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RCMP Kick Unarmed Man In Face



One of Kelowna's top cops is urging calm on the eve of what could be a storm of public outrage over perceived Mountie brutality. A planned protest has launched in the wake of Buddy Tavares' face-kick by the boot of an RCMP member during a traffic stop by Kelowna, B.C., Mounties responding to a weapons complaint on Jan. 7.
The incident was captured on video and posted on the Internet, sparking public outcry over what appears to be an unprovoked attack by Const. Geoff Mantler, whose actions are being investigated.
The protest is said to have sprung from a Facebook page dubbed "Constable Geoff Mantler of the Kelowna RCMP should be charged with assault," which had garnered nearly 4,600 members by Saturday afternoon.
At a press conference Saturday, RCMP Supt. Bill McKinnon urged public patience in their ongoing investigation into Mantler's actions.
Mantler has since been suspended with pay from duty pending the outcome of the probe.
McKinnon said investigators arrived Tuesday and are making headway in interviewing about 40 witnesses, but urged the public to be patient.
"We realize the processes are not moving as quickly as most people would like, but everyone must understand that the processes must be followed and the processes are legislated in the RCMP Act," McKinnon said in a statement.
The Mountie said any decision to withhold pay for a member of the force is out of his hands.
"Stoppage of pay will only be in extreme circumstances when it would be inappropriate to pay a member," he stated.
McKinnon also said he is well aware of Saturday's planned protest, as well as online comments suggesting the rally may boil over.
"Protest is legal in the democracy that we live in. I have read the comments in various blogs that civil disobedience may erupt and that does concern me," he said.
"I urge everyone to remain calm, make their point, and allow the legal processes that are in place to come to completion."

That poor leo - I hope his foot is OK...

Isn't vid taping of leo in the performance of their duties illegal yet?

Thankfully this is an isolated incident, and only coming to public attention due to rabble rousers and miscreants. When will civilians learn that this is for their own good, and it hurts the leo more than it hurts them?

It's not just a sore foot he risked - his shoeshine could be completely ruined. When will the those ungrateful civilians stop attempting to smudge perfectly good shiny steel toed shoes?

The horror - the horror...
I was about to thank you for posting that, but then I remembered I've seen more than enough of police period, let alone their brutal treatment of honest citizens. What a piece of shit that guy is. He'll receive a tender caress of the wrist is my guess.


Rubbing my glands together
Noting worse than uppity citizens. Sometimes we just have to be kicked back into our place, eh?


Recovering UO addict.
...actually classy I heard this guy is in some sort of new gang that goes around headbutting cops' feet.


oh. hi canada. welcome to the 21st century.

wonder wat the guy said to the popo to get a kick to the face. mustof been talking some serious shit.
He was completely innocent, what does it matter what he said? He was scaring birds away from the golf course, which is his job.


...actually classy I heard this guy is in some sort of new gang that goes around headbutting cops' feet.
Fuck - I laffed out loud for sure at that one...

Excellent... :tiphat:

Peace and pot to you and yours...



Recovering UO addict.
heh just trying to make light of a fucked up situation..

I find it amazing that you hear of stories like this quite often...2-3 cop vs. one person and they can't subdue them...yet I've never...never heard of one cop subduing 2 "suspects" by himself...I guess it all boils down to money..bullets are cheaper than actual self-defense training huh? I guess they're starting to now realize bullets are cheaper then taser rounds too.

I fear it's going to get alot worse before it gets better..cops like these have nothing to fear...no serious consequences to their actions. Until cops are actually afraid to act like this in public, they will only continue to get worse. As that cop kicked that guy in the head he had absolutely no fear that any bystanders would come running and scream "wtf!?!" and help the guy out, because he know people are just a bunch of sheep for the most part and don't want to get involved.



WOW!! Its the guys job to scare away geese with his shot gun a the golf course!!1

He was also going to be on disability because he had suffered some brain damage from a recent motorcycle wreck. Someone called the po-po cause they hear shots being fired. This guy had a permit and was employed by the golf course to do just this!!

Thank god we have cameras to catch and prosecute these bastards. The poor guy was complying and he got brutally kicked to the face, there was a pool of blood beside him where he was laying.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I LOVE that everyone has a video camera now. It's a free speech nightmare for crooked LEO.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
WOW, what a dirty lil'piggy ! , They love to face punt guys on disability, who are taking too long to get down, cause they r on disability.........
Usually no one is there taping
Can you say 60g a day mmar card not to sue?......

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
saw it on tv and was just disgusted

I have an RCMP complaint, it goes no where you are treated like it's your fault and they try and find something on you.

fuck it's a joke when they are on the criminal side, they never get punished,

how the hell did he get leave with PAY BULLSHIT


Whenever I hear about police brutality, I always think of Rodney King. Did you know he sued and won a $3.8 million judgement against the police/city of LA.


saw it on tv and was just disgusted

I have an RCMP complaint, it goes no where you are treated like it's your fault and they try and find something on you.

fuck it's a joke when they are on the criminal side, they never get punished,

how the hell did he get leave with PAY BULLSHIT
They KILLED a guy in airport - all the leo SWORE in reports that certain events had happened. Vid came out (from civilian) that showed they were all liars.

Then they ALL changed the stories to say they "mis-remembered", and skated off to Mommy...

RCMP used to stand for Canadian excellence - now they are thugs with guns and badges, just like other rat bastard leo...

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