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you can get social security disability for social anxiety


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Just came across the Facebook of old acquaintance. Took him a lawyer and 3 request but he finally got it.

I say good for him. That's one way to beat the system.

Now he can sit around and smoke all the legal prop 215-sanctioned weed he wants without even having to hustle on the side.

Game. Set. Match.

No he'll still hustle on the side, maybe not at first but it won't be long. Chances are he hasn't worked enough to get SSDI so he'll be getting SSI and SSI only pays around $600 per month.


Ive been out of work most of last year and I can't WAIT to go back. I ain't rich enough not to work and have fun. If I had a few million dollars not working wouldn't bother me as I could go do whatever I wanted on a daily basis. However I am just a regular person and I can tell you sitting at home a ton smoking weed will exasperate any social disorder this guy has. I live far from family and friends with some little ones so I don't get to leave the house much and it has taken its toll.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Good for him. Now I have to work harder because of one more leech. He found a way to fuck the system and in effect fuck me over.

I hear what you're saying but this is actually very false. You won't have to do a damn thing different then you were doing before this guy got SSI. It's not like everytime someone gets on SSI your taxes go up. Also assuming they did get everyone off SSI or dropped the program your taxes won't go down. They'll just take that money and put it into something else. For you though it'll just stay the steady constant deduction from your income it's always been.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
A lot of people who legitimately need help can't get it because fucktards like your friend "beat the system".
Karma will bite him in the ass. Especially since he's talking about "beating the system" on facebook and his "friends" are posting about his fraudulent ways in public forums.

No, if someone doesn't get it it's usually one of two things. The most likely is that they only tried once. Virtually everyone gets their first application denied. The other thing is that they didn't have enough documentation/medical reports to support their claim. Never has anyone been denied because too many people that shouldn't get it are getting it. If that were the case it would mean they aren't taking new applications which would mean even the OP's friend wouldn't have gotten it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don't think this fellow cares if he really has social anxiety or not, the main thing is that he's on the dole now, no matter what the reason is. Its free money to him.

Personally, I couldn't do, its just a matter of principle. But, if you consider how these programs are financed, the people who do pay "payroll taxes" shouldn't feel jipped for that reason. They should feel jipped that the gov't actually wants you to think there is a separate pool of money that they are setting aside for you so they can give it back to you later. lmao, not even close to the truth, they spend it before you even pay.

Yeah, that's the problem Social Security was supposed to be a trust fund but it's filled with IOU's from thieving politicians.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
If your worldview is such that you think the problem lies in kids from the ghetto scamming a few grand a month in SSDI, I honestly envy your naivete.

The game is thoroughly broken. Rigged. Get what you can from the government, while you can.

For the bleeding hearts, know that less than 5 percent of tax revenues go to social services (outside of social security) on the whole. It's over 90% social security (scam) and "defense" (major scam, with lots of dead brown people involved).

Moreover, I'd love to know what you guys speaking ill of him do for a living. In my view, over 90% of the working class don't contribute anything meaningful to society. You're just churning the corporate wagon. What, you really doing good things for your community at Verizon Wireless, or whatever is you do? Hah, spare us. A registered nurse can judge him with a straight face. Most of you cannot, in my opinion.

And there is quite obviously no such thing as as karma, so I think he'll be OK there.

First of all you don't get SSDI unless you've worked and paid into the system long enough to be eligable for social security when you retire. Then what you do get is more like a few hundred rather then a few thousand. The only people getting a few grand per month are people that were working in 6 figure income jobs before they became disabled.

Trust me, no ghetto kids are scaming SSDI for a few grand per month. Not only that but if they're ghetto kids, chances are extremely likely they just get SSI. Anyone can get SSI you don't have to have worked, you don't need a disability, you don't even need to be a citizen, you just have to be poor and here legally.


funny how b.s. like this can get a debate polarized so fast. most people are just too proud to take a handout even if it is from someone they know. others just see a cool hustle. when it all comes down i will still have my pride because unless i give it away it can't be taken. to all the hustlers out there IMHO you gave up your pride when you stepped up to the table with your hand out. if you REALLY NEED help i'm cool with that. if your working an angle GFY. nuff said?


