. If we had thought about 2 months ago to go to a course I would have been suffering from panic attacks and now I can definitely do things quite well, but are not yet fully healed but it takes time.

Tony - message received! Thank you.


Active member
I am pleased that my message at least one person has arrived. I'm continuing to meditate but for proof I tried to quit for 2 days and immediately reoccur, the problem of depression. at this point I decided not to interrupt more meditation but now I added exercises that are called the five Tibetans very helpful I have to say and I'm thinking also enroll in a course of taichi. If we had thought about 2 months ago to go to a course I would have been suffering from panic attacks and now I can definitely do things quite well, but are not yet fully healed but it takes time.

Tai chi is wonderful, as is yoga, and any other practice which allows you to carefully modulate your awareness and oneness. I am happy to hear that you are considering trying those things :]
I've been studying and working with a strain I found with exceptionally high CBD, actually this one is 50/50 THC CBD at about 9-10% each. CBD's have been well studied to help with a huge variety of medical issues from cancer to schizophrenia, as well as anxiety. If you can find one with tested high CBD's it is worth the effort. Here is just a bit from an excerpt:
. CBD is also a proven anxiolytic, replacing the antianxiety effects of valium and xanax without the extreme addictive nature and sedating intoxicant qualities. Benzo drugs like valium and xanax produce some of the most extreme withdrawal symptoms of any substance. While outpatient detox is available to even those who are addicted to crack or heroin, there's no such thing as outpatient detox for these drugs. The risk for seizure and death is so severe that the medical protocol for detox requires hospitalization. The ability to replace common anxiolytics with CBD poses serious great advance in the treatment of anxiety.

If you cannot get a hold of such a strain, try Blueberry, it is a component of quite a few of the so far discovered high CBD strains.
<see Project CBD for MUCH MORE info on this fantastic medicine>


I suffered from persistant anxiety (now only occasional). I tried so many different things until I stumbled upon my answer. It was a combination of getting my shit together and exercise. My body and mind require massive amounts of long term outdoor exercise. For me it came in the form of minimum 10 mile hikes in mountainous terrain and 8 hours of snowboarding on a single day about 2 times a week. It's just how I'm built and what my body requires to be sustainable. I find these practices to be the most spiritual for me as well. It feels like meditation sometimes, I can enter deep into my mind while I travel.

I still get anxiety every once and a while, but I had to take a 5 year long journey to understand why I was feeling that way. Now as I'm working on fitting myself back into society I'm finding out how kind and lovely the world can be. Yoga was one of the best suggestions I saw. It's a fantastic way to meet nice people, explore your body, and increase your self-confidence. These are all things that rid you of anxiety.

Marijuana will never cure your anxiety. It will only help you ignore it.


shut the fuck up Donny
I suffered from persistant anxiety (now only occasional). I tried so many different things until I stumbled upon my answer. It was a combination of getting my shit together and exercise. My body and mind require massive amounts of long term outdoor exercise. For me it came in the form of minimum 10 mile hikes in mountainous terrain and 8 hours of snowboarding on a single day about 2 times a week. It's just how I'm built and what my body requires to be sustainable. I find these practices to be the most spiritual for me as well. It feels like meditation sometimes, I can enter deep into my mind while I travel.

I still get anxiety every once and a while, but I had to take a 5 year long journey to understand why I was feeling that way. Now as I'm working on fitting myself back into society I'm finding out how kind and lovely the world can be. Yoga was one of the best suggestions I saw. It's a fantastic way to meet nice people, explore your body, and increase your self-confidence. These are all things that rid you of anxiety.

Marijuana will never cure your anxiety. It will only help you ignore it.

This is one of the most legit posts related to anxiety that I've seen. I've dealt with anxiety for over 15 years and read countless books on it, and I've come to similar conclusions.

For some the exercise result's are higher then other but there is never a case where exercise WON'T help. The biggest hurdle to get over is to actually start working out.


Active member
Thnx for the info. Excercise helps me so much. I need it to stay sane and deal with the stresses of work. I have stopped taking the 5-htp, I only take L-Theanine in chewable form before work to help relieve nervous system tension.

Lots of protein, healthy diet, and exercise will allow your body/brain to regulate itself better.

However, I took a .5 mg clonazepam (small dose) and I felt more relaxed than I had felt within the past year. Like just at peace with the world, haven't felt that way since I was on them.

I would love a legal alternative to Clonazepam (Klonopins). Tried Picamilon (Gaba supp) and it doesnt come close...ideas anyone?lol


I know what you mean about the kpins. I was gettin em free and taking em daily for about 3 months about 2 yes ago. They do make u feel like you want too.
Bad news bears
Alast resort I think

Been on zoloft for 2 years. Also took Prozac for a year and lexapro for a summer. Withdrawal is horrible. Kicks in if I miss one day of the zoloft. They all work for a while. Then crap out on ya. I forgot what it's called but there is a word for that.

I hate em tho. It's a horrible trap. IMO.

They take the edge off (the serious misery)
But they don't make me happy
They dull me


New member
Yoga is very effective on getting well relieve from anxiety and depression. That control better on mind and thoughts of patient and refreshing well it. That make smooth and easy to thoughts of peoples which make excellence to life style of people.

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