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Support For Those Trying to Lose Weight


Lover of Life
I just added free weights to my workout routine tonight. I did 20 minutes of lifting, punching, shoulder raises, bicep curls and triceps. It felt awesome because I haven't lifted in over a year. I used some relatively light weights though and did as many reps as I could up to 50 at some points in the beginning. What I really liked doing was the air punches with the 2lb weights, that was killer..haha

I also went on my daily hike today. It was roughly 3 miles round trip and took about an hour to do. Once you get up the first hill and get on some more level terrain it gets a little faster. The view at the top is pretty cool though and it's always worth it.

I did take a spliff (tobacco and weed) on the hike today too, which made it even better while I looked out over the valley for about 10 minutes.

Well, I haven't lost much in the past week...just 1 lb, but it's 1 less lb nonetheless.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
dont get too hung up on the weight part,if your lifting too you are probably putting muscle on and that weighs more than fat does,so it may appear you are stalled in the weight loss department,you will know by how you feel....


good luck to the op.....great tips from apicalmeristem.

i have lost alot of weight over time. actually during the same ten years i been growing. 250 to 170. this summer I did my first two triathlons. i am participating in my first marathon this month as well. losing weight and staying in shape can become part of your lifestyle.



Lover of Life
I can actually see some of my abs now that I've lost enough weight...heck yeah!

One of the hardest parts for me in my weight loss quest has been quitting drinking beer. I wasn't a heavy drinker by any means, but I could down a six pack pretty quick when I did drink and it added up to a lot of belly fat..lol...not cool.

I haven't been able to hike for 3 days due to bad weather and a flat tire on the family car...kinda sucks..but today I hope it clears off enough for me to go hiking again.

I hope everyone out there who is trying to lose weight is doing good..have a good one everybody ;)


Lover of Life
Well, I did gain a little weight back after Thanksgiving...I might be around 230 now, not sure.

I have been walking every day though, no more hiking for now as the mtn. is snow packed and you can't get to it.

I'm now in the process of tweaking my entire schedule...wake up at 7 AM, eat by 8...go for a walk...eat lunch at noon...rest a bit...eat dinner at 5 or so, then do some weighted exercises for a half-hour.

From the advice of a female friend who happens to be a registered nurse, I decided I need more greens in my diet, along with more water, more veggies and fruit and less cookies, ice cream and just suguary foods. She said just cutting out the sugary snacks like pop, cookies, etc, you will see a difference and feel better.

Well, it's not about the destination, it's all about the journey, right? Well, I'm going to enjoy my time being overweight and when I look back on it, I can laugh.
just thought i'd send this back to the top with a question..do any of you fellers use a recumbent bike along with walkin outside or on a treadmill?


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
try working out in the morning before you eat anything. Much easier to tap into the fat storage, then working out after you eat. It means your only burning the calories you just put in and never even touching the fat.. So try that and workout longer than 30 minutes cos that first 20-30 is just gettin your body warm and ready to lose the fat.. also cut out the breads, sodas and even the fruit juices.. good luck.. peace n pufs



Lover of Life
@fredcobbs...no, I don't use a bike or a treadmill at this point...I've actually turned to going outside to do walking/jogging and it feels great..I don't go really far jogging, but I've only been doing it for like two weeks but I'm improving every time I jog.

@sackoweed...yeah, working out in the morning on an empty stomach is great for burning fat..the results come at a rapid pace too..I have been using this principle for the last couple weeks after not doing it for a while and it seems to be working pretty good. Now that you've opened my eyes to the fact that 30 min. is not enough, I will have to up my routine to 45 minutes and then eventually an hour.

@B Friendly...hey there, I have heard about the cleansing stuff but just passed it off as a gimmick so I never tried any of them..so yeah, let us know how they work out for you..sweet..that could well be another tool that I will use to lose this weight.

thanks for all the advice peeps, it's appreciated for sure.

I haven't worked out for a couple days because I came down with a cold/flu symptoms..I've been jogging and walking though..the jogging has really helped me mentally more than anything, but I've noticed I've shed a couple pounds too just in the two weeks that I've been at it..the thing with jogging is, you get better at it every time you go so it keeps you motivated to keep going.

I've also been lifting too and I am still noticing some changes in my figure...less fat for sure...more defintion in my arms, chest, back and shoulders..I am definately not as flabby as when I first started..lol


Lover of Life
So after I got over my cold or flu or whatever it was, I got back to my routine...maybe twisted it a little, but it's a good routine and it will be paying dividends soon enough.

8AM- Wake up, surf the net a bit, have a little coffee
8:30- 20 minutes of Vinyasha yoga (Sp?)
8:50- rest for a few minutes, then head out for a 20 minute walk
9:15-rest for a few minutes, turn on some music and start pumping iron for 20 minutes
9:40- rest and cool down, drink some coffee and smoke some herbs


Active member
Sounds good, Hops. I've been telling myself "I need to take up yoga" forever. How are you liking it?

I gained some weight over the holidays, but managed to drop it by getting my butt back out on the hiking trails, weight training, and watching my diet.

