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bobblehead's 1800w coco coliseum


looking at that bush makes my hands ache. (giggity!) i wouldnt let anything get you down bobble your ahead of the curve still. noone can just hop into a new setup and kill it every time. its like a practice round right? btw a couple of my chronic phenos are filling out finally. some are most certainly not. at all. buds look like lace. anyway, best of luck to you bro


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lol, those plants are massive... the the insides are full of nothing. How do you trim up the insides of such a ridiculous plant? I'm talking about running chicken wire up and down and get those bitches in line! lol... Tell ya what though, if I had 72 of those, I wouldn't complain... I might hire out the trimming though.

as far as coliseum growing not being for large scale... running two rooms, ideally I will be pulling down at least 6lbs a month. That's the ultimate goal. That's rather substantial when you're talking about one person. If you weren't concerned about numbers I don't see why you couldn't do 2 more pods. The smaller rooms are easier to dial in, as opposed to massive grows where things go unnoticed....

Talk is just that, talk... Over the next couple months I'll make it happen. I'm going to become an expert at this.

the insides get trimmed out but this a a thounsand watts blasting all side of your plants... those are 2# bushes so with 12 in flower and 12 in veg you could pull down 24 bows every two months or if you had flip flop flower rooms you could double that... thats what i mean when i say large scale lol not to knock 6# a month cause thats what im shooting for right now myself. im all about keeping real low plant numbers though...

shit looks like itll be really rockin soon though :tiphat:


I thought those pods looked awful close to the bulbs.....I see bigger units in your future Oh "vert-expert" in training........

I think you might have somethin with the 4-400`s for the summertime , but more for the increased overlap and lumen penetration from top to bottom , since the plants are so close to allow em all the stretch they can get without the bleaching/heat stress by being too close by end of stretch to the bulbs for max yields......

Mine did fine within 6-8" from the bulbs without any problems , but some strains are more sensitive , so it`s 1 of those strain related "X" factors in dialage........

Yeah.....I always had mixed emotions with seed runs due to the peckers instead of pistils side of things , but had 1 room I always used for experiments....

I did enjoy findin the pick of the litter pheno`s though.....just didnt like the time it took away from rotations so....rest of the shit was clones pre-vegged fer production.......Can I get an Amen ?.........

Lookin good over there BH.......DHF......:ying:....


Active member
AMEN brother DHF! I'm definitely pimping out my Strawberry Diesel x Chem bx I. She's my most proven plant. No elite clone I've received can beat her... Something I found myself from seed. :) I've grown her several times now, and that's what you need for 100% dialage, right?


I thought those pods looked awful close to the bulbs.....I see bigger units in your future Oh "vert-expert" in training........

I think you might have somethin with the 4-400`s for the summertime , but more for the increased overlap and lumen penetration from top to bottom , since the plants are so close to allow em all the stretch they can get without the bleaching/heat stress by being too close by end of stretch to the bulbs for max yields......

Mine did fine within 6-8" from the bulbs without any problems , but some strains are more sensitive , so it`s 1 of those strain related "X" factors in dialage........
Yeah.....I always had mixed emotions with seed runs due to the peckers instead of pistils side of things , but had 1 room I always used for experiments....

I did enjoy findin the pick of the litter pheno`s though.....just didnt like the time it took away from rotations so....rest of the shit was clones pre-vegged fer production.......Can I get an Amen ?.........

Lookin good over there BH.......DHF......:ying:....

and the congregation said..."Amen"


When you know what size a plant will be after end of stretch , that`s when you can exploit those bitches for every gram per sq ft available in your grow area with the proper watts per sq ft and dialed environment......

And there was an "Amen".........and it was good........

Ya`ll take care ...DHF......:ying:.....


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Hey guys, I just bought 48" x 250' of this stuff... It's similar to reflectix, but w/o the bubbles. It cost me less than $150 shipped. Reflectix is $40 for 48" x 50'... so basically I'm getting another 60'+ for the same price. They claim that it'll do the same job as the reflectix. I'll be wrapping my new rooms in this stuff, so I'll be able to let you know first hand.


Bro.......Been usin radiant barrier in houses I built since it came out , stapled to the rafters.......

There`s no comparison to reflectix.......It`s dull and has imperfections in the shiny shit all through the roll...Works good for reflecting heat back into and out of attics.......

Sux fer grow rooms , and has no insulating qualities compared to reflectix.....it`s just woven material with kinda shiny shit on it.....Tried it over 10 yrs ago when it first came out where I live......it`s definitely not all it`s cracked up to be.....but... it does well in attics......

Maybe you`ll get a roll that`s really shiny , and it`ll help.....but......it ain`t reflectix.....



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shit... thanks, now I know to return it before I open it... lol I was wrong about the length of the reflectix anyway... it's only a 25' roll... Damn that shit it expensive. w/e... Gotta have the best to be the best.
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Bro.....Reflectix is less than 50 cents a sq ft......4' x 50' rolls are way less than 100 bucks tax included......

Yas get whatchas pay for in this `ol world , so spend it now ta recoup it later through increased harvey guaranteed.......

You know this though.....Just start hollerin at me bout new shit yas find , cuz chances are , it ain`t so new......

Not much new under the sun in our lil hobby Bobble.......



Active member
lol, yeah, I'm shopping online now... It's not gonna be that bad. I'll get a 4' x 100' roll... That might do the job. Lowe's and Home Depot love me...


