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LIFE in prison for arson!?!

LIFE in prison for arson!?!

  • Hell yeah it is, Life for serial arson?

    Votes: 32 55.2%
  • Hell no, perfect sentence, let em rot in jail for life.

    Votes: 26 44.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active member
They were breakin into the churches before torching them, I believe, they didnt just torch the outsides so they knew nobody was inside...

yessir i do groww, youve help me with many a questions lol, but i like to think im protected, under proposition 215 and senate bill 420. I LIKE TO THINK. Im growing for myself, and not redistributing so I feel as if Im safe, but like you said dont try to make sense of the justice system or this false feeling or security because of my script.

to ur iran comment.

Some good old rock and roll.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
yessir i do, but i like to think im protected, under propositions 215 and senate bill 420. I LIKE TO THINK. Im growing for myself, and not redistributing so I feel as if I safe, but like you said dont try to make sense of the justice system or this false feeling or security because of my script.

Yeah but it's still illegal at the Federal level and if The Republican's win in 2012 you can pretty much count on the DEA going back to busting people regardless of whether they're compliant with state laws or not.

Happy 7

Burning churches is not a crime, it's a fight for freedom and sanity.
From the very beginning they were the symbols of oppression and fear-mongering; the means to establish a global presence and for power projection.
Men of the church burned countless innocent men and women at the stake, killed millions in crusades, tortured tens of thousands to death by the inquisition and sanctioned genocide in the new world as well as the old world.
Not to mention the strangulation of science, killing of scientists and destruction of 'heretic' knowledge. Acts that held back humanity's advancement for centuries.
Sexual abuse and child molestation crimes, the cover up thereof, money laundering, corruption and meddling in politics; the poisoning of the minds of millions with nonsense, hatred and fanatism still going on today.
Church is just another word for a crime scene that no one investigates.
It's time to get rid of these symbols of atrocity.
2000 years are enough.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Burning churches is not a crime, it's a fight for freedom and sanity.

must of sounded good when you wrote it but it is grossly inappropriate.

what kind of human being justifies violent bias against others because of belief?

you like the people who did things wrong in the name of religion are lacking a sense and conscience

fighting fire with fire, or short sighted human judgments and actions is what cause war and strife

people bitching like lil girls about religion but LA has more deaths from gang related violence than middle east terrorism

in fact most "facts" are so skewed or sensationalized that most hate is propagated form 2nd hand propaganda and people like you have little real world experience with people of said groups to back up these claims

From the very beginning they were the symbols of oppression and fear-mongering; the means to establish a global presence and for power projection.

if that were true then there would be one religion dominating all men so there would be real domination to maximize resource control.

you are projecting the expression of mans social conscience, which happens in all societies (go figure duh) aka religion or philosophizes that express emerging local and collective social mores and values for a social dynamic hat the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

if religion was so good at controlling and manipulating it would be more successful than say the growth of the worlds corporate sector but alas it is not since ht catalyst to our troubles is greed and the lure of power

Men of the church burned countless innocent men and women at the stake, killed millions in crusades, tortured tens of thousands to death by the inquisition and sanctioned genocide in the new world as well as the old world.

sounds good but id love lets see the comparative stats on that one.

Asia and Africa have had lots of world sweeping genocide in the name of greed as well as every other continent, most with political and resource motivation than the highly sensationalized televised conflicts of interest we know of

i mean tell me which is our greatest war and why we fought it?

i believe we killed more americans in the civil war which was a greed and resource driven war cause slavery was free income stream labor

but school me with facts not fancy conjecture that you have used to convince yourself ignorance is acceptable today as justification for violence

Not to mention the strangulation of science, killing of scientists and destruction of 'heretic' knowledge which held back humanity's advancement for centuries.
Sexual abuse and child molestation crimes, the cover up thereof, money laundering, corruption and meddling in politics; the poisoning of the minds of millions with nonsense, hatred and fanatism still going on today.