I've been following a very effective weight training program, doing 3-4 full-body workouts per week. I concentrate on the compound movements that hit multiple bodyparts: squats, deadlifts, military presses, bench presses (wider grip for chest, narrow grip for triceps), pull-ups, and dips. I cycle my workouts so that one session I'm working at 75 percent of my maximum ability, the next workout 80 percent, then 85 percent, and so on until I reach my maximum numbers. Then I cycle back to 75 percent, but with a different repetition scheme (heavier weights, lower reps). It works!! The great thing is that you don't have to go balls-out every time (a mistake I made for years) to gain muscle, and it keeps you from getting psychologically tired and stale, too.


Lover of Life
@NPK..sounds like your exercise regiment is really working out for you..that's awesome! good job on losing the holiday weight too man. You've got a good workout plan too, I like it.

I just weighed myself today and I must say I am surprised and impressed. It might have taken 8 weeks to do it, but I did lose over 10 lbs. since the middle or January. I kinda slacked at some points too, but still managed to keep my diet in check enough to lose that kind of weight. ...I bet I could have done better too...just give me three weeks and I bet if I try my hardest I could lose just as much in three weeks.


Lover of Life
Okay..well, I fell off the wagon a few times this year so far...I'm up to 240 lbs (238 since I lost 2 lbs. this week)..for the second time in my life..it's sucky for sure, but I'm more determined this time to get it off.

You know what really gets me though, the med I was on made me gain most, if not all of the weight this time..stupid drugs(Abilify)..it seriously wrecked my metabolism.

There is help though and I have quit taking that med 'for now' until I get to a decent weight..200 lbs would be nice.

My latest effort started a week ago and I am mixing it up more than ever so my body doesn't get used to one type of workout. It's only been a week, but I've dropped 2 lbs. (prolly water weight). It's simple..walking one day for an hour or so, next day it's weights and cardio for an hour, then the 3rd day is kettlebells with cardio. Yup, lots of cardio.

I also have a couple weapons this time around..doctor gave me MetAssist to help get my metabolism back to normal and I picked up some Green Tea Extract (just curbs the appetite and gives you energy).

So far so good and I feel way more motivated this time. It's pretty interesting to be this heavy though, as people's perceptions of you change with your weight. Although I am 238 lbs, most people think I weigh around 200 or 210 which is always a compliment when I know the truth..lol

Anyways, I hope everyone out there who is trying to lose weight much SUCCESS! It can be very difficult to lose weight, but with some patience, some time, and some persaverance, it can be done!


Active member
those weightlifters in those musclebeautypageants, i wonder how they cut down the fat before shows.

cause, they do it pretty fast, while retaining muscle tone.

maybe too fast, arnie pretty much looks like crap today, but might still be some good pointers in there for those wanting to lose weight.

dont know though, i have abysmally fast metabolism, could use a few pounds myself (rather be bit overweight than under, after experience)

just bored and this popped in my head when i read the op.


Lover of Life
@sso...I've learned that bodybuilders use a variety of techniques to lose weight pre show. Diareutics (sp?), and fiber will help you crap out a few lbs of stored up garbage in your intestines very fast. Cutting water will also help pre show. The last one I know of is to wear a sweatshirt/hoodie while you're working out as it increases your core tempurature thus burning more calories...not a ton more, but a good amount more.

@supermanlives..yes, when I got my first dog almost 10 years ago, I did lose some weight because she wanted to go walking all the time..lol. 6 AM, noon, and then at night.


Still Learning
although I could loose 25-30 lbs, may I digress. while sackoweed, has the best sig pic (that is some butt!) where did you get the PON PAUL avitar, HOPS5K? back on topic.. diet pills to get the ball rolling?


Lover of Life
@Snook..I found the Ron Paul avatar on Google..I figured that when people see it they will give Ron Paul a thought or even a vote come 2012..every little bit helps.

Yes, diet pills..unfortunately, my metabolism is totally messed up due to the Abilify and I need something to stimulate it back to working order. MetAssist is given to people who are taking meds like Abilify and trying to lose weight. While it will help to a certain extent, it's up to me to eat right and exercise daily. I also keep track of what I eat and when..counting calories/fat, protein, and carbs also helps a lot.


Lover of Life


Well, it's been about 2 weeks since I got off the Abilify and started exercising a lot more, eating better and just feeling overall more healthy.

Tonight I went to the gym (24 hour access.and I actually work there as a janitor) and I weighed myself before my workout..let's just say I was pleasantly surprised when I tipped the scale at about 3 lbs. lighter than last week..so I am seeing results and I think that means my metabolism is back to working properly..thank GOD!!!

I've found my keys to success have been lifting weights for at least 30 minutes when I lift followed by some moderately intense cardio for 15 or so minutes one day, walking a few miles the next, and then doing kettlebells for 20 to 30 minutes followed by some moderately intense cardio for 20 minutes the next day.

It's also good to eat a good breakfast (eggs mostly) with some milk/coffee or tea...a nice lunch...a good dinner and maybe 2 snacks of some sort (100 calorie packs rock!).

I have also started being very strict on myself when it comes to eating at night..ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD AFTER 8 PM..I think this is very important.

So it is possible to lose weight put on by pharmaceutical drugs while still maintaining a good mental health.


New member
Lose weight need perfect ideas and concentration to get attractive result. Controlling on ownself is most need for everyone to remain happy and healthy life style.