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I need help passing a hair follicle test....tomorrow!



I am so excited, I just got a job offer after looking FOREVER! The only downside is that I am going to have to pass a hair follicle test, tomorrow. So I only have 12 hours to prepare. I have seen shampoo's that are supposed to make you pass. Has anyone tried any of these shampoo's, did it work? What one works best? Any other idea's?

Darth Fader

I am so excited, I just got a job offer after looking FOREVER! The only downside is that I am going to have to pass a hair follicle test, tomorrow. So I only have 12 hours to prepare. I have seen shampoo's that are supposed to make you pass. Has anyone tried any of these shampoo's, did it work? What one works best? Any other idea's?

Jesus, what kind of job requires that? You going to work for the effin CIA?

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I hear kootchie hair holds less toxins then regular hair , offer them a sample, maybe that will throw them off a little, good luck......
shampoo's don't work.sorry but it is very hard to pass a hair test.only way I know is 30 days clean.I wont take pleasure in telling you your fucked like some others but Ive seen many people fail the hair test trying all sorts of things.And basicly any job out there is drug testing these days so lay off her


Get a new razor and some good shave cream and go for the clean look . You will need some help to get the total shave but that would be your only hope. Good luck!


Yes it is for a great job! Any job is a good job to me at this point. If I have to give up a few strands of hair it's not a big deal to me. If I had to give up personal info just to get the power on in my house, what makes you think someone is going to trust me with their banking?


New member
grab a handful of your buddys hair and bring that in and pretend to pull it out and give it to them, or say you have lice and reschedule


i hear the shampoo does not work. sorry . take the test and see what happens, if they are bluffing and don't test you will know soon enough. don't think a car dealer is gonna let any cops know if you do come up hot. good luck


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
follicle test for a car dealership? LMFAO!!!!!!

follicle test cost a shit ton more then hair test.......

extremely weird they would use that test, unless there asking for your pubic hairs since your a chick......


According to some research I have done, I have one thing going for me, blonde hair. Apparently it's not as hard to get the toxins out of light hair.