Active member
I have social anxiety, and it gets bad at times, but that doesn't stop me from working 50 hours a week and paying more than my share of taxes. Its nice to see that someone with the same problems as me is living off my taxes instead of fighting through it.

I always wonder what would happen if someone said "I have social anxiety and can't work" 100-200 years ago. People seem to be pussy's nowadays, life is hard, fight through it.

For me beating the odds and accomplishing something I thought was going to be really tough or impossible is one of the things that makes me the happiest and most proud. I cant imagine just giving up and becoming a leech, that is definitely not going to help his self image, and self anxiety in the long run.

First of all you don't get SSDI unless you've worked and paid into the system long enough to be eligable for social security when you retire. Then what you do get is more like a few hundred rather then a few thousand. The only people getting a few grand per month are people that were working in 6 figure income jobs before they became disabled.

I am only in my mid 20's, I have only been making a decent income for the last 6 years (4 of those 6 I was working part time while going to college). I have only been in the workforce full time for 2 years, and only 1 year I broke 6 figures. I already qualify for 1400/month if I get disabled at this point.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
And here I sit with heart failure in my chest and a "Sorry we have decided you do not qualify" piece of shit paper in my hand. I personally hope your friend sucks the red hot cherry from a bowl deep into his lungs. 15% is what my heart pumps out and your friend gets SSDI because people scare him? F that. I've worked all my life. Hell I've got gray hair older than most of y'all. And have paid into the system for decades not years. Fucking social anxiety. Jesus H Christ. Unreal.
No wonder this country is headed over the waterfall in a cement boat.

If that was your first application try again. I know several people on SSDI from heart related issues. They all got denied the first time they tried.

You can get a lawyer too and that'll almost guarentee you'll get it but that route will cost you. The key is having lots of documentation, EKG's, Echo cardiograms, angiograms etc.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I have social anxiety, and it gets bad at times, but that doesn't stop me from working 50 hours a week and paying more than my share of taxes. Its nice to see that someone with the same problems as me is living off my taxes instead of fighting through it.

I always wonder what would happen if someone said "I have social anxiety and can't work" 100-200 years ago. People seem to be pussy's nowadays, life is hard, fight through it.

For me beating the odds and accomplishing something I thought was going to be really tough or impossible is one of the things that makes me the happiest and most proud. I cant imagine just giving up and becoming a leech, that is definitely not going to help his self image, and self anxiety in the long run.

I am only in my mid 20's, I have only been making a decent income for the last 6 years (4 of those 6 I was working part time while going to college). I have only been in the workforce full time for 2 years, and only 1 year I broke 6 figures. I already qualify for 1400/month if I get disabled at this point.

Well I've never met anyone that's made 6 figures and has disability. All I know is for a time I needed help when I had a heart attack and couldn't work for a year. This was in my 30's and I started working when I was 13. I never made more then 30K and yet when I applied for SSDI I was denied but granted SSI. So either they've lightened the requirements since then (that was almost 20 years ago so that's very likely) or the contribution from a 6 figure income is so much greater as to qualify you after only a few months (which doesn't seem likely).


If that was your first application try again. I know several people on SSDI from heart related issues. They all got denied the first time they tried.

You can get a lawyer too and that'll almost guarentee you'll get it but that route will cost you. The key is having lots of documentation, EKG's, Echo cardiograms, angiograms etc.

it is sad that someone who really needs help needs a lawyer in the first place. a sure sign that the system has a problem or two


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
People that BEAT the system are worthless.... its one thing to get help when needed.. but people like this is what is bankrupting america... live for free and let everyone else fit the bill...

call up your boy tell him i have a extra room and some steak dinners.... mines well move in my house... hes basically doing the same shit anyways....


