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Floods in QLD


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
poor poor qld, my bro is in GC and works in bris, hes off work for awhile now :S.

1st time i heard alex jones mentioned aswel, that guy is a living legend
we need more people like him in this world to topple the opposing forces at work to fuck the world. makes me sick the kinda shit the NWO has planned, even sicker the amount of sheep who still look to their government for help, and follow everyword the say, and take every mass media publication seriously.

but on a finer note, its really terrible wats happening to qld atm, i recently moved out of christchurch, NZ a week before the big earthquake fucked the city over.

I onli hope that our great mother gaia can turn this planet around for the better.


Alex Jones is great but still lacks the level of consciousness to bring about real change or put out the most accurate truth. His level of truth is still stuck in the 3rd density/dimensional paradigm. He is also very annoying and childish in some interviews and turns a lot of sensible ppl off the truth movement due to his immature behavior.
None the less...thanks Alex from the bottom of my heart for aiding in my waking up since 2001. Love u.


Are people actively seeking out others to trust on climate change while thousands of scientists in their field are being ignored?
Lord Pretentious No Brain Muncton is one of these heros, got the brain power of a squashed mosquito and his followers have less.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Yes Alex does come accross badly at times. I do believe his heart is in the right place. We need people of his bullish nature who wont take no for an answer also...

Clowd11: Have you watched the video? Piers Corbyn predicted all of this using the old and proven techniques (like the farmers almanac) of studying the sun and moons HUGE effects on our planet. C02 is like a mozzy bite compared to the majesty of our magnetosphere and solar winds etc. Your precious climate scientists have been proven wrong. Their predictions based on innaccurate computer models have all been PROVEN WRONG. This is no longer a theory. Awaken my friend :smoke:


The science is only wrong if you read brainwashing BS from muncton and the like.
The science is NOT wrong, the IPCC was cleared of ANY wrong doing from a recent investigation into the leaked emails. Meanwhile the earth keeps heating up. Last year was the 3rd hottest on record with the other ten hottest years recorded in the last 15 or so in history. Your theory of sun activety causing heat build up has been completely squashed due it being particulry quiet for the last 7 years. We know the oceans are warming up(ala la nina), we know the surface temps are rising, we know we are filling our atmosphere with BILLIONS of tons of crap daily. We know the glaciers are melting and we know the oceans are rising and acidifying.
Predicting weather events a year out is not a license to be correct about global warming.
As for that lying POS muncton, you really should find someone believeable when it comes to scientific fact.
Please read about your hero below..




These were the 1st three results in google, believe me, there are more.


Oh and here is a ripper,
Lord of Nothing says CO2 buildup is good and small nations should keep burning fossil fuels like there is no tomorrow.


And below is a link to an actual scientists blog in which he rips strips off the lying monckton. The self appointed lord of nothing is no less than a lying fuckwit bent on dirtying the waters and taking as many dumb fucks with him as possible, even though he has lied about every aspect of global warming.



New member
with all the wacky weather around the globe , the loctus plages the spontaneous decimation of several bird an fish speices at differnt ends of the earth we may just be witnessing the start of something big

heh maybe those mayans are right :s there calanda is still the most accurate on a global an cultural scale today
my dear old dad used to tell me about all this comeing to be, a old fella by the name of Nosrtadarmus (sp ? ) must have been in zen with the myans because hes seen all this a comeing as well !!
Kind Regards, FT...


could someone tell me which places are flooded? My uncles are in Sydney and i havent heard from them for a while... Do you know if they're safe?


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Yes the Mayans were experts at studying the cosmos and they knew about the power of the sun and moon on our planet.

The Hopi indians amongst many others have fortold of massive earth changes.

We will survive and prosper in the long term.

Clowd11: I didnt mention Monkton. The facts are that the best computer models have been proven woefully inaccurate. The predictions coming from the IPCC camp were for snowless winters. They were wrong. They have spent billions on this bullshit. How can their science be any good if they are consistently proven wrong by the facts and imperical data?

The subject at hand is Piers Corbyn and his accurate predictions, including the QLD floods... accurate predictions trump any fancy graphs and character assasination.

Please try and understand the IPCC is only interested in one thing. The end of any kind of democracy and the installation of an unelected one world government. Its all out in the open if you care to look...

Donald Mallard

el duck
could someone tell me which places are flooded? My uncles are in Sydney and i havent heard from them for a while... Do you know if they're safe?

sydney is fine terra , im sure your uncles are fine , give them a call ..

what a year guys ,
we are having less than usual at the moment with most of the action way south of us , we could use the break , seen a bit of rain this year ,, hasnt stopped really ...

my thoughts are with the southerners , sad storys coming to light and many trageties ..


Thanks man, i tried to call him but it seems like the phone is out of reach...
Just wait till summer comes i think it'll be worst than this winter, i notice lots of changes from 09 to this year. I just think it's weird noone's talking about it on the news like they did about the wars...


Yes the Mayans were experts at studying the cosmos and they knew about the power of the sun and moon on our planet.
But not much about rising temperatures and CO2 levels.