It's time to get rid of these symbols of atrocity. 2000 years are enough.

wow so the truth comes out.

its a purely Christian hate since a gross majority of other religions existed well before Christianity with started 2000 years ago, which means all other indigenous and existing religions & philosophies are not included because the only strife in the world is Christian

so the middle eastern Islamic and Judaic conflict is not to be of reference

or the dafur

or the kurds

you planning to use this defense in trial ??

Happy 7

So, you're saying it's all ok as long as there're others who do/did worse things, right?
Btw, burning churches is not the same as burning people but go ahead put violence against things on the same level as violence against people.
As for 'purely christian'... I don't care either way, all that irrational bullshit has to stop and burning their places of power to the ground is a powerful symbolic act to tell them they're not welcome anymore.

As for a defense in a trial... how about 'It was God's will'?
Apparently they broke into the churches first, I imagine they knew no one was there.

Well, if there is evidence that they broke into the church first, then I think the sentence is to harsh. I believe some jailtime with serious community service is in order, such as making them assist in rebuilding churches. This should be a nation that at least tries to reform people of serious crimes. Instead, we are a nation that profits from the opposite.


3rd-Eye Jedi
So, you're saying it's all ok as long as there're others who do/did worse things, right?

no im simply illustrating your bias behind the its ok to burn churches let the boys free rhetoric

Btw, burning churches is not the same as burning people but go ahead put violence against things on the same level as violence against people.

trying to justify serial arson done because of the target is grossly prejudice

its premeditated it costs insurance dollars and fire fighter budgets to address and takes emergency services away form others and has the potential to take lives

they did it ten times, and yet you seek to justify it

people can get life for armed robbery(first offense) how is the potential for death any different and the crime an less meditated?

As for 'purely christian'... I don't care either way, all that irrational bullshit hast to stop and burning their places of power to the ground is a powerful symbolic act to tell them they're not welcome anymore.

you sound like a klansman

tis ok to burn shit to send a message

good to know

As for a defense in a trial... how about 'It was God's will'?

well if you bothered to pick up a religious tome you may find that the message from god is that we all have complete and free will to act as we choose and we can choose to cultivate our conscience or not

you obviously do not possess a conscience or a level of palatable wisdom if you thin its ok to justify arson, especially serial arson anywhere outside of the comforts of your own home and in a trusted group of people

so not only do you sound like a klansman but a belligerent one


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Think you got it bad here.......

Think you got it bad here.......

Chinese farmer gets life for evading highway tolls

BEIJING – A Chinese farmer has been sentenced to life in prison for avoiding highway tolls adding up to more than 3.5 million yuan ($530,000) by pretending his trucks were military vehicles.

State media reported that Shi Jianfeng was convicted of fraud for using fake military license plates and uniforms to deceive toll collectors into thinking his vehicles were military-owned, and therefore exempt from charges. In this way, he avoided paying tolls more than 2,300 times. A court in the central province of Henan sentenced Shi to jail and also fined him 2 million yuan ($302,000) on Dec. 21, the media report said this week.

The news caused an uproar among some Chinese, who argued in online postings and commentaries that shorter sentences have been given out for the more serious crimes of rape or murder.

The outcry was so loud that the Intermediate People's Court in the city of Pingdingshan held a news conference this week to defend its decision.

A report in the People's Daily newspaper said Shi avoided paying tolls more than 2,300 times by using fake military license plates between May 2008 and January 2009 as he ran a business transporting gravel with his two vans.

Military vehicles don't have to pay highway tolls.

The People's Daily report cited prosecutors in the city of Pingdingshan.

With China's state media tightly controlled by the government, some citizens pounce on stories that they feel illustrate injustice.

In this case, their complaints strayed beyond Shi's case to popular complaints that highway toll fees are too high, especially for a farmer.

One legal expert said the severity of the sentence in Shi's case comes from the fact that he faked military items, including uniforms.

"Based on the explanation, the court certainly can hand down such a sentence," Qu Xinjiu, a law professor at China University of Political Sciences and Law, was quoted as saying by the English-language Global Times newspaper this week.

Other legals experts told state media they did not expect Shi would be able to pay his large fine.