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
it is sad that someone who really needs help needs a lawyer in the first place. a sure sign that the system has a problem or two

I agree but let me correct the impression I might have given, you don't NEED a lawyer it's just that having one seems to greatly improve your odds. I often wonder if the lawyers got together and worked out a deal with Social Security?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The problem with this whole issue as I see it is how does one define who needs it and who is just scamming? I mean personally I think getting SSI or SSDI for social anxiety is really pushing the envelope of disability but on the other hand I do know folks that are pretty handicapped by social anxiety.

I'll say this much though, if a person does scam the system they best be real careful once they start getting the checks, they add up fast and if they decide you didn't really qualify they'll come after you hard and they'll take every penny back, all at once. If you can't handle that they'll garnish paychecks, take tax refunds, etc until your debt is paid.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Hook me up SSD motherfuckers!!! I gots big anxiety too!

When do I get my first paycheck?

You can bet your bottom dollar if I can figure out a way to run that scam I'll eventually do it. Heh...heh...heh. Gotta put a good shark-like attorney on that task.

Oooh.....look at me.....I'm so afraid of people and the outside world! I can't stand to even look out the window. Please pay me to smoke pot indoors 24/7. Maybe I can score a deserted island to chill on!

What's it going to take? Do I have to spend alot of time fooling doctors with my fictitious disorder? There's no way a physician can tell if you are actually experiencing anxiety....except through your subjective descriptions and outward behavior.

Gotta love how the professionals rape the systems. Always brings a smirk to my face.


I agree but let me correct the impression I might have given, you don't NEED a lawyer it's just that having one seems to greatly improve your odds. I often wonder if the lawyers got together and worked out a deal with Social Security?

i got you hemp .. no misunderstanding. it's just sad that you need lawyers for so much these days.

maybe they should make it so that a lawyer can get disbarred a little easier for slinging BS. but then again that would have about as much effect as fines for a company that employs illegals ... uh wait a minute ... heh heh heh


Active member
What a piece of shit.

For your information, ambition, I'm a satellite communications technician, and an former member of the Air Guard. I maintain and repair multi million dollar satellite terminals. I sweated my ass off and got shot at in places like Afghanistan so that there would be money available for your bitch ass friend to suck off the government teat.

And no, you couldn't be more wrong regarding my supposed "jealousy" of your friend's "hustle." It's more like disgust. Deep, and profound disgust. I'm disgusted that in a country full of hard workers who want to put in an honest effort and contribute to society, a country envied by millions of people such as Afghans I met who would give their nutsack to somehow come here and be a part of it and to have opportunities like we have, there are losers like your friend whose highest "ambition" in life is to find a way to leech off others, and cumstains like yourself who defend this type of behavior. Look in the mirror--you're exactly what's wrong with America. A far greater man than you once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."


What a piece of shit.

For your information, ambition, I'm a satellite communications technician, and an former member of the Air Guard. I sweated my ass off and got shot at in places like Afghanistan so that there would be money available for your bitch ass friend to suck off the government teat.

And no, you couldn't be more wrong regarding my supposed "jealousy" of your friend's "hustle." It's more like disgust. Deep, and profound disgust. I'm disgusted that in a country full of hard workers who want to put in an honest effort and contribute to society, a country envied by millions of people such as Afghans I met who would give their nutsack to somehow come here and be a part of it and to have opportunities like we have, there are losers like your friend whose highest "ambition" in life is to find a way to leech off others, and cumstains like yourself who defend this type of behavior. Look in the mirror--you're exactly what's wrong with America. A far greater man than you once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
Please. You joined the military to fight in dishonorable wars because you couldn't get your shit together. It was a self-serving move that benefits yourself and yourself only. Indeed, your actions in Afghanistan hurt this country more than this guy ever could, you cowardly little man.

You participated in the killing of people over lies for college money and paint yourself as some kind of hero..hahahahaha.

You're adorable.
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