Make sure yas get the "foil insulation" , and not the shit that`s exactly like the radiant barrier , cuz they sell it too......



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I can't believe it's only been 4 days since my last update... the girls are just exploding! 3 more days and I'll share... :)


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"The two primary sources of CO2 emissions are from burning coal used for electricity generation and petroleum used for motor transport. (So the closer you are to the combustion, the higher the PPMV of CO2)

Measurements from Antarctic ice cores (this is far far away from an urban area) show that before industrial emissions started atmospheric CO2 levels were about 280 parts per million by volume (ppmv), and stayed between 260 and 280 during the preceding ten thousand years.[34] Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have gone up by approximately 35 percent since the 1900s, rising from 280 parts per million by volume to 387 parts per million in 2009. One study using evidence from stomata of fossilized leaves suggests greater variability, with carbon dioxide levels above 300 ppm during the period seven to ten thousand years ago,[35] though others have argued that these findings more likely reflect calibration or contamination problems rather than actual CO2 variability.[36][37] Because of the way air is trapped in ice (pores in the ice close off slowly to form bubbles deep within the firn) and the time period represented in each ice sample analyzed, these figures represent averages of atmospheric concentrations of up to a few centuries rather than annual or decadal levels.
Recent year-to-year increase of atmospheric CO2.

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the concentrations of most of the greenhouse gases have increased. For example, the concentration of carbon dioxide has increased by about 36% to 380 ppmv, or 100 ppmv over modern pre-industrial levels. The first 50 ppmv increase took place in about 200 years, from the start of the Industrial Revolution to around 1973; however the next 50 ppmv increase took place in about 33 years, from 1973 to 2006.[38]

Recent data also shows that the concentration is increasing at a higher rate. In the 1960s, the average annual increase was only 37% of what it was in 2000 through 2007.[39]"

Just some reading I was doing... DHF knows this stuff. If CO2 being produced in urban areas is enough to raise CO2 PPMV by more than 100 in the ANTARCTIC... Our metropolises are pumping out some serious CO2. If you live in an urban area, additional CO2 will have less of an impact than say out in the country (given major air exchange).
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Be sure to use credible sources kids... You can't use wiki for everything... :) Back it up with a credible source.
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Where I grew for over 15 yrs indoors , was a major metropolitan area in the Deep South with a population of well over 1.5 million and at LEAST that many vehicles on the roads , not to mention all the coal fired industrial setups from steel mills , pipe mills , and coke factories......not canned soft drinks boys and girls....a by product of the coal producing/mining businesses that were pumpin MEGA CO2 ppm`s into my local atmosphere.........

Back when Heath enlightened me about major air exchange well over a decade ago , I wanted ta see EXACTLY how much CO2 was in the polluted shit I`ve been breathing my whole life , so I found some cheap units that actually monitored temps and humidity as well for the total package ........

Bought 5 for each separate location`s lung room for less than couple hundred bucks each , and to my surprise the ppm`s were well over 750 averaged continuous 24/7/365 and never changed much till shutdown in June`09.......

When I first got em , I checked my farm`s levels that`s over 60 miles away from the city where my rental houses were , and they were considerably lower ranging from 400-470 depending on the weather , as in rain that cleans the air for the lower ppms , and up to the 470 mark in heat of summer when smog levels rose.....

So.....As plants uptake CO2 during lights on , they can only use "X" amounts depending on increased room temps and elevated humidity levels , and shit out what they didn`t use during lights off.....

My bare bulb rooms always stayed mid 80`s even with air exchange close to twice per minute , but with 70% relative humidity , the plants blew up until end of stretch , and then swelled like a mofo till end of cycle with NEVER more than 750 ppm`s moving in and out of my flip rooms......

My a/c`s were set ta kick on at 85 , and never ran much except in deep summer with temps outside well over 95-100 here in Hell , but I grew in underground basements and pulled fresh air from underneath the home`s crawlspace`s FTW.....

Bobble....after some return on investment , getchas 1 of those monitors and hang it in yer lung room......Hell......where you are in the industrial North , there`s no tellin what your ppm`s are......

Just went and checked the site from my favorites category , and they`re still in business online and the units are on sale for $169.95....co2meter.com.....so...

Here`s the history on CO2 generators......Way back when over 30 yrs ago , big corporations moved into hydroponic veggie production in greenhouses and found out their most productive cycles were in winter while propane or natural gas "Heaters" were running , and they all scratched their heads and asses till they figured out the byproduct from the burning gases "CO2" was the factor causing increased yields , and the rest is history......but those were "outdoor" grows with very little environmental control during the other seasons ok ?.....so.....

The CO2 generator was born for all Hydro equipment Whore`s/Stores to exploit customers with , when in fact they were nothing more than fuckin heaters given a fancy name as well as very much increased retail prices......

Anyways......My 2 cents is this , as well as straight from Heath....Dial every aspect of your grow setup with monocropped strains and perfect environment.....

When yas can`t squeeze another gram outta your room , THEN try CO2 supplements to see if any increased yields or faster finishing times ACTUALLY occur.........

I assure yas you won`t be impressed...You DEFINITELY won`t see increases of 35-75% as purported by the Whore`s sellin said equipment......

Good luck Bobble.......Can`t wait ta see exploding plants after just 7 days.....