The life sentence does not mean that Shi will be in jail for the rest of his life because jail terms in China are often shortened for good behavior.

rick shaw

In US prisons a life sentence = 99 years. Counting good time and short wage labor you can be out in 66 years.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So, you're saying it's all ok as long as there're others who do/did worse things, right?
Btw, burning churches is not the same as burning people but go ahead put violence against things on the same level as violence against people.
As for 'purely christian'... I don't care either way, all that irrational bullshit has to stop and burning their places of power to the ground is a powerful symbolic act to tell them they're not welcome anymore.

As for a defense in a trial... how about 'It was God's will'?

You might have a leg to stand on if anything more then an infintesimal minority felt the same way about it as you. Alas that is not the case. By far the vast majority believe in religion as a good positive force. Also keep in mind, those individual churches in communities are not the places of power for the religions they represent. They are the local point of contact for the members of the religion they represent and as such they often fullfill more needs then spiritual such as providing food and shelter to the needy.

As for the horrors of the past such as the inquisition or the crusades, that wasn't really the Church that was men using the Church to justify their own personal views.


weed fiend
Some folks would give life to church arsonists and look the other way when abortion clinics are blown up. IMO, fire or bombs set to destroy property shouldn't be sentenced like fire or bombs intended to kill innocents.

I've got as much respect for firefighters as innocent bystanders. But that's what sentencing is supposed to teach, distinction in degree of crime.

If the act is a destruction of property , do the time.

If the intent is to harm or kill others, do more time, up to life in prison and even the death penalty in cases of capitol murder. That's just me.
my favorite thing to do after christmas is to drive around with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and some matches...and light all the dead xmas tree piles on fire. one time the flames were like 30 feet high from big ass tree pile. funny shit those things burn up quick!!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
my favorite thing to do after christmas is to drive around with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and some matches...and light all the dead xmas tree piles on fire. one time the flames were like 30 feet high from big ass tree pile. funny shit those things burn up quick!!

Well if they're completely dead you shouldn't really need the rubbing alcohol. Dead, dry pine trees burn quite easily all on their own.


For the record, I believe the arsonists got what they should have expected to get and if not, they should have spent less money on flammables and more on attorneys. Also, they have caused millions of dollars in damages which they can't repay.

I also believe happy 7 needs to be hugged several times a day by a mother - figure and told he's loved.

if that were true then there would be one religion dominating all men so there would be real domination to maximize resource control.

They are working on it. Give them time. One gov't, one religion. Dark Ages, the sequel.

if religion was so good at controlling and manipulating it would be more successful than say the growth of the worlds corporate sector but alas it is not since ht catalyst to our troubles is greed and the lure of power

Who says there are not greedy, powerful, religious, tax-exempt corporations? How you define success and how the religious elite define success may vary.

As for the horrors of the past such as the inquisition or the crusades, that wasn't really the Church that was men using the Church to justify their own personal views.

You mean the horrors of the past, present, and future. Who says men don't use the church in 2011 to justify their own sick personal views?

You might have a leg to stand on if anything more then an infintesimal minority felt the same way about it as you. Alas that is not the case. By far the vast majority believe in religion as a good positive force.

Feelings and belief don't give you a leg to stand on. How many people believe that your brain fries like an egg when you smoke cannabis?

How many people believe we are a gov't of the people, by the people? Eight in 10 Americans support legalizing marijuana for medical use and nearly half favor decriminalizing the drug more generally. That won't give you a leg to stand on in court, and the politicians aren't rushing to do the will of the people. "Cannabis has no medicinal properties. That's our story and we're sticking to it."


Active member
It wasn't one...it was ten. These people should not be walking the streets. They could have easily killed many innocent people.


weed fiend
That's just it. Did the prosecution establish motive to inflict injury or death? Was injury or death attributed to the crimes? In either case, the punishment should reflect the crime. If life is all the state can give, (short of capitol punishment) I'd like to see those that intend injury or death be punished harsher than vandals. Even if vandals burn a church(es).


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Btw, burning churches is not the same as burning people but go ahead put violence against things on the same level as violence against people.

It was violence against people. There were 100 firefighters or more put in serious danger of their lives.