The Hopi indians amongst many others have fortold of massive earth changes.
It appears youd rather believe BS fairytales from ancient peoples instead of hard facts collected by scientists using accurate measurements. Cue the tinfoil hats.

Clowd11: I didnt mention Monkton. The facts are that the best computer models have been proven woefully inaccurate. The predictions coming from the IPCC camp were for snowless winters. They were wrong. They have spent billions on this bullshit. How can their science be any good if they are consistently proven wrong by the facts and imperical data?
The IPCC proven wrong? The IPCC is a collection agency for raw material, how the fuck can collecting temperature results be proven wrong. The modelling is for forecast or prediction and is never quoted as being correct due to the massive amount of inputs and influences that humans dont fully understand. You seem to be stuck on calling modelling a science then discredit science when modelling seems inaccurate, you need to start with the basics sunshine. Like why the earth is warming at the rate it is.

The subject at hand is Piers Corbyn and his accurate predictions, including the QLD floods... accurate predictions trump any fancy graphs and character assasination.
My grandma predicted the QLD floods too, does that make her a climate scientist? Maybe you should start blowing wind up her arse too.

Please try and understand the IPCC is only interested in one thing. The end of any kind of democracy and the installation of an unelected one world government. Its all out in the open if you care to look...
Tinfoil hats shouldnt be worn in electrical storms. So if the IPCC is lying about CC, why are we breaking temperature records year after year? Why are minimum temperatures increasing at double the maximum temperatures, why are we witnessing record heat waves?
Answer any one of these without conjuring up ancient indian spirits and you earn a cookie :dance013:

Your idea that the sun is responsible for climate change is laughable when you look at the facts, which i doubt you done or you refuse to believe scientists in the field.

Here, do yourself a favour


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Did your grandma predict the Russian heatwave and the Pakistani floods too?

The fact you dont think the sun is responsible for our climate is in my opinion very funny.

You obviously have not watched the video.

Humanity is waking up from a very deep sleep.

The problem with your 'fairy tales' is they are coming true.


Did your grandma predict the Russian heatwave and the Pakistani floods too?
Yep, she even predicted idiots like you would believe mayans and indians could foresee CO2 increases due to our use of fossil fuels.

The fact you dont think the sun is responsible for our climate is in my opinion very funny.
haha nice try.
I said the suns recent activety does not suggest the sun has influenced our warming planet as pointed out in that last website i posted.

You obviously have not watched the video.
Im not that easily fooled to base my whole assumption of CC on ONE video.

Humanity is waking up from a very deep sleep.
Nice catch phrase, but have we really been asleep? Id hate to see the amount shit we can pump into the atmosphere when we actually wake up and start moving.
Scientists have argued long and hard about what is going on, but unfortunately all it takes is one glossy video and facts are thrown out.

The problem with your 'fairy tales' is they are coming true.
What are my fairytales?
Do you know that if the earth was the size of a basket ball then our atmosphere would be represented by a coat of laquer? Do you realise the amount of shit we are pumping into the air? It makes me wonder about people who believe this has no impact on our planet.
Are these the fairytales you talk of?


Please guys, I thought this forum was about some poor bastards suffering in the floods. Maybe start another thread, for example, CLIMATE CHANGE THE TRUTH AND THE SCEPTICS>:tiphat:


Well-known member
Its astounding that people believe that the nations and industries that are causing the most planet-wide environmental damage and carbon emissions, are the ones who are creating the climate change conspiracy to begin with. Why would they do that?

These people are the ones who benefit most from people believing such conspiracy theories, because all they want is permission to continue making trillions of dollars from pumping shit into the atmosphere like they have for the last 50 years.

In all likelihood they created the conspiracy theory to dupe gullible people into conserving the status quo.

The truth is people have grown fat and comfortable with the consumerist way of life, and are too lazy to accept the necessity of change, at least until they're kicked fair up the arse. Until then, its easier on the conscience to subscribe to conspiracy theories than to accept that the way we live, all of us, is tantamount to fucking the planet. That's the reality.

The world's wealthiest nations and multinationals are ignoring climate change, not promulgating it as a means to oppress us. We do that by playing their economic rational game and believing the cospiracy theories they create. These are the people who buy up the patents for alternative energy sources and quash them. These are the people who invade countries for no reason other than to secure their supply of carbon rich fossil fuels.

Its glaringly obvious, but people prefer to live in a world of fiction and conspiracy, perhaps because the lives they lead - working in meaningless & unhealthy industries and watching intellectually underwhelming crap on television, creates an empty and mundane existence.

OK i'll get off my soapbox now, but c'mon....isn't it fucken obvious what's going on here? The climate change conspiracy theory is the real conspiracy. Shadows within shadows oh credulous one.


Please guys, I thought this forum was about some poor bastards suffering in the floods. Maybe start another thread, for example, CLIMATE CHANGE THE TRUTH AND THE SCEPTICS>:tiphat:

Thanks luvaduck it was and there are already threads in the den that have been done to death :)